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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. check the class of the picked entity
  2. havent tried it for the camera but it works when models are parented to each other and you press a button to unparent them with nil... without seeing the whole code, can only guess what the problem would be...
  3. i assume just like with everything in lua when you want to remove it, you would need to set the parent to nil
  4. not when bmax wouldn't be an option... and many times the script that converts the text colors sometimes crashes or it bogs down my computer when i click on a post that has alot of code on it...
  5. or the ability to even turn it off would be better.
  6. i think someone else has mentioned this... but is it possible to change the color of links inside the leadwerks wideskin? right now they basically look the same as regular text since they are the same color and have no underline. btw, the new skin looks great. nice work.
  7. i get the same error message but nothing that points to fw.render()... the debug option in blide points to josh's emitter.bmx...
  8. well this is interesting... wh1sper had reported the same bug for c++ on the 6th inside the tracker. but you said it works now for you in c++? did this just get fixed on the c++ side?
  9. well i assume that shows there's an issue between lua's framework and bmax framework then? something that would affect emitters?
  10. i assume you are not referring to this: have you tried reducing the maxacceleration on the controller? or increasing the number of iterations for the controller? perhaps set swept collisions on the objects you are having issues with?
  11. will these be eventually exposed in lua?
  12. you are not alone... even a simple emitter entity placed into an Editor scene and then loaded into a bmax program causes a crash now. I assume it has to do with this statement from Josh's blog: whatever that means
  13. The problem is not the enumeration but the fact you are trying to determine the source state from something other than a source. You need to load a sound, create a source, play the source, then check the state of the source.
  14. thats because it needs the script to decide what to do with the key... it would be easier just to set it with the script with the command SetModelLODDistance and not bother with ini files
  15. In the way the script is written, no the sound key in the ini file is not being used. It could have been if the object keys had been set for it inside the script. But if you open the properties dialog for the oildrum, you will see that the mass is being set by the ini file.
  16. macklebee


    aye, I have recently been playing with your previous release of the lua gui. So far, it works pretty decent. Also noticed the frame.lua script inside the recent update and have tried to use it to no avail. Look forward to seeing more information on this.
  17. see. i told you one day you'd make something pretty.
  18. just out of curiosity, did you try creating the baked texture at a larger resolution? the default you are using is 512x512... seems kind of small for detailed images
  19. what do you have for a MAT file? you need the skin shader. texture0="abstract::yourtexture.dds" texture1="abstract::yourtexturedot3.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_skin.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_skin.vert"
  20. Didn't say it would not be useful. Just asking why someone would only have a model in gmf when gmf is not inherently made by any modeling app.
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