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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. looks fine to me after the normals were recalculated in the model editor
  2. does the box have a script or mass? if not, it is probably collapsed into the scene with every other CSG,
  3. I noticed with this issue that it works correctly in a couple of instances: 1) no texture rotation on the face and the csg is rotated either by the toolbar/mouse rotation or via the object's property dialog rotation or 2) a texture rotation on the face and the csg is rotated first by the object's property dialog rotation After the csg was rotated via the property dialog, I can use the toolbar/mouse rotation to rotate the csg and it seems to work properly. It appears that for some reason when a texture on the face is rotated, the texture is not locked prior to using the toolbar/mouse rotation but it is when you use the object's property panel.
  4. well just looking at the edge glow shader code briefly, the uniforms/varying args look more like a combination of shadertoy.com and the shadertool rather than what is inherent to leadwerks. I thought there was some sort of export to LE variables for shadertool?
  5. After using GetFont() to obtain the default, add a reference for it. So the code would look like: self.originalFont = context:GetFont() self.originalFont:AddRef() This works for me, then you can load and set other fonts as needed. Granted I am still not clear why the GetFont() command does not automatically add a reference for itself but I am sure there is some grand reasoning behind some of the these decisions.
  6. just divide each component by 255
  7. This find and conversion from Einlander seems to work just fine in Leadwerks: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11746-2d-polygon-fill/ Edit - I see what Einlander is referring to - as you draw multiples it will drop the framerate significantly, but maybe not surprising as there are multiple loops occuring for each 'polyfillcontex' command. Granted if i wanted a star to be rendered i would just have an image drawn to a quad as it would be extremely cheap compared to any other method.
  8. seems to be instantaneous for me, but without seeing an example of the code from you that would show this behavior it is hard to say what is different between our two codes. are you using 'curve' in your code?
  9. List of inherent types: Collision.Prop = 1 Collision.Scene = 2 Collision.Character = 3 Collision.Trigger = 4 Collision.Debris = 5 Collision.Projectile = 6 Collision.LineOfSight = 7 List of possible responses: Collision.None = 0 Collision.Collide = 1 Collision.Trigger = 4 With the following warning from Josh concerning using the constants and not the numerical values: "You really should stick to using the named constants. Technically, the values of these are allowed to change at any time, without breaking the spec." Example of use in LUA: Collision:SetResponse(type, type, response) entity:SetCollisionType(type) Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Character, Collision.Trigger) Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Prop, Collision.Trigger) self.entity:SetCollisionType(10)
  10. What was possible in LE2? going below 0? no klepto is correct. I think you are thinking of the altitude feature but that was afaik just scaling in the Y direction - which could be used to move the terrain above the global 0@Y.
  11. i havent tried it yet but there is already a motion blur shader in the workshop: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=366090530
  12. thats essentially what the original CoD did - attach effects like sound or vfx to materials.
  13. In the beta model editor, the editor will crash with an exception access violation if you perform the convex decomposition twice - in a simple attempt to test the different options in the dialog. Also if you perform the convex decomposition prior to a performing a surface/mesh collapse, it will collapse the collision hull into your model. So the results will look like this: To reproduce, test the feature on the windmill from the workshop.
  14. BMAX was as well since the engine was written with it, but documentation tapered off the last year or so...
  15. Yes, my response was just for the question of whether you could create custom physics types/responses via lua. As for the issue you are seeing, have you tried camera:SetDebugPhysicsMode(true) in the running game to see if the physic shapes are where they are supposed to be? Also, a map example that shows this issue would probably be beneficial. If this is an actual bug, then it helps if others can easily reproduce the problem.
  16. Materials in LE are not the same materials in C4D. You are probably going to have to make the LE materials from the textures used on your model. See here for more information: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/material-editor-r8
  17. The screenshots you are posting simply show nice models. You can get the same look in LE3 if you had those models as well and set the post process effects similarly. The big difference between LE2 versus LE3 (not including the editor vs SDK aspect) is the capability for large scenes since no LOD or terrain vegetation has been implemented yet, but those features are on the horizon.
  18. List of inherent types: Collision.Prop = 1 Collision.Scene = 2 Collision.Character = 3 Collision.Trigger = 4 Collision.Debris = 5 Collision.Projectile = 6 Collision.LineOfSight = 7 List of possible responses: Collision.None = 0 Collision.Collide = 1 Collision.Trigger = 4 With the following warning from Josh concerning using the constants and not the numerical values: "You really should stick to using the named constants. Technically, the values of these are allowed to change at any time, without breaking the spec." Example of use in LUA: Collision:SetResponse(type, type, response) entity:SetCollisionType(type) Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Character, Collision.Trigger) self.entity:SetCollisionType(10)
  19. hardware accelerated? afaik the toggling of LOD's for models in LE2 was based purely on distance from camera much like the LOD used for vegetation and we had the ability to modify that with LODDistance() - which offhand i do not remember if it was a global world setting or entity based.
  20. i would imagine some sort of LOD would have to be implemented or vegetation is not going to work very well.
  21. you can just change line 248 from: gas = gas - self.acceleration to gas = gas + self.acceleration and then do the inverse on line 273
  22. I was never under the impression that this was Josh's to-do list for the entire year, but rather just what he was planning on focusing his efforts on first. Josh doesn't like to give roadmap timelines on anything which is understandable as you never will know what will change or problems that will occur as new items are introduced.
  23. + possible re-introduction of projected textures for lights on a slow day
  24. If you are referring to the mousewheel being clicked, then you can use 'self.window:MouseHit(Key.MButton)' or 'self.window:MouseDown(Key.MButton)'. If you are referring to the mousewheel being scrolled, then use 'self.window:GetMousePosition().z'
  25. try a 1.28 meter door according to this pinned post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10016-mapping-standards/
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