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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. and you cant code with the evaluation anyways, so I don't know how us giving you specific lines of code will help alleviate your concern on whether or not framework works... hence my questioning tone...
  2. youve hurt my feelings. im not going to proofread your book any more.
  3. these seem to be very specific hypothetical questions you are asking when all you have is supposedly the evaluation... hmmm. Trust me when I tell you that framework works just fine, most people here use it. If you were a registered SDK user, you would see several examples of it in the private forums.
  4. yep there is a connection since they are essentially the same with only slight differences. but since you supposedly only have the evaluation it doesn't matter.
  5. you need to set the garbage collection mode to manual... Framework leadwerks.engine Import "framework.bmx" GCSetMode(2) RegisterAbstractPath AppDir
  6. DrawText (and all 2D things) need to be right before Flip.
  7. If you look at the wiki you will see that it gives the commands for not only lua but other languages as well. Currently the framework commands are built in the dll. But these are not available for your use with the evaluation example.
  8. Without an example code showing this error, its hard to give a solution. Like I said, I placed your snippets directly into an existing program and I am not getting this error no matter how many times I create/destroy a plane, or drawtext, or what the mode the stats are set at...
  9. well offhand i don't see how what you posted for the plane has anything to do with the drawtext? Nor do I see any issues with the drawtext other than the fact that you are basically drawing them on top of each other and over the top of the Stats... I placed both snippets in a program and have not had any issues. So I can only guess that maybe there is another issue inside your program that is causing this. Without an example though, we can only guess. On another note, you may want to actually space out your text so they are not writing over the top of each other and the stats... Local Vec:TVec3 = Vec3(10, 10, 10) Local text:String = "camera" DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 0, 100) DrawText(text + vec.x + vec.z, 0, 120) DrawText(text + vec.x, 0, 140) DrawText(text + vec.z, 0, 160)
  10. nice work. Very generous of you to devote so much time and effort to this. +1 to you sir.
  11. yes. very true Aggror. I think people are confusing game scripts with scripted properties for an entity. His code above worked just fine, except that the PROPERTY_STRING does not appear to have a default option, so you need to set the default property when you create the class. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetKey("Classname","room") object.model:SetKey("tipo","whatever") end function class:InitDialog(grid) self.super:InitDialog(grid) group=grid:AddGroup("room") group:AddProperty("Classname", PROPERTY_STRING ) group:AddProperty("tipo",PROPERTY_STRING ) group:Expand(1) end
  12. I assume its using DebugSceneGraph.Which according to the wiki: Now how you can make groups in the editor, I am not sure. The older sandbox let you do this inside the Scene list... perhaps you have to do it by lua code now?
  13. EDIT- MG's right, Paul's post is not the place to discuss this.
  14. I think its more than some people just dont think we need to boost your ego to ridiculous proportions by using that mess you call gamelib. And if I remember correctly, you were the one that dropped support for gamelib. Why would any of us update your gamelib for bmax? Your constant advertisement and answer to everything is to use gamelib. You didn't invent code lumooja so stop acting like anything anyone else contributes is not up to par with gamelib.
  15. MG and Pixel both have used DEMs to create terrains with good results... but maybe if either would be oh so gracious enuff to give a small tut on how they acheived such good results... hint hint
  16. less talk gimpy more modeling! get back to work!
  17. I like the concept and its very generous of you to take the time and even open yourself to the inevitable onslaught of questions. Perhaps just focus on LUA since its the common language that most of us will be using alongside whatever other language. As for the dexsoft models, eh... actually it would apply to basically any model... the problem is there are so many different possible conversion methods... so do you just focus on the model after its been converted to gmf or do you try to cover all of the conversion processes?
  18. do you own silo or are you using the trial version? perhaps the trial version has some limitations for saving... I dont know its been quite awhile since i used silo... but here is your banana with material added in the gmf... i used uu3d banana.gmf
  19. well just guessing that the SetKey function is not actually setting the value, so when you do the getkey and doesn't find a key/value for idle_start, it will use the default value... easy way to confirm this is to not use a default value object.framestart = object:GetKey("idle_start") look at how environment_atmosphere.lua file sets the key/values initially then uses the getkey to grab the value based on the key
  20. that sound is copyrighted and you do not have permission to use with your project
  21. ah ok... wasn't sure what you were trying to capture since i am not a c++... take a look at this link for reference... i have found it to be quite useful
  22. math.modf Return the integral and fractional parts of the given number. > = math.modf(5) 5 0 > = math.modf(5.3) 5 0.3 > = math.modf(-5.3) -5 -0.3 If you want the modulus (remainder), look for the modulo % operator instead.
  23. i dont think EC has access to that forum... i told him i would buy 2.3 for him if he would come wash my car... but he hasnt shown up yet...
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