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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. why would you only have a model in gmf? nothing out there inherently makes gmf from modeling? though I agree that the tool would be helpful and would cut out the need for saving as OBJ and adding another step to model creation.
  2. ok, makes sense. thanks for the video!
  3. wow... then i suggest you dont use any layers then until you get it.
  4. nice work niosop so if i understand correctly the whole retopo part is dependent on creating that initial plane and removing its vertices?
  5. yep, it looks like it according to what he wrote in the previous blog entry in the comments section: Previous blog entry
  6. sure... you will just need to program for it along with doing the animation for the model...
  7. He meant to report the errors here... and the issue with the double letters has been reported.
  8. or just use those two lines like you have them and then make an INI text file for each of your models standard settings that would be found inside the class script/property dialog: collisiontype = "1" mass = "10.0" etc... etc... and then if you create a new instance of the object in a new scene it will automatically load these values.
  9. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetKey("collisiontype","1") end
  10. thats what a "clean" install does just install the different versions to other SDK directories... like SDK 2.28 goes into a LESDK2.28 folder, 2.23 goes into a LESDK2.23 folder, etc...
  11. i dunno about what the numerical equivalent of alpha would be... does it give the same result?
  12. I just pointed out in that instance self = object and in the manner that he was using it, self would work.
  13. LE Tetris II? whats the deciding factor for which shadow map a geometry will be stored to? is this something we will have to set ourselves per entity or will it automatically know by PHY or collsiontype?
  14. i think he meant that in past tense... like the framework implementation before could have had a better design
  15. texture0="abstract::dirt_decal_001_c.dds" blend=alpha depthmask=0 zsort=1 overlay=1 this is the entire mat file just like i posted above... i assume you still had a shader reference?
  16. does your dirt_decals still have shader info? if so, remove it.
  17. works for me... the dirt_decals are setup as diffuse bitmaps in uu3d and my dirt_decals are set just like i showed above...
  18. ok i see what you are saying... that looks like another surface ontop of the wall surface... so i assume you could do just like the hydro scene does... it has a number two laying ontop of the concrete wall... the number two material has this: texture0="abstract::lettering02.dds" texture1="abstract::lettering02dot3.dds" blend=alpha depthmask=0 zsort=1 overlay=1 where its blending and doing the overlay... im not sure about what you want to use on the mapping in your app tho... i would assume that you would just map that texture just like a normal diffuse and not as a opacity map.
  19. dont worry im sure they are envious of the "sex machine"
  20. are you referring to taking advantage of the transparency or setting the specular from a bumpmap?
  21. yeah thats a good question... i would hope so since he wrote about it in the LUG
  22. well, I assume he has at least one target linked or yes, his script will not work. But your statement above suggested that he needed 7 other targets or the script would not work at all...
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