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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. The self = object, so that will work. Also, the 'target ~= nil' check is there so he doesn't need all 8 targets... and actually now that this is a single state, the only reason i could see why you would need to set the target is if you are trying to gather info from the target itself. If you are just setting a global variable that the lights respond to, then no reason to even use linking... this is basic generator script thats not giving a method to toggle the FuseActive variable (i will let Aggror do that) require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) FuseActive = 1 end and this is the basic lights script: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.light = CreatePointLight(10,model) HideEntity(object.light) function object:Render() if FuseActive==1 then ShowEntity(object.light) else HideEntity(object.light) end end end you can test it by opening the 'generator' script and just changing the value of FuseActive and saving the script... you will see the light go on and off... you may have to position the object.light...
  2. perhaps you are referring to the items available in the Downloads? not sure what packs you are referring to...
  3. it does... i don't know what lumooja is talking about... i have two entity scripts that prove that a variable can be global between two different models and is actually global to the lua state. first entity script: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:Render() if variable == 1 then object.box = CreateCube(model) end end end and the second entity script: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) variable = 1 end as soon as you place the second model into the scene it will create a cube on the first model
  4. are you using clamp? or perhaps there is a material being used that has this as a default? dunno...
  5. then i guess he just picked what was given without checking?
  6. ah... i knew i had read that somewhere...
  7. i think he is just using the new evaluation demo
  8. perhaps he has other projects that have nothing to do with you and likes bmax?
  9. bah why are you bothering to post?
  10. are you talking about maxgui? if so you need to import the maxgui... Import maxgui.drivers MyFirstWindow:TGadget=CreateWindow("My Window Title is Hello World", 200,200,320,240) SetGadgetPixmap(MyFirstWindow, LoadPixmapPNG("myicon.png"), GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) Repeat WaitEvent() Until EventID()=EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE End
  11. ah interesting... hmmm... must be something different in the demo version that would require that... you don't have to do that in the licensed version...
  12. Open the gmf's with the modelviewer and make sure that each surface has a material applied. If its missing the material, then yes you are doing something wrong with your exporting. If it does have a material listed, then more than likely you are missing your mat file for the model's textures. Every texture used on a model needs a MAT file. The MAT file indicates what textures and what shaders to use.
  13. offhand, i would assume the demo doesn't support custom modules? you should post this question in the bmax forums and ask if the demo supports using 3rd party modules or not...
  14. hmmm... will LE work inside the demo version of Bmax? Ive never tried it... do you not have licensed version of bmax? perhaps Josh can say if the bmax demo will work with LE...
  15. the code works just fine for me... did you copy the BMAX mod folder from the LE SDK directory into the Blitzmax mod folder?
  16. no its appreciated. MG is a horrible boss and never says anything nice. so thank you...
  17. hehe... yes! I will take credit for MG's work. actually im just MG's peon employee of his company DogSick Productions... but its nice to finally get recognized... he is very mean to his employees and tends to yell alot at me...
  18. If you are at the point of doing presentations for a client, you are more than likely past the need for this example. This is a simple basic example to help new people get a simple scene loaded.
  19. where is this? any info for this?
  20. what are the models original format? OBJ, X, 3DS, DAE? What are you using to convert? What options are you using when converting? Ive personally never seen anything like those pictures, but I have seen issues whenever the normals, binormals, and tangents were not being created during the conversion. The old converter for 3DWS would do this for any model that had more than texture applied. If you open up the model with the modelviewer, does each surface list normals, texcoords, binormals, tangents, and triangles? Also do you have anyway with your modeling program to check which direction the normals are facing?
  21. yeah thats pretty much what it looks like...
  22. are you using this in a gamescript or an entity script? I am asking because 'metal01_1' looks like the name of the entity and not actually an entity... i would put that code in an entity script for the metal01 gmf inside the object:Render() function... of course changing it from metal01_1 to object.model Also it should be: PointEntity(object.model,fw.main.camera,1, 0.01) the other way is trying to point the camera at the other entity
  23. select all of your code and click the '<>' symbol
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