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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. The editor already has a built in way to work from different project assets. The Options' Path tab has a setting for the Game Path. Change this to a directory where you have assets that you only want to use for a particular project, then hit the apply. Close the Editor then reopen the Editor, and you should see it just show the gmf's from your assets list. Make sure that you have at least the basic entities like the directional light, the shaders.pak, etc.. in this folder though...
  2. look at this post from the old forum: Atangeo
  3. they are for bmax users... do you program with bmax? i assume that you do not hence the question...
  4. are you moving the camera as well whenever the crouch is enabled? if you turn on the DeBugPhysics, I think you will see that it is working but you need to move the camera as well to the new crouched height. here is a simple game script to use in the editor that use the crouch... require("Scripts/constants/collision_const") require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") require("Scripts/LinkedList") require("Scripts/filesystem") require("Scripts/math/math") --Variables dx=0.0 dy=0.0 camerapitch=0.0 camerayaw=0.0 move=0.0 strafe=0.0 --Create a player controller controller=CreateController(1.8,0.45,0.25,45,0.8) controller:SetCollisionType(COLLISION_CHARACTER,0) controller:SetPositionf(0,2,0,0) controller:SetMass(10) controller:SetPosition(fw.main.camera.position) camerapitch=fw.main.camera.rotation.x camerayaw=fw.main.camera.rotation.y controller:Move(Vec3(0,-0.9,0)) crouch = 0 cameraheight=1.8 HideMouse() MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) FlushKeys() FlushMouse() local camera = fw.main.camera --main function while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do movespeed=6 movesmoothing=10 jump=KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)*6.0 if controller:IsAirborne()==1 then jump=0 movesmoothing=200 end --Camera look gx=Round(GraphicsWidth()/2) gy=Round(GraphicsHeight()/2) dx=Curve((MouseX()-gx)/4.0,dx,3.0/AppSpeed()) dy=Curve((MouseY()-gy)/4.0,dy,3.0/AppSpeed()) MoveMouse(gx,gy) camerapitch=camerapitch+dy camerayaw=camerayaw-dx camerapitch=math.min(camerapitch,90) camerapitch=math.max(camerapitch,-90) fw.main.camera:SetRotationf(camerapitch,camerayaw,0,1) --Player movement move=Curve( (KeyDown(KEY_W)-KeyDown(KEY_S))*movespeed,move,movesmoothing) strafe=Curve( (KeyDown(KEY_D)-KeyDown(KEY_A))*movespeed,strafe,movesmoothing) if KeyHit(KEY_C)==1 then if controller:IsCrouched()==1 then crouch=0 cameraheight=1.8 else crouch=1 cameraheight=0.8 end end --Update controller controller:Update(camerayaw,move,strafe,jump,40,10,crouch) fw:Update() --Position camera camera:SetPositionf(controller.position.x,controller.position.y+cameraheight,controller.position.z,1) fw:Render() Flip(0) end controller:Free() ShowMouse()
  5. macklebee


    i assume you meant point-and-click
  6. macklebee


    nice shader gandi! interesting game, looking forward to see the next steps. question: you have posted many times that you are not a fan of point-and-click style games, but it appears this game is a point-and-click? are you going to remove that feature and implement WASD movement?
  7. when you go to your profile, click on the 'EDIT MY PROFILE' button on the upper right hand side... then it will show your editable options... the bottom one highlighted in green from the above photo is the facebook settings..
  8. Turn on the 'Show Boxes' in the Options' Display tab of the Editor. That will show your bounding box.
  9. cool... so did that fix your issue?
  10. basically all lua commands use the same parameters as bmax... typically almost all the commands no matter what the language use the same parameters
  11. have to agree with Pixel... it lacks something... maybe its the effect of the bloom on everything making it washed out... I think perhaps just HDR without the bloom so you can actually see the sky's blue color might help... perhaps play with the ambient light setting as well...
  12. i would assume this is your problem:
  13. attach your font so we can see whats wrong with it... what Font are you using?
  14. What did you use to create your dds files? Whenever I open the diffuse file with the LE TextureTool is just crashes whenever you try to save it.
  15. suggest you do a clean install.
  16. If you are a SDK owner then you should get access to the forums by going to this post and following the instructions. To not get the access after being here for several months, you are missing out on alot of useful information.
  17. works fine for me... without seeing your code or stating what is in your app folder, can only guess what the problem could be...
  18. 1) where are you trying to do this at? in a standalone script or in a game script inside the Editor? 2) both have the keycode information, but engine_const has more info for buffers, entities, etc... try this code outside of the editor, by opening up the ScriptEditor located in the SDK directory and press play. works just fine for me... require("scripts/constants/engine_const") --Register abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set graphics mode if Graphics(1024,768)==0 then Notify("Failed to set graphics mode.",1) return end --Create framewerk object and set it to a global object so other scripts can access it fw=CreateFramework() if fw==nil then Notify("Failed to initialize engine.",1) return end fw.main.camera:SetPositionf(0,0,-2) light=CreateSpotLight(10) light:SetRotationf(45,55,0) light:SetPositionf(5,5,-5) material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") mesh=CreateCube() mesh:Paint(material) ground=CreateCube() ground:SetScalef(10.0,1.0,10.0) ground:SetPositionf(0.0,-2.0,0.0) ground:Paint(material) light=CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotationf(45,45,45) while AppTerminate()==0 do mesh:Turnf(AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5) if KeyDown (KEY_D)==1 then TurnEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,-.1,0)) end if KeyDown (KEY_A)==1 then TurnEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,.1,0)) end if KeyDown (KEY_W)==1 then MoveEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,0,.1)) end if KeyDown (KEY_S)==1 then MoveEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,0,-.1)) end if KeyDown (KEY_Q)==1 then MoveEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,.1,0)) end if KeyDown (KEY_Z)==1 then MoveEntity (fw.main.camera, Vec3(0,-.1,0)) end fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  19. Theres the Getting Started with Lua pdf file thats located on the homepage's tutorial page, and there are the example scripts that come with LE. Those are the best sources of info to learn how to use LE's lua implementation.
  20. do you have this in your script? require("scripts/constants/engine_const")
  21. hmmm weird... your code just crashes my editor no matter what... but in any case, why are you re-inventing the wheel? the emitter entity that comes with the editor has all of the options that you are setting and you dont even have to touch the script... just change the properties dialog to the settings you want...
  22. hehe... surely he is doing that!
  23. have you created your own lua-gluefunctions.bmx file? I would suggest doing that as well. SuperStrict Framework leadwerks.engine Import "C:\Program files\Leadwerks Engine SDK231\BMX\Framework\Framework.bmx" Import lugi.generator AppTitle:String = "Create Lua Functions" generateGlueCode("lua-gluefunctions.bmx") Notify("All Done", 0) End
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