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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. how would that not give you tons of possibilites? lets say you just have four different materials for four areas on a character that uses niosop's method of textures that each have 16 different possibilities on one texture... you end up with about 60000 total possible characters looks...
  2. why do you people encourage MG? can't you see he has issues...
  3. for something like armor i would assume that you could just have that as separate model parented to a bone on the character model
  4. i was thinking the same thing as well... but not even have the body cut up... just use separate textures instead of one combined texture for the body parts... I have a simple model that actually has 4 different material files right now calling out different textures all mapped to one model and it looks like its just one texture...
  5. you need to set the position of the camera... more than likely you are spawning the camera in the ground at (0,0,0) try this or some variation: camera=framework.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,3,-2)) as far as the null... not sure... i took this code and and placed it into the root of my game directory and changed the abstractpath to "". Changed the name of the scene to my scene and then dragged and dropped the lua script onto the Engine.EXE and it worked just fine after I positioned the camera... this could be an issue with the slashes... i think its supposed to be a forward slash in the abstractpath not a backward slash... but I never hardcode my paths, so I am not sure...
  6. does the noise.dds load now? the uniform variable warnings are normal and shouldn't cause a crash... if its still crashing it points to some other issue...
  7. The noise.dds is in the SDK now... not sure when it got added back in though but its in the materials/effects folder.
  8. well it could be that the bumpmap isn't being loaded, but it probably is... is this a terrain texture or a vegetation layer? there are no shadows at all... maybe gamelib is also turning on AA/SSAO as well, or it could be just HDR giving the extra contrast... cannot really say because I don't use gamelib/c++
  9. from what I see is that the gamelib has effects like bloom, distance fog, maybe even hdr... and if you had the fps showing on the gamelib screenshot you would also see that the fps was probably lower as well... --edit i see that you edited... yep thats the difference.
  10. well the only way i know to do that at the moment is in your modeling app or uu3d... the texture stated in the gmf file actually is referenced by the mat file of the same name... if you wanted to change textures you could always assign different textures inside the mat file...
  11. if you could possibly just make a cave, it would save alot of time for Marley who has this infatuation with making cave-like structures with all of his models
  12. it still uses the alpha channel of the bumpmap... from the mesh.frag file: #ifdef LW_SPECULAR shininess = bumpcolor.a*specular;//*fOcclusionShadow #endif are you setting the value of specular in your mat file? for example:
  13. does the modelviewer even show specular? unless its been changed recently, i don't think it has for a long time...
  14. glad i could help... i was having the same problem yesterday and had tried all sorts of things... i really like this example script... really nice example that shows how to make something with lua...
  15. Add flushkeys to the existing code: if KeyHit(KEY_TILDE)==1 then consolemode=1-consolemode FlushKeys() end also if you don't want your controller/spectator to be affected when typing in the console, place a check to make sure that the consolemode==0 around any of the controller/spectator code that uses keys for interaction...
  16. uh... Marley wants to know where these lua files can be located at? just kidding... seriously tho, did you forget to attach them or is this post just a placeholder?
  17. always thought of you more of a golden bikini type... but maybe thats just me
  18. well, I understand if changes are necessary. But its frustrating when something changes and there really is no explanation or no announcement that this is how you have to do it now.
  19. just in case anyone wants a useable lua-gluefunctions.bmx file lua-gluefunctions.bmx
  20. yep. nice. thanks for figuring that out... I was annoyed by that as well with the whole capital versus lowercase issue a couple of days ago. beautiful. So is this something where we have to wait for BRL to fix the auto-capitalization of the word Main and Current? or i guess those words need to be removed as keywords...
  21. hmmm... i didn't even notice that... notice that coronas still do not work either... also just noticed that i've got no sound from the firepit... what's interesting is if I comment out all of the SetScriptGlobals, the sound plays but the firepit emitters are not shown nor is the skybox... perhaps we have issues with main_world vs fw.Main.world? or maybe it has something to do with the issue of 'fw.main.world' has to be 'fw.Main.world' when outside of the editor?
  22. Ok... just performed a clean install... erased all LE mods from Blitzmax and install new mod folders... created a completely new game folder and using the same program with a brand new scene with the firepit and it still has an issue with the heathaze. what is going on? MG any chance your program is still using the "old" lua scripts? are you using the framewOrk now? are you using the "lua-gluefunctions.bmx"? whats different in your program as compared to mine?
  23. yeah that is in the bug tracker here.
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