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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. no problem glad i could help... also just confirmed something with length of directory names for choosing the location where the project will be created... It sometimes truncates the name or removes a letter from a folder whose name is longer than 8 characters... For example, I tried to create my project in 'C:/GrassError/' and it create the project inside a new folder at 'C:/GrasError/' weird... as another test, I created the folder 'c:/thisisatestfolder' and my project name was 'HelloRoland'. It created the project without truncating the folder, but then it created my project folder with the name 'HeloRoland'... missing an L in hello??
  2. it appears there are some issues with any paths that have spaces? or anything with longer than 8 characters for a folder name? i am getting weird folders... It will not create a folder in my desktop folder, but it truncates part of my name and creates a new folder with the game directory in it? Also, when I can get it to create a folder, using the basic bmx, it places this inside the bmx file: RegisterAbstractPath( "C:/rimfrost/Leadwerks" ) instead of what I said was my SDK folder.... This is because you have hardcoded that into the basic.bmx code instead of using the "$(MediaDir)" testing the next example... Edit-- whenever you click the BMAX configuration it only shows LUA and Framework as possible choices. But if select BMAX, then close and reopen the ProjectWizard, it will show BASIC as a possible choice as well. The rest of the choices appear to work just fine... other than to point out that the bmax examples use framewOrk and not framewErk as listed in the project options...
  3. Also, there is a slight difference in file size between the one that comes in the tutorial's zip file and the SDK's. SDK's oildrum.PHY = 124 bytes Tut's oildrum.PHY = 120 bytes
  4. well I tested it as well before I posted. I renamed the SDK's oildrum.PHY file and copied the PHY file from the tut's zip into my SDK's folder. Opened the editor and place an oildrum inside. The oildrum did not fall. I deleted the PHY file and renamed the original PHY file back to oildrum.PHY. Restarted the editor and the oildrum fell.
  5. well, I don't get that specific error, but the issue is because thats a protected asset in the private folder. These items cannot be used in your own programs unless you purchase them. Same goes for the viperscout. There is a file in the Private folder called: dexsoft-games.txt which states: EDIT--dangit MG
  6. Where did you get the drum gmf from? the supplied zip file? or the SDK? if you are using the oildrum from the tut's zip file, then that is probably your issue. The PHY files have changed since that tutorial was made. Copy the oildrum.PHY file from the SDK's Models/Props/Oildrum folder and overwrite the PHY file you are using in your tutorial example and it should fall now.
  7. if KeyHit(KEY_K)==1 then if showimage==0 then AddHook("Flip",DrawOverlay) showimage=1 else RemoveHook("Flip",DrawOverlay) showimage=0 end end something similar to this is what i am using...
  8. are you using the Fliphook for an object script? or are you just talking about in a gamescript?
  9. youre parenting the item you are creating to itself? shouldn't that be: TVehicle veh=CreateVehicle(car)
  10. i can only assume that you are scripting in your sleep now...
  11. well, we found the same issue about a month ago if i remember and we talked about this in a PM... i assume you changed it then
  12. hmmm... well i literally had just updated before i posted that and 0.005 was the value that was written in the lua script. And 0.05 worked fine for me using the above script and the desert highway map... but perhaps its something that will need to be tested on various systems or maps to confirm... dunno
  13. i think the standard line is: class.roadoffset=0.005 and this setting works just fine: class.roadoffset=0.05
  14. Where did you put the mesh_shader.frag file? It needs to be in the actual shaders/mesh folder to work correctly. You may need to unzip the shaders.pak file if you haven't already. Afterward, you can zip the shaders folder back into a pak file if you wish.
  15. actually look at this post... i think this might be the issue
  16. perhaps you could do something with ForEachEntityInAABBDo() and your own defined function? or perhaps some kind of pick command where it lets you set what collision types affect the ray test? unfortunately, the radius parameter doesn't work and has to be set at zero...
  17. its in that same post... well essentially... once you can get the scene's child, terrain, you should be able to use getkey to get the resolution and meterpertile...
  18. X & Y, masterxilo explains this...
  19. you might want to look at this post... perhaps that will help...
  20. what is the actual texture being called upon inside the gmf? if you open it in modelviewer, what does it say the material name is?
  21. EntityOrder but it doesn't appear to be in use in the class or road_node script.
  22. ramble much? in any case, if you wish to wait for more "proper" documentation, that is your decision. Whenever you are needing help with something just post an example of what you are having trouble with, and I am sure someone who took the time to learn will be more than happy to help.
  23. i think you can import NIF files into blender then export it to something more common like OBJ, X, 3DS... etc... then from there you can just use one of the converters that are available or use Ultimate Unwrap 3D to convert to GMF
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