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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. happy new year to you omid... and everyone else! and if its any consolation i don't celebrate christmas either shalom
  2. I sync'ed and noticed that a new editor was downloaded. Looking for whatever might have been changed I noticed that the SSAO boolean configuration property was replaced by a Ambient choice selection property. To my excitement I saw that one of the choices was Raytracing. Upon hitting the 'Apply' button after selecting raytracing, the editor crashes and it will not allow the editor to reopen. I had to edit the editor.ini file and change the SSAO value from 2 to either a 0 or a 1 (none and SSAO, respectively) to get the editor to work again. I realize that this is probably a work in progress, so no big deal. Just figure I would post it since someone will eventually be asking about it. ***edit--- ooooh... very cool. I notice the editor now correctly saves and loads configuration changes when I stop and restart the editor. YAY!
  3. you can find the child if you search for a unique property... like the atmosphere entity should be the only one that has a "skymaterial" key... the waterplane entity should be the only one with a "submersioncolor" key... this is how this has been done for bmax and c++ since 2.3 came out.
  4. You do not need the "classname" to do this. And yes, this has been an issue since singlestate was introduced. Its been brought up before now that some of the standard entity scripts do not work now outside of the editor. For example the emitter lua scripted entity will not show up at all outside of the editor.
  5. ok... i had thought this was the case... yeah, everything appears to be working "automagically" now... except for some issues here and there where the lua scripts need to be modified to get to work outside of the editor...
  6. then make a new property called "classname" for all of your lua scripted objects so it will write that info to the sbx... still do not understand why this is needed if LoadScene does this for you already and the framewOrk stuff is inside the dll now... but i assume i am missing some critical info
  7. it works... it just doesn't for certain things in the sbx... you can pull the camera position and rotation but you cant pull the model's position/rotation/path/id/scale using getkey... if you look at the sbx in notepad, you will see for example: Model { path="environment_atmosphere.gmf" position=7.00000000,0.000000000,6.00000000 rotation=-0.000000000,-0.000000000,0.000000000 scale=1.00000000,1.00000000,1.00000000 id=413927720 "brightness"="1.0" "camerarange"="0.1,1000.0" "class"="Model" "contrast"="1.0" "intensity"="0.5" "name"="atmosphere_4" "range"="10" "saturation"="1.0" "skymaterial"="FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat" "volume"="1" } you can use getkey to grab all of the keys that have " " around them, like "skymaterial" for example which is what i used to originally parse the code to set the skybox, camera range, etc... same can be done with the waterplane... but since all of the framewOrk stuff is in the dll now, do you need to even parse the sbx anymore to get the framewOrk stuff? Does not appear that you have to for c++...
  8. depends if you are running it outside of the editor or inside... outside appears to require uppercase and inside the editor requires lowercase also this line: entity:AddForceAtPoint(force,pick.entity) will not work... that command is looking for two Vec3's... so its looking for this: entity:AddForceAtPoint(force,pick.position)
  9. im using mozilla and have no issues copying code over to anything... straight into the script editor, wordpad, notepad...
  10. wth are you talking about? we still have to import the framewErk in and everything will still be fw.This and fw.That... and have you never heard of McDonalds' McNuggets
  11. what are you using for a browser?
  12. thanks for the rgba->xyzw explanation... appreciate it. seems like using a consistent referencing tho inside LE shaders would be preferable... but and i think its less than 0.5...
  13. yes, wasn't saying that it wasn't... was explaining the use of OR in lua
  14. Lua handles logical operators different than what you are probably used to...
  15. won't make a difference because he has nothing setting the camera position to the controller camera:SetPositionf(controller.position.x,controller.position.y+0.8,controller.position.z,1)
  16. macklebee

    pak files

    answered my question with your edited comment.
  17. macklebee

    pak files

    hmmm doesn't appear to work now outside of the editor either... and I know I have zipped up my models into a pak before and the program would load them...
  18. you edited your post before I had a chance to ask... but does the shininess slider work? I have tried all of the standard terrain textures that come with the SDK and I am not seeing any difference from when the slider is at 0 or at 100... what am I missing?
  19. shouldn't this be built inside framewerk? the only place i see BUFFER_COLOR2 is for the reflection buffer...
  20. also the position of the pick appears to be pick.position with pick.position.x, pick.position.y, and pick.position.z
  21. well thats not what i am seeing tho... I am also seeing ".A" as well to denote the alpha...
  22. looking forward to it... quick question tho, what files do we need to add to get the program to work? anyway of providing an executable?
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