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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Yep - as you would expect since "unchecked" just puts everything from your project into the data.zip folder. The problem is existing prefabs like the original FPSPlayer are getting grabbed by the "checked" but newly created prefabs are causing the editor to crash when performing a standalone build.
  2. True but it has only 75% the number of stream processors compared to my 3 year old GTX590. I have always used the rule of thumb that anything greater than or equal to 6 for the second number is meant for gaming. And going by this article, a GTX950 would be the bottom end of the 900 series gaming cards.
  3. Entity:GetKeyValue("name") should work. The question on where to perform this at depends on what you are trying to do.
  4. Only part of the story. The fps player script allows for player interaction as signaled by the 'hand' icon in two ways - if the picked entity has a script attached with the "Use" function or if the picked entity has a mass greater than zero and less than the max carrying weight (default is set at 5). So the simplest way to prevent the player from interacting with the cylinder is to increase the cylinder's mass (above the default max carrying weight of 5).
  5. is it just on that one rock? in the video it didn't look like the other rocks had that issue... if its just that one rock maybe something with the material's specular texture or the model itself?
  6. It's Key.Alt for both. Edit- though right now it is not really useable since it appears its hardcoded inside the executable to pause the application. That really needs to be removed from Josh's code.
  7. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12283-custom-monster-ai/#entry88981
  8. You mean other than the one that comes with the vegetation update that's located in the Models/Trees folder? You could use some that you got from LE2 back in the day. Or I am sure there are a lot of free tree models via google. Edit - there are also 4 tree items in the workshop.
  9. Raiseland is not a Leadwerks DLC. Raiseland is its own application but allows you to export to *.raw heightmaps that can be imported into Leadwerks for use on terrains. Once imported into LE, then you would be able to use the inherent LE vegetation layer painting.
  10. nevermind - this post got way off target on the second page that had nothing to do with the original request... --Edit: as for Hunt for Food, it runs fine for me at full screen but I have an NVidia card, so maybe there is something to your complaint with AMD cards. Without having a side-by-side comparison in systems with only the graphics cards being different, I could not comment further. But if there is a question of terrain issues on AMD card, Josh would be able to say.
  11. Its not the model causing the problem. If I make any new prefab and place it into the scene, it will crash leadwerks when trying to publish as standalone. Interestingly enough, existing prefabs like the player do not cause any issues. It appears something has changed with how prefabs are created. EDIT -- Something has definitely changed with the creation of prefabs. The original player prefab is 2,744 kb and a new player prefab I just made is only 1 kb. Substituting my new player prefab for the original causes LE to crash when creating the standalone. And looking through the data.zip file that is created, the new prefab is not there so that explains the crash.
  12. Did you specify a command line property when you ran the application? If not, then it will not return anything. That is why 'System::GetProperty()' allows for you to set a default value in case the specified property is not found. static std::string GetProperty(const std::string& key, const std::string defaultvalue="") example: string w = System::GetProperty("screenwidth", "768"); And FYI, if you are just posting code, it would be easier if you just posted it in the forum using code tags.
  13. Are you asking about the lines that you have commented out? int width = Context::GetWidth() int height = Context::GetHeight() or are you asking about the System:GetProperty()? If the former, I assume that will not work (if uncommented) due to the fact that the context is not created yet so there is nothing to get. If the latter, then look at the System:GetProperty() in the documentation. That is driven by adding properties to the application command line.
  14. I would say you are not missing any undocumented parameter. The problem is that glsl has no idea what an escape character is. So for multi-line text, you would have to parse the string looking for these escape characters, determine the number of lines, and send the appropriate vertex positions to a shader (text is drawn across 4 vertices). I recommend taking a look at be06's 'Notes like in Amnesia' to see how complicated it can get to parse text (granted this does come with a lot of useful features) just to send it to a shader to be drawn. If you are asking that LE just have the ability to draw multi-line text inherently so you don't have to do all the background work, then that is a reasonable request. Just do not be surprised to find out that the performance penalty is no different or worse than just using multiple DrawText()'s. And if Josh does make this request a reality, I'd prefer him just adding it as a parameter to the current command DrawText() or create a new command DrawMultilineText() since fellow LE users have been using the command DrawText() for several years. If by chance you are showing a wall of text that does not change, then the best performance would be from just putting that text onto a texture and using DrawImage() to show it.
  15. When using the 'Save As' in the script editor on an existing script, the default 'Save as type' will only be 'Shader File (*.shader)' even if the script being saved is lua. If you do not add '.lua' as the extension to the naming of the file, it will save that lua script as a '*.shader'. When using the 'New' in the script editor, the default file is created as a lua script which can be seen by clicking the 'Save As'. Now it only lists 'Lua File (*.lua)' as an option in the 'Save as type' pulldown. Since there may not be an easy way to determine the file type prior to saving, then both '*.lua' and '*.shader' should be listed in the pulldown. Lua script should probably be the default since more people will write scripts than shaders.
  16. I see no difference when adjusting that define value, but if I change the code after it from: to this: then it appears to affect the transparency. A value of 1.0 will make it basically opaque.
  17. I use it with Windows 7 just fine (other than the error when exiting) or do you mean 8 and above? In any case, yes to all of the 3dws vertex/edge features being put into the LE editor - a feature request that has been asked for multiple times in the last two years.
  18. see here for something that may help you with your first request: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/13871-offline-api-documentation/#entry95749
  19. Seeing constant requests for offline documentation so I converted the API index webpage to a searchable PDF document. I am sure there are a lot of issues with possible broken links or links that lead no where, but hopefully this will satisfy some people's needs. https://drive.bitcasa.com/send/A3YInKsQ0Zi-IhDD__-zOXfHEqZ8tah4SJn4MIpni_Dw edit- I had to use bitcasa as the forum limit for me for a single file is 5MB...
  20. The Beta version has autocomplete: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1551-beefing-up-the-script-editor/ Just turn the option on inside the editor:
  21. window. annoyingly not fixed yet...
  22. I cannot speak for the OP, but in my instance, LE was not running but Steam still thought it was. Like I mentioned above, I had to use task manager to close steam. And its not security preventing it from starting leadwerks. Steam thinks the app is already running so it will prevent launching two instances of the same app. For whatever reasons, leadwerks did not properly shutdown (at least according to steam) even though the leadwerks process was not running. Going through the steps that I listed above seemed to resolve it for me.
  23. I was able to collide with the vegetation layer when i had all the materials assigned. As for the individual model, I had to remove the bone in the fbx that was attached via UU3D to get it to save properly with its own collision shape in the mdl.
  24. try the steps listed here: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9764-IJVM-3291 it worked for me at least.
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