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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. why is the spacing in the example doc so large? kinda annoying that 15 lines of code take up a page and half and requires you to scroll down.. so is your goal to replace the wiki? will adding pics and vids to this documentation system actually be deducted from a person's total global upload quota?
  2. how can you use opengl commands in lua?
  3. I thought both of those just actually returned the height and width, not actually set them?
  4. yes, you would have to create a bitmap font if you wanted another font other than Arial9.
  5. I couldn't agree more... the knowledge and methods are what we need. The translation to a person's language of choice is a non-issue when we have so many people here in the community willing to help converting stuff all the time.
  6. If he does it in lua, then someone will complain that its not done in c++ or bmax or c# or delphi. I have made that argument as you have in the past and realized it was selfish on my part to even suggest to someone that is willing to do this for free to provide it in the language of my choice. Besides, I learned more from converting code than just copying and pasting. And he really wasn't asking what language he should do it in, but whether or not the community as a whole felt there was a need for a tutorial on this kind of advanced topics. And whether or not he should do it as a tutorial or blog (hence the name of the post). And I wholeheartedly agree that this kind of expertise/knowledge is not only beneficial but necessary if we expect the LE community as a whole to grow past just doing spinning cubes and sparse scenes with no game mechanics. Very few people here are in the position that NA is in to provide such insight, much less willing to provide a tutorial out of the goodness of his heart. Bottom line: if the information is there for everyone, there are enough people here that can translate his knowledge into other languages and I am sure they would be willing to do so. This is very much like requesting that there be a german section in the forum. There is no need when there are plenty of people willing and capable to translate. Naughty Alien's choice of program language should be whatever is most comfortable for him to supply the information through to us. Sorry NA for taking your post so far off topic that your questions are being lost. Yes, this community needs this type of advanced information and we would appreciate any help you can give, whether its in a blog or tutorial form.
  7. This was NA's language of choice... but whatever. And while I do appreciate the work Aggror is doing for the community, the level of expertise that NA is willing to provide is well above basic commands/ideas that one can do in lua. This is advanced stuff he is willing to give advice on that few people in this community can actually do in any language.
  8. Actually I use bmax and lua... but thats not the point. The point being that he is willing to do this out of the goodness of his heart and take time out of his life to provide us some very useful help, and his first response is for him to do it in another language not of his choice? Him giving you his insight and experience on these matters should be what you are wanting to get out of this... that alone will save you alot of work... Because right now, we do not have anyone else thats even willing to give us this kind of expertise, much less in a tutorial form. EDIT-- if it makes you happy, I will be more than willing to help you convert whatever you want to lua.
  9. I think thats being a little demanding, gordon. Bmaxer's have had to learn majority of the LE tuts by converting C++. I guess you are implying that c++'ers are too stupid to be able to convert the other way? Just kidding... besides it should not make a difference what language he uses, since the theory and methods should apply to all. And if he is willing to part some of his knowledge and expertise on the forum, one shouldn't be so unappreciative. Convert it to lua yourself. I would love to get NA's insights on navmesh creation, pathfinding, GUI/HUDs, animation, etc... Any language and delivery method that is the most comfortable for you NA would be my vote. Have you decided to do it as a blog or a PDF tut file? A PDF tut would be my recommendation on delivery method just so we could have something downloadable available for the next time the server craps out. +50 to NA for this!
  10. agreed... blide makes life so much easier
  11. yep DD, that was it! roland's font works just fine once the commas in the INI file were replaced with periods. I assume thats a OS/language thing that causes that?
  12. and what pray tell do you as a professional program your games in? please show some of your work, you pointless troll.
  13. if its not who i think it is, then its a scumbag pirate who doesn't get support
  14. wow... i know that post! i believe this was the person that was banned at one point? this was also the genius that decided he was going to program his LE game with Java... and then complained about lack of support...
  15. i thought that as well NA, so I had exported a test font as 256x512 and it worked just fine... its almost like Roland's ini file is wrong
  16. well the first thing I see is that you are saving mipmaps which you shouldn't do... but even that doesn't appear to fix your problem. What font is that Roland? Maybe someone can try to get that font to work. I just tried a font and it works just fine.
  17. just out of curiosity, have you set the Collisions response? The pick is only going to work if the collision response you set for static objects and also the raycast has been defined.
  18. have you tried SetZipStreamPassword("zip::pak_file_here.pak", "my_pw_here")? I dont know if it will work, but thats the format hinted at in the wiki...
  19. this post was resolved tyler... but the resolution was lost because the forum lost about two weeks of posts... he had forgotten he had a directional light in the scene.
  20. are you using lua object scripts in your project? or are you parsing your sbx file yourself and setting the water height? the environment_waterplane lua object works just fine for me... but you could check to see if your SBX file is saving the position correctly (where the Y value is the height of the water)
  21. no 2. n/a yes- for major upgrade; no for minor updates last time was $50... LE3.0 will probably be significantly more due to the amount of features being added. yes it can support any game style you wish to implement as long as you are willing to do the work... there is no CreateFPS() of CreateMMO() command. No, at this time LE cannot inherently do streaming levels/terrain. there is only one Editor. dunno what other editor you are referring to... you would be better implementing a 3rd party library like Raknet... LE's inherent network is still a WIP
  22. thats pretty much what Afecelis was using LE for... he might be worth contacting. Arch-vis
  23. sure... it can be for this discussion. I wasn't really focusing on the movement part but more on how the chain could be created so it could actually be moved...
  24. Looking at having a chain between two rotating cylinders and I am trying to figure out the best way to achieve this. I assume a joint, but how do you create the shape of the chain? Is this something where you would have to wait until runtime and load the individual links and create joints? and if so, how do you get it to follow a specific path? Ideas? Suggestions?
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