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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Agree. It should behave like the compound primitives. The parent item should basically be like a pivot location with all of the remaining segments as children.
  2. oh yeah - forgot all about the compound primitives. In that case the steps would be: 1) Create Tube. 2) In Scene tab, select just the Tube. Set the Physics properties (Collision=Prop,Mass=6). Add Motor.lua script and set options. 3) In Scene tab, select only the Tube segment children. Add empty script. 4) Run game. Much easier.
  3. Sounds like you have the Editor minimized. Click-drag down the bottom right-hand corner until you see the Properties label.
  4. Is this problem caused by this? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13060-best-way-to-make-a-pause-screen-mid-game/#entry92758 Some mysterious built-in method that Josh was going to implement but never officially released? If so, I still say the KeyHit selection should be left up to the individual programmer.
  5. Works ok for me. These are the steps I performed: 1) Create Cylinder and perform Hollow operation. 2) Create Pivot and placed in center of the Cylinder 3) In Scene tab, select all of the Cylinder segments and drag to the Pivot to make them children 4) In Scene tab, select just the Pivot. Set the Physics properties (Collision=Prop,Mass=6). Add Motor.lua script and set options. 5) In Scene tab, select only the children Cylinder pieces. Add empty script. 6) Run game. Note - do not add mass to the individual children Cylinder pieces or the cylinder will fall apart. Keep Mass = 0. start.zip
  6. Depends on the texture, its use, and the resulting look. DXT1 for trunk/bark textures as there is typically no need for transparency. DXT3 for leaves/branches textures when there is not a transparency gradient and large empty spaces with full transparency. DXT5 if you need a transparency gradient or you have artifacts from the other compression methods. See the descriptions for Compression in the texture tutorial for more details: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/textures-r6#section3.1
  7. The terrain tutorial gives a place to start. Also if you have the Nature Model DLC that is a good reference as well. But essentially this is what is picked for the shader settings (assuming you are using a diffuse & normal texture) for Vegetation materials: Trees: Bark/Trunk Material: shader="Shaders/Model/diffuse+normal.shader" shader3="Shaders/Vegetation/diffuse+normal.shader" Leaves Material: shader="Shaders/Model/leaves.shader" shader1="Shaders/Model/Shadow/shadow+alphamask.shader" shader3="Shaders/Vegetation/leaves.shader" shader4="Shaders/Vegetation/Shadow/leaves.shader" Groundplants/grass: shader="Shaders/Model/leaves.shader" shader1="Shaders/Model/Shadow/shadow+alphamask.shader" shader3="Shaders/Vegetation/groundplants.shader" shader4="Shaders/Vegetation/Shadow/groundplants.shader"
  8. Yeah Leadwerks was not running in my process panel either - Steam just thinks its running. I have to close Steam via the task manager because it will not shutdown normally while it thinks Leadwerks is running. Its like steam missed the fact that the editor shutdown. That steam troubleshooting page I linked to suggests this can sometimes be caused by a silent crash of the app? I have noticed a couple of times this has happened was after the editor would crash on me when performing a build (which just got fixed by Josh a couple of days ago). Showing that LE is running after a computer reboot though is a new one - I haven't seen that. Are you logged into steam with multiple devices by chance when you reboot just the computer?
  9. I would suspect it depends on what you did with it, but i wouldn't take the chance. Stick with Disney's Mickey Mouse - I hear they are cool about anyone using him for random non-licensed things.
  10. No you can only ever use the models that Josh gives you via DLC. j/k... Without posting the model, all we can do is guess what the problem could be. Do you have a material assigned to the model's surfaces? Do you have your model scaled correctly in your modeling app to the appropriate size for Leadwerks before importing? Did you follow the vegetation tutorial/compare your material to the inherent tree model's material and assign the correct vegetation shaders? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/terrain-r9
  11. Yeah I had this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13846-solved-app-already-running/ Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are describing but when I would shutdown Steam via the task manager, it would also remove the "Running" indication in Steam's software panel. So when I restarted Steam, Leadwerks was no longer shown as running in the Steam. Are you saying even if you force Steam to close and then restarted, the Steam software panel still says LE is running?
  12. Sure you can. Its just a combination of setting the proper style then performing a set layout if needed. The script above can do that. Edit--Now granted this may be something fairly new within the last several months as before I think it would crash doing that, but I have been doing this since at least September.
  13. you can switch window styles in-game (at least this small example seems to work - haven't tried it on anything of significance): count = System:CountGraphicsModes() rescounter = 0 resolutions = {} for i = 0, count-1 do resolutions = System:GetGraphicsMode(i) end window = Window:Create("window properties", 0,0,resolutions[0].x,resolutions[0].y,1+16) context = Context:Create(window) world = World:Create() camera = Camera:Create() camera:Move(0,0,-3) light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) model = Model:Box() model:SetColor(1.0,0.5,0.0) style = "Titlebar+Center" function ResMinMax(v) v = math.min(v, count-1) v = math.max(v, 0) window:SetLayout(0,0,resolutions[v].x,resolutions[v].y) return v end while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do if window:Closed() then break end if window:KeyHit(Key.Down) then rescounter = ResMinMax(rescounter - 1) end if window:KeyHit(Key.Up) then rescounter = ResMinMax(rescounter + 1) end if window:KeyHit(Key.Space) then context:Release() window:Release() if style == "Borderless+Center" then window = Window:Create("titlebar", 0, 0, resolutions[rescounter].x,resolutions[rescounter].y,1) style = "Titlebar" elseif style == "Titlebar" then window = Window:Create("titlebar+center", 0, 0, resolutions[rescounter].x,resolutions[rescounter].y,1+16) style = "Titlebar+Center" elseif style == "Titlebar+Center" then window = Window:Create("fullscreen", 0, 0, resolutions[rescounter].x,resolutions[rescounter].y,0) style = "Borderless" else window = Window:Create("fullscreen", 0, 0, resolutions[rescounter].x,resolutions[rescounter].y,16) style = "Borderless+Center" end context = Context:Create(window) end model:Turn(0,Time:GetSpeed(),0) Time:Update() world:Update() world:Render() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:DrawText("Number of Resolutions: "..count,2,22) context:DrawText("Resolution: "..rescounter.."-- "..resolutions[rescounter].x.."x"..resolutions[rescounter].y,2,42) context:DrawText("Window Style: "..style,2,92) context:DrawText("Hit UP/DOWN to change resolution",2,2) context:DrawText("Hit SPACE to change style ",2,72) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) context:Sync(true) end
  14. For creating Steam game/app desktop shortcuts: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2128610 Do you know what your graphics card is? LE4 requires a graphics card that can handle OpenGL4. But try installing your graphics card manufacturer's driver: http://steamcommunity.com/app/251810/discussions/0/615086038674980529/
  15. Thats what Ma-Shell is telling you. If its a CSG object and it doesn't have a mass >0 or a script attached to it, it will be collapsed into one object for performance increase (behind the scenes automatically). If you want to be able to list the CSG created object via code as you have shown above, then give it a mass greater than 0 or add a script to it in the Editor.
  16. While Jorn's videos are great, you must keep in mind that they are not official tutorials provided by Leadwerks. The date of that video was from last Summer, since then Josh has made several tweaks to the editor including removing the Physics Shape from an object's Physics Properties tab. This now has been replaced by using a visual Physics Shape that is built into the Model Editor as shown in the official Leadwerks tutorial about Models and Animation under the Collision section.
  17. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13876-save-as-and-new-glitch-in-script-editor/
  18. In my lua apps, it only occurs when I have Steamworks:Initialize() in the main.lua script. In your c++ app, does it call main.lua and does your main.lua script have Steamworks:Initialize()?
  19. Yes it does appear to be related to Steamworks:Initialize() - strange that none of my other steam games or apps pause when just the ALT key is pressed. Agree that it could be useful but that binding should be left up to the programmer.
  20. I would appreciate if other people would run their games via the editor or as standalone and press the ALT key to verify this problem. Every LE game I run from the editor, a standalone application, or the game launcher will pause if either ALT key is pressed. This does not occur for me in any other application or game so it appears to be hardcoded somewhere inside LE.
  21. As I mentioned in the previous post, you have to run the editor via the Steam offline mode interface. See here for more information for Steam offline mode: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=3160-agcb-2555 Once in offline mode, then you can go to the Steam software tab and launch the application from Steam or from a desktop icon shortcut for the Engine created via the Steam interface.
  22. You can run the editor via the steam offline mode interface but I believe it will require you to occasionally login to steam. As for offline API Reference documentation, see this post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13871-offline-api-documentation/
  23. Appears to be resolved. At least no crash on build for me.
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