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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Yes, it appears that FreeFramework was the cause of the error. If you look at the engine.log, it appears when the second CreateFramework is called it frees/deletes the entities in the other scene. I guess if you wanted to use FreeFramework you would need to 'manually' loop thru all of the scene entities and free them, then free the framework to avoid that error.
  2. What your asking for needs to be better defined. The 'Getting started' document helps understand some of the basics functions that are part of the entity scripts. The existing scripts are examples of how to use those functions. You can make the script do whatever you want. There's no way anyone can make it so you just have all the possible scenarios that you could possibly make with the entity scripts. If you at least try and then have a problem, people here are more than happy to help explain how to do something. You stated that you have been using lua for a year. I have been using it for exactly a month and a half. I learned and am still learning lua by at least trying.
  3. probably will not help, but have you updated your drivers?
  4. hmmm... i must have missed the large vegetable fields in crysis? <going to play crysis and look for fields of squash and pumpkins>
  5. i can do that right now by commenting out the CreateFramework()... it will load the new scene into the existing scene... so it appears that CreateFramework is freeing everything...
  6. actually after looking at the engine.log, when you load a new scene it automatically frees the previous scene's model classes and deletes the gmf's... so i don't know if you necessarily need to free the framework or loop thru the scene entities and remove them
  7. i dont think this is a bug. I can get rid of this error just by commenting out one line: --FreeFramework(fw) my guess is that when you free the framework it will cause issues with items that still exist that use the 'fw'... so i assume you need a way to free all of the scene's entities first before you free the framework.
  8. actually gordon, I am not getting that error at all when i run the script and switch maps...
  9. are you saying this code causes that error? in any case, that error is telling you exactly where the problem is: the environment_atmosphere lua script on line 42. fw.renderer:SetBackgroundMode(1) not familiar with the backgroundmode... but now the framework commands are built into lua... so any of the commands in the atmosphere file that use the 'fw.renderer' could be removed and just replaced with the command itself... for example: fw.renderer.SetSkybox(nil) would become: SetSkybox(nil)
  10. Naughty Alien has an impressive game made with LE that should be released in a couple of months... just from talking to him about what he has been able to accomplish, it should be a very nice flagship game for LE to promote.
  11. yeah... i was just trying to avoid having to add yet another step in model creation...
  12. dont know i will play around with the different available output formats and see if i have any luck... i was just using OBJ format for the obvious reason that you have OBJ to make a dynamic PHY body...
  13. nope... at least the 2.5 version doesn't... and neither does 3dws nor silo...
  14. yeah, i guess the question is what specific formats do support hierarchies... <googles>
  15. You can control what gets loaded thru code/properties selection. The only reason using a dummy mesh makes any sense is because he apparently doesn't have a base model that will always be present no matter what room is loaded. I was thinking he had an actual house model, then he was just trying to determine if he wanted to load a basement as well. But his approach works with the way he has all of the things divided up... where there is no one specific model that will always be present.
  16. ah... i see. you are using a dummy mesh/pivot, then deciding which rooms you want to load... so there is no specific base model that will be always there no matter which room/area you load? ok... i think i follow you now... I was under the impression that you were loading a house model then just trying to determine whether or not to load a basement...
  17. yes... thats exactly what i mean... no reason to use a dummy mesh when you already have a perfectly good model mesh.. or use the house as the foundation... makes no difference...
  18. ahh... i missed the fact he wasn't using a controller... sorry, victor, my reply may have been misleading.
  19. interesting aggror... but there's no reason to use an extra object file. just have your entire house model put together with all the rooms... determine where you want a common pivot/origin for all of the room models. export them individually with the offset built in... then in the main house model's script, just add code to load the extra rooms as needed.
  20. no problem... glad I could be of some assistance. And the same thing is basically being done in the lua scripts as well. The 'Getting Started with LUA' also shows the basic functions that come with class.lua file that you list in your model script, 'require("scripts/class")'. just some of the standard functions you can call in your model's script: class:InitDialog(grid) - to add your own properties in the dialog class:CreateObject(model) - to add your own code to control the behavior or change properties of your model object:GetKey() - get specific keys/values associated with your model object:SetKey() - set specific keys/values associated with your model object:Render() - this is called any time the model is being rendered, so you can put specific code in here that only needs to occur when the model is being rendered etc... etc... You can also create your own functions as well, as long as you create a call for that function.
  21. unfortunately, neither one of my modeling apps allow me to export to fbx... but i havent tried loading it in uu3d and saving it as a fbx file... then i assume i will need to use your converter... hmmm... looks like i finally get to try it out! thanks for the suggestion. hope it works (assuming uu3d doesn't convert it to one mesh when going to fbx as well)
  22. agree... you dont need to know how the background stuff is working to be able to use lua scripts...
  23. when you say make it move... do you mean something like make it spin? well, some of the lua is documented... josh has been updating things as he goes... if you open the script editor and click the help menu>Help or press F1 it will bring up the basic lua script wiki documentation. Also, the Entities has lua commands listed. the following code just allows your model to have the very basic accessible properties: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) if you have that alone saved in your model's lua script it will allow you to access the standard properties like color, material, physics, etc... You can either right-click on the model thats listed in the right panel of the editor or select the model in the scene and press Alt+Enter to open up this property dialog.
  24. what parts are you having difficulty with? the gamescripts or just the model's scripts?
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