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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. looks very interesting Klepto... look forward on seeing more of this!
  2. if you say so... hmmm strange it doesn't happen to me...
  3. what youve never noticed this forum? possibly... but i do not know if Josh considers it a bug... his description of it basically is this is when the pick structure is first being created...
  4. there is a general programming board... and typically this only occurs on the first pick, so you could possibly make a small "hack" and perform a pick while the program is loading?
  5. there are alot of posts about this... and actually Josh created a model optimizer to help with this... btw, why do you put all of your posts in GD? there are obviously better places for your programming/modeling questions...
  6. sure... add the parallax shader to the mat file It works fine if your mat file is correct. If you open up the properties after the scaling, and click open the general tab and then click apply it will save the scale values into the sbx file. This will allow you to open the sbx later with the scaling correct. OR just scale the mesh by using the properties dialog in the first place... you have better control this way anyways.
  7. 1) you are using bumpmap shader but do not have a bumpmap texture 2) try using the alphatest shader this is my mat file: texture0="abstract::happyface.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" zsort=1 depthmask=0 specular=0.5 overlay=1 clamp0=1,1 castshadows=0 and 3) it also helps to make sure you actually have a file called 'deca_icon.dds'... I can only assume you were trying to use the decaL_icon.dds file that came with the download...
  8. other than playing with the mat file it works great! nice work Gandi!
  9. you need to add this to the beginning of your lua script: require("Scripts/linkedlist") otherwise you get an error because it doesn't recognize the function 'iterate'...
  10. try setting source1 = nil
  11. macklebee


    yep, i can confirm that... appears to only be an issue in the editor though... i cant reproduce it inside a bmax program... Edit--- cocopino- it occurs with or without DOF turned on...
  12. macklebee


    i personally think it would useable as it is right now since you could always just select it from the asset list on the rightside of the editor if you needed to move/rotate/scale it...
  13. macklebee


    that could work... it would mess up picks but it would work...
  14. macklebee


    yeah, I see what you are getting at... but isn't this what you would expect? Shouldn't 80 particles be more prevalent in the scene?
  15. macklebee


    The dummy mesh that I am referring to is the invisible mesh like what the lights and emitters use. Its just a small sphere so you have something to select in the editor with the mouse. He is taking the rotation and scale of this mesh and applying them to the decal plane that he created in code.
  16. macklebee


    ah good point... looks like the continuous emitter when the number of particles are set to 1 so... i guess i am confused... what are you suggesting is the problem? the fact that the oneshot emitter does all 80 particles at the same time?
  17. macklebee


    It doesn't show because its a one-shot when cyclemode is set to a 1 and it would already do the oneshot emitter by the time the game loads completely. You would have to set it up to only display say when you hit a key to see it. I don't know Andy... it appears to be doing exactly what its being telling to do... the only thing that seems strange is that the oneshot emitter seems brighter than the continuous emitter
  18. macklebee


    are you by chance still using 2.31? if so, try using the Group commands and see if that helps...
  19. hmmm... the version i had the other day the Editor had the UI option in the toolbar (even though it didn't work) and the one I just downloaded does not... Are you going to bring that option back to the Editor? Please, because the default color scheme of white is painful on the eyes.
  20. macklebee


    assuming he is creating the decal plane in code, I guess he is just taking the rotation and scale of the dummy mesh that he is selecting and copying those values to the decal plane...
  21. macklebee


    I think its going to depend on how he created the decal on whether clicking on it will make it selectable. Another method shown in the forum, used a premade plane model and that would have made the decal selectable. I assume gandi is making his decal via lua code inside an object script, so I don't think it will react when selected. Perhaps if 2.32 still had the ability to group entities together it would work? In any case gandi, this looks great. nice work as always!
  22. yes, that appears to have been included in this release.
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