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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/6125-guidelines-for-bug-reports/ Without a file to look at, the only thing people can do is guess at what the problem could be.
  2. You can use lua's os.execute on a html file that would use the default browser to open it. The html file can have the links to the actual website... its a dirty workaround but it works.
  3. when did Roland get hair?
  4. The script you posted works fine for me but I would probably just set the NavigationMode in the Start function instead of constantly inside the update loop. The only thing I can think of would be that the physics mode is not set to Character Physics, no mass has been set, or that the point (100,0,100) can not be reached which would prevent the entity from moving.
  5. Try setting both to swept collision. Also load the foosball player into the Model Editor and pick a physics shape from the menu. See here for more details: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section6 Note do not use Polymesh for either. And unless you are going to build a navmesh, there is no reason to have the setting 'Nav Obstacle' as true. This probably has no effect either way if no navmesh, but just pointing out that option is meant for navigation.
  6. For the glow/emission shader - open the shader in the Shader Editor and look at what is commented in the code: #version 400 #define BFN_ENABLED 1 //Uniforms uniform sampler2D texture0;//diffuse map uniform sampler2D texture1;//normal map uniform sampler2D texture4;//emission map uniform vec4 materialcolorspecular; ... ...
  7. As shown in Josh's pic, the emission texture channel is texture4. If you also opened the shader in the Shader Editor it shows this as well. And that texture slot is not necessarily assigned for emission in all shaders - just in this case.
  8. The previous physics options that used to be available as text box parameters in the Object property panel have been incorporated into the model editor to allow for an easier visual configuration. This is available in the latest default build. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section6
  9. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section6
  10. It only takes one parameter in LE3 as well to go fullscreen. And technically, the last parameter, window style, is set to fullscreen when the value is equal to Window::FullScreen which is equal to 64 in LE3. Granted you should always use the defined variable as Josh might change the value at any given moment. As for your issue: So it only happens when you use a window style of FullScreen? Does it do it when the style is set to Center? What is the native resolution of your system? Try printing out your supported resolutions using the CountGraphicsModes and GetGraphicsMode.
  11. macklebee

    Windows 10?

    Well, the key phrase is "designed to run on"... unfortunately i have several programs that are pre-windows 7 that I still use regularly. While most continue to run on windows 7 with minimal problems, there have been reported problems with windows 8. 3DWS is an example of something I still use that has been reported to not work on 8. I'm personally in no hurry to upgrade to 10 as I want to avoid the frustration of finding several programs rendered useless. But I suspect that LE3 itself will have little to no issues running on 10.
  12. uh what? no that is not correct. Blabz did not use LE for this... my understanding was that he used Blitzmax to create his application or at least the initial concept of it.
  13. Here are a couple of screen space distortion shaders: 'edge_distortion.shader' and 'frostedglass.shader'. The edge_distortion shader is probably faster but the frostedglass shader gives more variance in the distortion. They both essentially do the same thing by just offsetting the rendered scene's pixels based on a texture you provide to set the effect's edges (like the 'lensdirt.jpeg' above in the OP). To Use: - Unzip the SSDistortion.zip file into the Shaders/PostEffects folder - Add the lua file to the Editor's scene's root SSDistortion.zip
  14. hmmm thats a weird one. What happens if you add the posteffects via code after you set its parent? Does it still not work?
  15. Maybe if you gave some actual information concerning the problem, someone could give advice on how to resolve instead of just guessing what the problem could be? Is it a particular shader effect thats not working? Is something not loading correctly? Maybe post a small demo showing the problem.
  16. This is the official reference card: https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/reference_card/opengl44-quick-reference-card.pdf Edit- theres a new one for 4.5 but LE projects appear to be still using 4.4 since 4.5 was just released a month ago (also the built-in functions essentially havent changed much in years). Also, in the previous post i suggested to do a mix without regards to the alpha - actually i would try to use the texture's alpha as the interpolation step value in the mix() function to determine if the color or the texture would be more prevalent.
  17. Essentially you are just doing what the alphatest shader performs - ignore anything below (or above) a fixed alpha limit which will always give a hard line if you have varying alpha in your texture. In LE2, we had the alphablend shader but this only worked when the object was drawn in the transparency world. I would try to combine the color with the texture via a mix() without regards to an alpha limit. It would probably be easier for others to test if you supplied an example object, the full shader, and an example decal texture.
  18. The shader is not writing to fragData1 which will cause the red tint. Refer to the model shaders for details.
  19. Its posted under the blog post concerning the curated workshop: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1492-beta-update-submitting-curated-workshop-items/
  20. The forum always lowercase the window styles. It does it in regular text as well as in code tags. Example: window.Center window.Titlebar Both of the above were initially written with 'W'. It appears it lowercases the 'W' in Window anytime the word ends with a period. For example: window. (again written initially with a 'W')
  21. does not seem like it... sounds like he is just asking for advice on how to rip assets out of stalker for his own personal use.
  22. Read here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1324-oculus-rift-support-now-available-beta/
  23. Just don't pick a style that includes a titlebar. example code: window = Window:Create("borderless window", 0,0,400,300,window.Center) context = Context:Create(window) world = World:Create() camera = Camera:Create() camera:Move(0,0,-3) light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) model = Model:Box() model:SetColor(1.0,0.5,0.0) while window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)==false do if window:Closed() then break end model:Turn(0,Time:GetSpeed(),0) Time:Update() world:Update() world:Render() context:Sync(true) end Note that the style 'window.Center' begins with a capital 'W' - for some reason the forum always makes this lowercase...
  24. No that was how keys were defined in LE2. As for the OP's issues: - the function is 'Script:UpdateWorld()' not 'Script:Update()' - the command to print in the LE log is 'System:Print()' not 'print()' - the function is 'right()' not 'Script:right()' or vice versa - need to pass the 'self.player' to the 'right()' function if used instead of 'Script:right()' function example lua code: Script.player = "" --entity "player" function Script:Start() end function Script:UpdateWorld() window = Window:GetCurrent() if window:KeyHit(Key.D) then System:Print("D Pressed") right(self.player) end end function right(player) ppos = player:GetPosition() player:SetPosition(ppos+Vec3(3,0,0)) end
  25. 'model:SetColor()' is coloring the model via the default.shader. The shader code you posted resembles 2D drawing shaders. I suggest you review the Models shaders to see the uniforms/inputs/etc being used for models.
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