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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. you can set a value to a Get? i would have thought that it would have been cube.rotation.x = 10
  2. you can do cube:GetRotation().z cube:GetRotation(1).z in lua right now...
  3. then if easiness are one of your goals then none of those are very good... I am just thinking about new people that come to LE that are not programmers... cannot beat the simplicity of Set/Get
  4. why is there a java icon on the documentation page? did i miss a meeting or something?
  5. I agree that does make it easier. Switching back and forth between lua and bmax has made me appreciate Set/Get versus StateEntity/EntityState. I just hope Josh keeps the flag parameter for global/local... seems silly to have a second one...
  6. youre thinking of changing the command structures for everyone based on 5 people that use C#? just saw your last message- nevermind!
  7. ok, just to clarify: the mesh is already colored and you are trying to set the height based on color or you are trying to assign a color to a vertex based on the height of the vertex?
  8. yes, thats why I asked how he was planning on choosing the vertices.
  9. changing vertex colors is easy in LE, but i guess the problem you may have is determining which specific vertex gets what color. How are you planning on determining this? Are you picking the vertices by a raycast or what? Or am I just misunderstanding what you are doing? Or are you trying to create a colored heightmap?
  10. macklebee


    thanks for the link... ive seen that Talon guy on other forums... he does amazing stuff.
  11. macklebee


    do those also create AO maps? Edit--- i see njob does... looks promising! in any case, how would you suggest making the grayscale heightmaps?
  12. I think what soamp is seeing is only in the editor... I tried his viper and oildrum scripts, and it appears that the memory usage of the editor slowly rises... I added this to the Update function of the oildrum script he provided: collectgarbage(collect) and it appears to have stopped the slow steady increase in memory usage. I tried just his script and the original viperscout script together and it continuously raised the memory usage. I just added that one garbage collection to the oildrum script's Update function and it halted the increase. It appears as long as there is one garbage collection in one of the Update functions that it will do the job. I haven't noticed this problem in bmax with lua scripts maybe because I perform garbage collection in bmax? I cannot speak for the other languages, but perhaps that's why it hasn't been an issue if you are using another language in conjuction with lua.
  13. really? you have to use two separate property lines to differ between global and local... and its like this for all of your entity OOP commands? seems like a global flag parameter would really cut down on the number of properties...
  14. how do you differ between global and local coordinates?
  15. <macklebee looks at his own project and wishes he could get a screenshot that looks half as nice fantastic as always NA... so are we going to have to wait for you to finish porting this to ps3 and xbox before we can play Hidden Dawn on PC?
  16. Well like I said, I haven't tested it for entityvisible command, but the collisiontype parameter for picks is a little misleading. Instead of that parameter setting what type of collisiontype you are looking for, its actually setting the collisiontype of the pick's raycast itself. So if you do not have the Collisions() response set for the entitytype you set for the raycast and what you set for the entity you are trying to capture, then it will fail.
  17. i havent tried it yet, but perhaps the issue is the collisiontype that you are setting the two individual entities is the problem? Are you setting these two entities to have a collisiontype? And perhaps the EntityVisible's collisiontype parameter is like the Pick's collisiontype parameter, whereas the collisiontype being set is really being applied to the raycast and not an actual filter for what types of entitytypes. This requires that the Collisions() response be set for the two entities if you expect a reaction.
  18. The previous SSAO was hnphan's... and it was used up until the second or so update release of 2.31. It should just require you to swap the files for the SSAO.frag and you should have the same effect as before.
  19. See here for the Newton SDK. and look into the LE Developer's SDK FTP Download site and download the SDK for LE2.12. Inside LE 2.12's BMX folder, the bmx code for making the phygen tool is in there.
  20. For leaves on a tree, i do not think a billboard is what you want to use. A billboard makes the image always face the camera... a leaf doesn't do that. You would want to use a plane mesh that has the leaf texture on it, and then use something like this for a material file: texture0="abstract::oak_leaf.dds" texture1="abstract::oak_leafdot3.dds" bumpscale=0.3 cullface=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_sway.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_sway.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag"
  21. you aren't seeing a difference between the SSDO from 2.31 and the SSAO inside 2.32 because they are both essentially the same file other than some lines that are commented out. From what I can tell the SSAO in 2.32 is the SSDO from 2.31, other than changes to number of raysegments and raylength.
  22. I had posted this for CopperCircle last week, but its gone now... First, unpack the shaders.pak, and change the mesh.vert to include these lines: #ifdef LW_BILLBOARD vertexcameraposition = (gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * mat[3]) + vec4(gl_Vertex.x,gl_Vertex.y*(buffersize.x/buffersize.y),0.0,0.0); #endif Place them after the sway if-defined statement right after the vertexcameraposition and before the textcoord0 statements: Here is an example billboard that you can drop in the editor: Note: Make sure you only have one mesh.vert inside your SDK or you cannot guarantee what file the engine will grab using the abstract file method.
  23. i had posted exactly how to do billboards last week but it was lost due to the reversion to a two week old forum... give me a sec and I will repost...
  24. Speaking of vertex coloring, you need to use it on your vegetation... the grass, leafy cover, and especially the "farn" ferns need to have the base of their models not moving (colored black) because they are attached to the ground. Then the rest of the vertices would be become lighter colors as you moved to the end of plant. Right now it looks like everything is kinda heaving and breathing... The overall looks great, but these little things are distracting from the overall feel of the Zone.
  25. thats an undocumented feature. what? you didn't know about that?
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