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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Basically either load another/same font at a different size and set the context's font with it or you can set the scale of the context to change the size of an existing loaded font. Note that scaling up a font alot usually cause loss of definition on the text shape. window = Window:Create() context = Context:Create(window) local font = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36) local font2 = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",72) context:SetFont(font) local x = 50 local y = 50 while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do context:SetColor(0,0,0) context:Clear() context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) context:SetColor(1,1,1) context:DrawText("Arial 36 1x1 scale",x,y) context:SetScale(2,2) context:SetColor(1,0,0,1) context:DrawText("Arial 36 2x2 scale",x+50,y+50) context:SetScale(1,1) context:SetColor(0,1,0,1) context:SetFont(font2) context:DrawText("Arial 72 1x1 scale" ,x+150,y+150) context:SetFont(font) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Solid) context:Sync() end
  2. Does the child CSG object have a mass or a script attached? If not, it will get collapsed along with the rest of the CSG objects at runtime.
  3. I assume you are talking about the mesh hierarchy that shows up with the gatevertical door. It may be a model that was created along with a collision hull when it was converted to MDL, but you can collapse the model. Open it with the model editor and then click TOOLS-->Collapse. Then save after you have added a physics shape by using the PHYSICS menu. Also you will see the same for the frame model as well.
  4. There's nothing for you to fix - there is no texture that is failing to be loaded from what I can see. Josh will have to resolve this.
  5. I am seeing this as well. It's not always the directional light, but sometimes a brush. Everything looks ok in the rendered scene in the editor and game but it will give an error. The error refers to failing to load a texture named after the light or brush name that obviously doesn't exist. Also, I see this error in release as well as debug mode. examples: Failed to load texture ".../Leadwerks/Projects/MyGame/Directional Light" Failed to load texture ".../Leadwerks/Projects/MyGame/Box 1" those are the names of the objects in the scene and not textures...
  6. "The caulk texture results in the removal of faces from the brush when it is collapsed." Is this true? If it is true, stuff like this would be nice to have spelled out in the documentation.
  7. I doubt it will go away since the post effect shaders wouldn't work without it. At this point, I don't understand why its not documented.
  8. Without seeing the model and its bone hierarchy, I would assume initially the 'Hand_L' bone is a child/sub-child of the 'Torso' bone. Maybe when making the dress model a child of the 'Torso' bone, it is also making it a parent of the 'Hand_L' bone? It shouldn't do this, but it may explain why releasing one model causes the other to be released. But this is all conjecture. To get an explanation/fix quicker, you will need to provide the models in question and an example demo/code that shows the problem.
  9. Like beo6 mentions in his post, you have to disable lua sandboxing to be able to use it. Click on TOOLS-->Options...
  10. Hey Eagle, its been awhile. Glad to see you back. Just for future reference, you might want to mention in your posts that the question is regarding LE2 or you will get some confused people/answers. As for your problem, you have to open a camera node's property panel and set the 'Start here' checkbox. Also, don't forget to link the nodes together to determine the camera path by clicking a node and dragging to another camera node.
  11. seems to work fine if you set the position and rotation you want for the sword prior to setting the bone as the parent. simpleanimation2.lua: Script.Speed=1.0--float Script.Sequence=0--int function Script:Start() self.hand = self.entity:FindChild("Hand_L") self.sword = Model:Load("Models/sword.mdl") self.sword:SetPosition(self.hand:GetPosition(true),true) self.sword:SetRotation(180,0,0,true) self.sword:SetParent(self.hand,true) end function Script:Draw() local t = Time:GetCurrent() self.entity:SetAnimationFrame(t/100.0*self.Speed,1,self.Sequence) end
  12. in LE2, I had to also make the root physics body (the model in LE2), follow the ragdoll position/rotation as well or I would have that problem you are showing. In LE3, the hierarchy of mesh and physics body is swapped so I do not know if that would apply here. But I would be curious to where the entity and physics' aabb boxes end up. You should be able to visualize those by using the 'camera:SetDebugEntityBoxesMode()' and 'camera:SetDebugPhysicsMode()' and perhaps it will give an idea of what the problem could be if either of those is not following the ragdoll.
  13. The player controller is a custom object that doesn't necessarily work like other objects in the physics engine. The character controller does not tip over or rotate on the x/z axis. You would probably have to either make your own controller or fake it.
  14. Agree but those are the options that you have built-in LE3 at the moment. I would prefer if Josh would actually implement the ability to move the vertices on brushes like we had in 3dws, but thats a very old request. One can always hope though.
  15. You could just use regular brushes then rotate them assuming that you cannot get the built-in csg tools to perform what you want. Also there is the wedge primitive available,
  16. He is not using the old App.lua format but the new Main.lua. But yes he could essentially perform the same by just placing a function inside the Main.lua prior to the main loop.
  17. Its available on Josh's google drive: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxLsUYPSspxcfms3bmpvQlBSVjVYREljSElpQ3JfTmQydzg4anExZ2Fyb0I3NjZxSmkwd1E&usp=drive_web The LE2.5 wiki is in there as well as the LE2 updater. You will have to get the license key from Josh to use it if you cannot find the email or the 'LESDK.dat' file that contained your license key. Also - hidden away in the website you can still find the old LE2 commands (http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2), but I wouldnt rely on them always being there and suggest you download the LE2 wiki from the google drive
  18. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12579-setgravity-does-not-work-anymore/#entry90604
  19. Any thoughts on this 5-month old suggestion that Josh "liked"? It seems like it would be an easy thing to incorporate and would be immediately useful to people.
  20. The picture that you posted in the steam forum - is that after you had created a new Project using the 'Advanced First-Person Shooter' template as shown here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/project-manager-r31 The only project template that has the player model is the 'Advanced First-Person Shooter' template. All other project templates do not have the player and several other models/prefabs/assets.
  21. Not sure - but I dont think that supports OpenGL4. It looks like you need 3000 or above to meet the minimal requirements for Leadwerks.
  22. Also look at Josh's blog about it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1459-using-visual-studio-code-with-leadwerks/
  23. The problem is with the model. The model is huge and you do not have the its origin located at the model itself. The origin appears to be ~100 or so meters from that actual model. So increasing its size will only make that relationship worse. Reset the origin in a modeling app and export to fbx.
  24. Agree its a larger market than linux and would have made more sense to branch into if just comparing linux vs osx market shares with no regard to graphic cards, drivers, etc... but to say its a 'large part of the market' might be stretching it. To me, the other platforms just means Josh would be spending a lot of time and effort on problems singular to linux/osx that will not benefit the vast majority of his users. But typically this just means Josh will end up doing it at some point then regret it later.
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