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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Based on Josh's pdf, both you Gordon and cassius would get even better fps if you had them as separate models instead of one large mesh. I think what you guys should list for a comparison for darren is the number of polygons of your large meshes as compared to what he has for his large mesh. Also another thing darren should look at are the new settings for pointlight shadows. Perhaps changing that setting would help.
  2. macklebee

    Picking up speed

    so when can we expect our current lua game/object scripts to become unuseable due to these changes just like last time? and how is this going to effect bmax + lua?
  3. do you have raycasting in your program? the freeze might be caused by the first raycast pick... and apparently its a worse delay if its in debug mode... as for the controller acting weird (i havent looked at your code sorry), have you tried increases the iterations in the updatecontroller function? or have you tried increasing the mass of your controller to something like 100 (which means you will need to increase the maxaccelearation of the controller update to like 300-500)? I had this problem back in 2.2X, but i havent had this issue with recent versions... at least not with controller
  4. you need to look at this blog by Chris Paulson to understand the problem you are seeing.
  5. wasn't flexman having similar problems with shadows/models when he got to the extreme edges of his large map?
  6. macklebee


    lgui Josh, was the plan to ever release this to users? Or was this more for personal use? Or is it still a work in progress? the previous release that tyler had done was nice but had some hierarchy issues with some of the controls. Based on your two blog posts, it appeared that you had resolved these issues. Any chance we could get a revised release for 2.32?
  7. If you do not wish to use lua scripted objects, you do not have to do so. Just delete the scripts associated with entities but then you will lose the realtime effects that you get in the editor. Or if you wish for some reason to actually set all of the properties of your entities with code other than from lua scripts, then you could always just add this classname yourself by either creating an INI file that has the classname info or add this key to the lua script. Then you could loop thru your scene entities and create/load your entity and set its properties then finally free the editor model afterwards. But offhand I truly do not see why you wouldn't want to use the lua scripts to handle some of your entities properties, especially properties that will not change. But to each his own. If you wish to use some other method than what is currently available, then surely that is your responsibility to implement?
  8. not really useable in general... it appears this is for showing julio the physics problem and nothing more at the moment, though the scenegraph stuff looks pretty promising. But basically all other things are causing random crashes in the editor, so its not really worth trying to do anything in it other than to look at the stuff Josh mentioned above.
  9. strangely enough it works in the editor (kind of) via lua, but it doesn't work in bmax... even when the createdecal() is performed in a lua object script and loaded into a bmax program...
  10. no offense, but what is this and who are you? and why would anyone download an EXE from an unknown person?
  11. ah, ok. So GMF models will no longer have auto created PHY files? So even for static models like buildings and such we will need to have an OBJ version of the model? What kind of control? Like a selectable parameter that decides the type of PHY file like convex hull or collision tree? or control over dynamic versus static?
  12. Two questions: 1) Am I understanding this correctly that you are planning on removing GMF as the LE model format in place for OBJ? 2) Will these auto created PHY files be useable for dynamic interaction?
  13. These might be what you are looking for... http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Surfaces
  14. Also for more debugging info when using the ScriptEditor, run the program using the debug build (the ladybug next to the green run arrow). This will help give helpful hints where your problems might lie...
  15. When you say strange what do you mean? Are you saying it crashes? More than likely your camera is below the terrain for the arctic SBX file, so it will look strange. EDIT--ah... the terrain_arctic SBX has protected asset files so you will not be able to load that scene anywhere else except for inside the Editor.
  16. where are you trying to run this from? Inside the editor? There are basically three types of lua scripts for LE: 1) object scripts - look at the firepit.lua or environment_atmosphere.lua for examples of these scripts that set up properties for the models 2) game scripts - look at fpscontroller.lua or driver.lua as examples of scripts that can be ran inside the editor in conjunction with an editor's scene 3) standalone scripts (which is what I consider the above script) that should be saved in the LE SDK's root directory and ran from the ScriptEditor.exe that is in the root directory. See example01.lua and example02.lua. These scripts can also be ran by dragging and dropping the file ontop of the engine.exe file inside windows explorer. So save the example above into your LE SDK root folder and then run it from the ScriptEditor.exe (not from inside the Editor) and it should work.
  17. You are trying to use invalid fields/methods for your objects. The scene variable does not have a camera. The previous line was correct: camera=fw.main.camera. You are also doing the same thing with the Update and Render methods. You should be using fw:Update() and fw:Render(). Also remember that LUA is a case sensitive language, so "Scene" is not the same variable as "scene". require("scripts/constants/keycodes") --Register abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set graphics mode if Graphics(1024,768,0,60,0)==0 then Notify("Failed to set graphics mode.",1) return end -- Custom shutDown Variable ShutDown= false --Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it fw=CreateFramework() if fw==nil then Notify("Failed to initialize engine.",1) return end SetGlobalObject("framewerk",fw) scene=LoadScene("abstract::Test.sbx") camera=fw.main.camera camera:SetPositionf(0,2,-2) function ControlCamera() if KeyDown (KEY_W)==1 then MoveEntity (camera, Vec3(0,0,0.1)) end if KeyDown (KEY_S)==1 then MoveEntity (camera, Vec3(0,0,-0.1)) end if KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==1 then ShutDown=true end end while AppTerminate()==0 and ShutDown == false do fw:Update() fw:Render() ControlCamera() Flip(0) end
  18. B) that April Fool's joke just never gets old! good stuff!
  19. Use the editor and open up the deserthighway or train or tunnels or terrain_arctic SBX file from the Maps folder. Then click the gamecontroller icon from the toolbar and it will run the fpscontroller.lua script.
  20. thats not exactly true... the upgrade just wasn't going to be offered from the website anymore, but Josh said it was still going to be an available option.
  21. this is a joke right? ah... I get it... April Fool's Day... good one!
  22. Also, MG has a good starting point to use as reference here
  23. A combination of turning off the bodygravitymode and SetOmega seems to work just fine.
  24. yes thank you Joh. I was leaving out the conversion. I am also looking at being able to interact with not only loaded models but also meshes/bodies created through code. Take a look at this and let me know what you think. It works for the program I listed above, but perhaps there is a shortfall on how I am doing this or perhaps a better way? This allows me to move both the oildrum and the code-created cube. Function GetMeshModel:TBody(entity:TEntity) While entity <> Null If GetEntityClass(entity) = ENTITY_BODY Or GetEntityClass(entity) = ENTITY_MODEL Return TBody(entity) EndIf entity = entity.parent Wend EndFunction
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