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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. If you are a SDK owner then go this post and request access. Then you will be able to download the Delphi/Pascal/Purebasic header generator.
  2. First you download the sdk installer. Then you run the installer program to download the SDK. It gives the option to download 2.31 (which is the default). After you run the installer and everything is downloaded, look at the version.txt file. It will list the latest version inside. and I don't know why you expect that the installer would be updated every day? Feb 10th was the last time the installer was updated as far as I know...
  3. didn't do anything special... just opened the 3ds file in uu3d and changed the material name to key02, used the converted dds texture named as key02 as the diffuse bitmap, saved it as a gmf, and created a standard mat file for it... seemed to work just fine... havent tried the other formats, but perhaps there is an issue with one of them...
  4. you dont see the LE SDK menu when you click on this link?
  5. click on the downloads menu option at the top of the page... don't select any of the sub-options, just click downloads and you will see a link for the sdk since you are a registered owner
  6. i have a pretty good idea... well more than an idea...
  7. it is in the SDK's Tools folder
  8. one is coming soon... have not heard an official date yet, but will definitely be one of the first to buy...
  9. yep sorry Vetal... your post is not the place for me and him to bash each other... we can do that in his point and click game, if he ever finishes and releases it.
  10. really? you want to go that route? how many links to hundreds of posts do I need to put here from you starting the post complaining that something is a bug until someone or yourself points out that you were doing something wrong? And whatever you might think, I do not even consider myself a programmer much less hold myself ontop of some pedestal to think I am above asking for a LE feature or asking for help. But whatever... but nevertheless, I was just pointing out that just because its not an LE command doesn't mean I would call it a hack if it works.
  11. ah... ok thats what you meant... i thought you meant this... not a bad idea but a harem really wasnt going to be much help getting a game completed...
  12. i guess some of us dont consider having to program something we want as a "hack"... unlike people who think if its not a LE command then it must be a hack to get something done... or an LE bug when a command doesn't do exactly what they want, but rather it does exactly the way it is described to do...
  13. well thats why all games have the information on them of what the minimum/required specs are needed to play the game... and it wouldnt make a difference... people will still request it... just like they are going to request preSM2 once they have SM2 capabilities...
  14. I think the biggest thing to draw in a flood of developers and cash for Josh will be a release of a game. Its funny that the game about to be released using LE was basically created using 2.23 or 2.24 by someone who wasn't worried about some X feature capability that LE was missing or complained that lack of SM2 cards support would mean their game wouldn't grab a market share. And Vetal, the comment wasn't directed towards you but the rest of the people that continuously make this complaint. You would be surprised by how many people buy the engine then complain that it will not work on their old POS computer or the game they make will not run on their friends old POS computer. Surprisingly alot of people do not even look at the current requirements needed for LE before purchasing...
  15. yes... and for LE it is SM3 cards... but thats apparently not enough... so my point still stands...
  16. yes that model does look nice... good textures as well...
  17. Yes, but seriously majority of these lower end requests are not that. They are expecting to have LE graphics on these lower end cards. And when it doesn't, they will blame LE and Josh because it doesn't give them the results they see on high end cards. Also, where does it stop? if Josh gives support for these SM2 cards then someone is going to complain that they need something pre-SM2... it will never end.
  18. and my point is: You use the engine that fits your needs. You don't buy an engine without researching its capabilities and restrictions, then complain that it doesn't have X feature. These constant requests for things that the engine doesn't currently do is acceptable but when they turn into demands that imply they cannot make a game with LE unless it has X feature is ridiculous or that the missing X capability prevents them from getting a fair share of the "market" is just plain BS.
  19. sheesh... really? kinda defeats the purpose of even using LE if you want to make a game to run on a SM2 card... but whatever, as long as everyone else gets to request ridiculous things, I want LE to run on my old atari 1200... I just cant believe we aren't considering this market... its crazy to leave them out as possible users for my game
  20. really? it runs on top of your game's graphic window automatically?? hmmm mine doesn't do that...
  21. Are you trying to use these for LE? If so, you should just save them as .3dw and then convert to gmf using the 3dw2gmf converter located in the SDK's Tools folder. If you are using them for something else, perhaps if you could post your .3dw file and the .x file for review a solution may present itself...
  22. yes i thought so too when the steps were explained here
  23. he is referring to the command prompt that runs in the background showing all of the assets from the lua script being loaded...
  24. possibly a mipmap issue? hard to say without seeing the actual texture and model... you should attach example files that show this problem... what was the method that you used to create the textures?
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