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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. have you set the collision/entity type for the model?
  2. You need to create MAT files for all of your textures. The MAT files contain what textures/shaders are assigned to the model. The MAT file should have the same name as the texture assigned in your model. So for example, if your model's texture was mytexture.dds, then your MAT file would be mytexture.MAT. edit- also check in the modelviewer that your gmf model even has a material assigned to it... one of the first issues everyone has is getting their material/texture assigned properly in their model.
  3. They are only available to registered SDK owners... if you are a registered SDK owner, then see this post. The only forums open to the public are General Discussion, Showcase, and 3DWS.
  4. yeah at some point the properties box would get a little too unwieldy with all of the options i would guess... but actually, i think there might be an issue with doing it this way... it doesn't appear that the PHY file gets loaded when you load a gmf via a script... hmmm... --EDIT-- ok it does... you just need to set the collisiontype of the child...
  5. ah.. ok... i was wondering what that statement was about.. at least I hope he isn't using a dummy mesh then loading the all the rooms with lua... hopefully that code is the lua script for the actual house model. actually if he is doing it the way i think he is with each model having a common pivot/origin to each other, then it would make loading the extra room models easy... perhaps you could even set up a property dialog to determine which rooms get loaded... that way you could have many different house configurations but only actually have one common script. well seems like it would be easier to just have the house and basement as one model... but if he was going to expand on that script with like i mentioned with the properties dialog, he could decide what else gets loaded with the main house model...
  6. A child hides whenever the parent hides but the parent doesn't hide when the child is hidden. And this is an actual model with its own PHY body, not some primitive being constructed via code that requires a dummy mesh to be used for selection. When the parent/child is hidden so is its phy body.
  7. from what i gather he is using a common pivot point for the rooms... so just set the parent and be done with it... no reason to set a position in the update
  8. for local coordinates of the parent object.basement:SetParent(object.model,0) for global coordinates: object.basement:SetParent(object.model,1)
  9. self.basement works just fine (even though self refers to class in this case)... but the parent needs to be object.model...
  10. try this: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.basement=LoadModel("abstract::matt_house_basement.gmf") object.basement:SetParent(object.model,0) function object:Free(model) self.super:Free() end end
  11. the best documentation currently is to look at the existing model scripts and the game scripts
  12. ok... how is that accomplished? ive tried in hexagon, silo, and uu3d to put multiple meshes in one file and no matter what it still is converted to one mesh...
  13. Looking at how the windmill.gmf is containing three separate meshes, with the windmill-base as the parent. How was this accomplished? Whenever I convert anything into gmf it just makes it one mesh. Using uu3d, I see that my file has two groups like I expected, but when saving as gmf it just makes it into one mesh. Also tried the ob2gmf converter as well and got the same result...
  14. you have probably already done this... but have you looked at the terrain shaders? sorry.. not much help on shader coding...
  15. looks nice gandi... what kind of fps hit are you getting with this? meaning whats your fps without the water and whats your fps with the water?
  16. or better yet to get rid of the black background of the bitmap font... SetBlend(1) SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1)) DrawText("Hello World", 10, 50) SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1)) SetBlend(0)
  17. its doing exactly what you are telling it to do... you need to set the color back after drawing the text. SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 0, 0)) DrawText("Hello World", 10, 50) SetColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1))
  18. Not to point out the obvious again... but you cannot code with the evaluation. So me telling you that what you posted will work or not is the same as me telling you that framework works just fine because several people are using it. Either way you have no way of knowing it actually works until you actually are a licensed user... or a pirated user. It does work and it works very well and once you get the SDK and get registered on the forum, you will see plenty of examples of it in the private forums. And if you have any problems, everyone here usually jumps right in and helps out.
  19. LE will probably never have DX11 unless Josh goes back on what he has always stated. One of the goals for LE is to be cross-platform compatible, which means OpenGL. --EDIT- not all 3dws users are LE users and vice versa...
  20. yeah using the SetTerrainTextureScale after the scene is loaded would prevent the vegetation coloring from working because its already set by the original size of the terrain texture... a hack way to get around that for the moment until Josh fixes this bug/omission is to manually edit the SBX file before running your program. Remember to remove SetTerrainTextureScale from your program if you do it this way. Just open up the SBX in notepad and edit the texturescale# of the particular texture# in question to match the resolution... for example: Terrain { altitude=100.000000 resolution=1024 meterspertile=2.00000000 hiddentiles=0 texture0="terrain_desert_rockwall.dds" bumpmap0="terrain_desert_rockwalldot3.dds" texturefit0=1 texturescale0=1.000 becomes: Terrain { altitude=100.000000 resolution=1024 meterspertile=2.00000000 hiddentiles=0 texture0="terrain_desert_rockwall.dds" bumpmap0="terrain_desert_rockwalldot3.dds" texturefit0=1 texturescale0=1024 and then run your program and the scale and vegetation coloring should work. Its a hack until Josh fixes it, but it works. --edit- it actually may need to be set to resolution X meterspertile... so in this case, 1024 X 2 = 2048... its hard to tell with the textures i have...
  21. perhaps you can use SetTerrainTextureScale to fix it?
  22. well does the entire model have this inverted look or just that area you showed in the picture? im sure there is a way to check/invert normals in 3dsmax... there are plenty of users here they can probably tell you how to do it as well... or if you trust someone enough that has uu3d, they could always fix it for you...
  23. try it as TMesh and LoadMesh EDIT--is this model your entire scene? so you are importing one giant model that has several models built in it? this more than likely will not fix your problem then... you should fix the normals of that model in your modeling app or with uu3d
  24. looks like the normals are inverted... weird.
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