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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Are the animations not keyframes? Other than that I cannot say why it would not work as I don't use modo - I think forum member Roland uses it and has had success with importing, so maybe he can give some insight if he sees this. In any case, I simply loaded the fbx into UU3D and re-saved as fbx and it works in LE when an animation shader is applied. test_7_2.fbx
  2. There should be an option to reset the transforms in blender - I think would work for you. As for the physics shape, you need to read up on the tutorials regarding models and how to use the Model Editor: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/models-and-animation-r8#section6
  3. The only thing that still uses the 0-255 scale is the color picker window (scripted color property)- but to set the color picker via code you would use the 0-1 scale. Also the color picker now returns a 0-1 scale. All other color features use 0-1 scale as well (SetColor(), shaders,etc...). Anything over 1 is just increasing the saturation/intensity which you will not notice a difference over 2 on models and for 2D items no difference over 1. As for Aggror's script, I cannot say if he is converting the 0-255 scale to the 0-1. The four cardboard boxes show how it works. First box from the left shows the texture. Second box from the left shows the results of SetColor(1,0,0,1) mixed with the texture. Third box from the left shows the saturation from using SetColor(2,0,0,1). And the fourth box shows that using a SetColor(255,0,0,255) looks the same as the saturated third box. Note though that a script's color property will give weird results in the color picker window if you use anything other than a 0-1 scale to set the property. See this bug report for more details: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12241-script-color-property-returns-unexpected-results/#entry88728
  4. I was afraid that was the case. That option should be returned imo as not all maps need 1cm accuracy for model placement.
  5. Set the box's pick mode to 0: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitysetpickmode-r135
  6. Just a side note - SetColor() uses a 0-1 scale - as does the rest of LE's color properties/commands as of a few months ago. The only thing that still uses the 0-255 scale is the actual color picker window, but it actually returns a 0-1 scale and requires a 0-1 scale to set it via code. Anything over 1 just essentially increases the intensity but you will probably not notice a difference past a value of 2 (if not less than that).
  7. an old 3dws tut shows a way to make a sphere: Making_Balls.pdf
  8. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/entity/entitysetocclusioncullingmode-r766 "By default, [lights and animated models] are both set automatically to use occlusion culling on a per-entity basis."
  9. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12082-amd-driver-149-fix-for-error-r6025-pure-virtual-function-call/
  10. maybe attach the model in question? Also is this model being set as a child to another object in the scene? And why the bizarre scaling? Is that scaling on the model performed in leadwerks or is that how the model is being imported into LE?
  11. Amen to that. That post should allow me to click the 'Like This' button a million times.
  12. agree. Makes me hopeful about the rumors of bmax2.
  13. It was fun dusting off my copy of blitzmax and playing around with that. even tho it took a couple cups of coffee to remember how to do anything, i remembered how nice it was to use this software. Makes me wish Josh would post the leadwerks module that he is using so I can make a LE3 game with it.
  14. Here is a quick and dirty thumbnail extractor program. Just drag and drop the meta file onto the canvas and it will show the last saved thumbnail in the meta file. Click File-->Save and it will save a *.PNG file into the meta file's directory. thumbnail_extractor.zip
  15. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12537-drawing-a-section-of-a-2d-texture-setting-uv-coords/#entry90453 Thats how to draw part of an image, but I see you want to be able to easily animate the texture. I believe shadmar has posted a model shader that shows how to do this more effectively in his updated firepit script.
  16. er.. his test was 88MB for 20,000 pivots. so basically 4.5kB per pivot.
  17. Yes you are right - it appears that only the drawing of the physics container is not being modified. Once I saw that I assumed that it was disabled and apparently Josh is under that impression as well since he basically stated as such last night. And GetCrouched() is not broken but you have to use the parameter in the SetInput() command for it to work. That is why I said you have to toggle the variable like I showed above. If you want it revert back to 'not crouched' automatically then simply use KeyDown instead of KeyHit. -- Check for crouching crouched = false if window:KeyDown(Key.C) then crouched = true end ... ... self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , crouched, 1.0, 0.5, true)
  18. Previous LE3 versions would alter the character's physics cylinder height which I mistakenly assumed it meant it was disabled. The parameter for crouch in the SetInput() command provides feedback for the entity:GetCrouched() command. And yes, like I mentioned in my previous post, you can still simulate the look of being crouched by moving the camera height. Also, your code above needs to toggle the crouch variable. -- Check for crouching if window:KeyHit(Key.C) then crouched = not crouched end ... ... self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , crouched, 1.0, 0.5, true) ... if self.entity:GetCrouched() then self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()+Vec3(0,1,0)) else self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition()+Vec3(0,2,0)) end Note that you also had the y-value swapped for crouched/not crouched.
  19. Crouching on the inherent character controller physics container appears to be currently disabled. This means the cylinder used for the character does not change height. But you can still simulate the look of crouching by just setting the height of the camera to a lower position. Granted due the character cylinder not changing height at the moment, you will be unable to actually go under anything that a normal standing character cylinder cannot go under.
  20. What about just a simple dropdown list of all available entity names in the current scene? I did something similar in LE2 for creating my own properties panel selections.
  21. What happens if you do not have a unique name? An error or just the possibility of the wrong object used for the linkage?
  22. I perform a global variable dump in lua since i do not have the c++ version of LE. I can see each command/member available for each class. This is the latest version: globals.txt Edit- and like shadmar suggests, if it is not documented, then Josh has repeatedly warned that it may be removed or stop working at any time.
  23. Works but that method in lua will cause the program to shut down half the time. Also, your method in lua appears to make the memory usage go up 3-4GBs each time. The SetLayout method doesn't do that - at least in lua (or at least in much smaller amounts).
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