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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Does this computer meet the minimum requirements to run a leadwerks game? Graphic card supports opengl4?
  2. Yes the shader is definitely worth $1K - Igor and shadmar did a great job. But you don't need Photoshop - just the ability to add an alpha channel to any of your custom textures you are making. There are tons of free or cheap programs out there that can do this - Gimp is one of them. So any texture with an alpha channel, saved as *.tex file with a compression that supports alpha transparency (DXT3, DXT5, uncompressed, etc) will reflect in your scene if you add the sslr.shader as a posteffect.
  3. I think he is referring to the actual model's editable source file as in the FBX version. If so, its not available. Rarely does Leadwerks provide the editable source files for the inherent models or textures.
  4. Since you dont want to use a pivot parent with a child camera (even though it makes it straightforward to do), you essentially just need to determine the points on a circle on the XZ plane using the basic circle equation: X = Cx + (r * cos(angle)) Z = Cz + (r * sin(angle)) where Cx/Cz are the center of the circle, r is the radius of the circle, angle is in radians. Cx/Cz, would be the global X&Z position of the player with r being the distance you want the camera from the player. This is an example of that: Script.Cam =nil --entity "Camera" Script.radius = 5 --float "Radius" Script.moveSpeed = 2.5 --float "Move Speed" Script.speedMultiplier = 1.5 --float "Run Multiplier" Script.strafeSpeed = 4 --float "Strafe Speed" Script.jumpForce = 8 --float "Jump Force" function Script:Start() self.input={} self.rot = 0 end function Script:UpdateWorld() self.rot = self.rot+.5 if self.rot>=360 then self.rot = 0 end entitypos = self.entity:GetPosition(true) CamX = entitypos.x + (self.radius * math.cos(math.rad(self.rot))) CamZ = entitypos.z + (self.radius * math.sin(math.rad(self.rot))) self.Cam:SetPosition(Vec3(CamX, entitypos.y+5, CamZ),true) self.Cam:Point(self.entity) end function Script:UpdatePhysics() self.input[0]=0 self.input[1]=0 local playerMovement = Vec3() self.input[1] = self.input[1] + ((window:KeyDown(Key.W) and 1 or 0) - (window:KeyDown(Key.S) and 1 or 0)) self.input[0] = self.input[0] - ((window:KeyDown(Key.A) and 1 or 0) - (window:KeyDown(Key.D) and 1 or 0)) playerMovement.z = self.input[1] * self.moveSpeed playerMovement.x = self.input[0] * self.moveSpeed local jump = 0 if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) and self.entity:GetAirborne() == false then jump = self.jumpForce playerMovement = playerMovement * 1.6 end self.entity:SetInput(0, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , false, 1.0, 0.5, true) end function Script:PostRender(context) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawText("Actual Angle: "..self.Cam:GetRotation(true):ToString(),0,150) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) end If you have your heart on not using Entity:Point() for whatever reason, then using the Math:ATan2() function with the camera and player's position will give the angle you need.
  5. Debug is always longer and slower in regards to the release. Debug is for troubleshooting, release is for normal playing and usage.
  6. The only thing I can suggest is to fake it by making a cylinder or other primitive the same shape at the same location, use the invisible.mat on it, set its mass, and set its collision type to prop. The parent compound object should have its collision type set to none, and the individual segments have no mass, collision type set to none, and an empty script attached. Then make the parent item of the compound object a child of your invisible primitive object.
  7. true - not had full cup of coffee yet. hmmm
  8. Not with the inherent vegetation painting tool in the Editor.
  9. If you give the individual segments mass, then it the compound shape will fall apart due to gravity. If you do give the individual segments mass, then just set their collision type to Prop and that should prevent them from falling through the terrain/ground that has a collision type set to Scene. It doesn't appear that you can make the compound objects stay together and have mass inherently. You can give just the parent object in the scene panel mass, but it doesn't make the object non-static. I don't know if this is just an oversight on Josh's part or if this was intentional.
  10. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12375-how-to-use-the-sslr-shader/page__hl__sslr
  11. That's not the issue. It is happening in the Editor's perspective view. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14118-cant-move-or-look-around-in-scene/
  12. Yeah its a weird one considering he told me in chat that it just started happening, same latest and greatest driver, tried beta and opting out, restarted steam and restarted the editor... only suggestion at that point was to try rebooting the computer which is just a last ditch method when you cant think of anything else to try... the only other thing i just noticed from the screenshot he sent was the fact the 'View-->Realtime Render' was enabled with vertical sync set to off... but that should not have been a issue. At this point, Aggror is right that a bug report needs to be opened.
  13. All you have to do is left click on any of the Editor's viewports to make it the active window.
  14. Just to be clear the WASD keys dont move the camera in the editor when the perspective view is the active window? And holding the right mouse button down doesn't allow you to rotate the view in the editor when the perspective view is the active window?
  15. I think you are looking for Entity:SetGravityMode()
  16. Blender video concerning collision hulls:
  17. I have never seen that map either, but then again it requires you to have already downloaded the firepit model from the workshop. So just download that model and then go through the tutorial. The object of the tutorial is just to show how to make prefabs and then load them into a scene so really the "Prefab.map" is not really essential to learning.
  18. Sound: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/sound/ Source: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/source/
  19. Since you are using the same material for both meshes/surfaces, I had to import the FBX in UU3D with the 'Merge similar materials' option unchecked. I was able to essentially create two separate surface materials when I resaved as FBX. Attaching the resulting FBX: oak_02.fbx You could also just use two different materials/textures as well on the original model before exporting to FBX to get the same results. As for making the top part of the tree invisible, one of the ways it can be done is like this: tree = Model:Load("Models/tree/oak_02.mdl") topmat0 = tree:GetSurface(0):GetMaterial() topmat1 = tolua.cast(topmat0:Copy(), "Material") topmat1:SetBlendMode(Blend.Invisible) tree:GetSurface(0):SetMaterial(topmat1) I did the Copy since it was the same material being applied by default to both parts of the tree.
  20. What tutorial? We need more information than what you are posting to be able to help without having to play the guessing game through multiple posts.
  21. In the past, this has been solved in LE2 by increasing the thickness of the walls/ceiling, beveling the corners, and/or changing some of the light properties (which are not really available now in LE4). So I would suggest trying to increase the wall / ceiling thickness or maybe even making the two overlap to see if it helps.
  22. The resulting auto-created MDL from that FBX does not have a child mesh named "Top". But when I open the FBX in UU3D and save as FBX, then the resulting auto-created MDL model has a child named "Top". But if you perform GetClassName() on the entity:FindChild() result, then you see it is listed as a 'Bone'. I can only get actual child meshes in the resulting MDL if I remove the bones/animations, save as FBX (with export groups as meshes option checked), and auto-create to MDL via the Editor. Doesn't appear that the current FBX to MDL converter allows for multiple children meshes with animation. It will allow multiple surfaces with animations though, so you may be able to just apply an invisible material to that surface you wish to hide?
  23. Set your own collision response between collision types. See this post for more details: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11744-defining-new-collision-constantstypes/#entry84834
  24. If you have access to the editable version of the model (like FBX), then you can use a modeling app to make the physics shape as needed naming the geometry "collisionhull". See the section called "Modeling Shapes" in the Models and Animation tutorial. If you are just using the model and not using it for vegetation painting, then you could also get away with creating your own physics shape, attaching it to the model, and saving as a prefab by enabling the legacy features as described in this blogpost: Cleaning up Physics Shapes
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