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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. look here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11181-r6025-pure-virtual-function-call/#entry81349 it looks like its a driver issue that requires you to use older ones until its resolved
  2. Again - not sure what you are talking about, but nothing in my post even suggested anything other than manually editing your project folder. And again nothing in any of my posts or others that I have seen, suggests that any of us hobbyists (mostly) are building AAA games. So not quite sure where your anger is coming from, but its tiresome. Josh apparently likes the idea or he would have never responded, but in the meantime, manually cleaning your project folder is the way to go. I would be curious though how he is going to solve the problem of assets that get loaded via code. That will be a pain to figure out. Your idea of marking assets that are loaded via code plus whatever asset gets loaded in the maps for publication is a possibility. But the implementation might be painful as there is no current interface in the World Editor with assets unless they are actually used in the scene - unless of course he adds an option to the model editor, texture editor, material editor, etc... We will see.
  3. excuse me - I have no idea what half of your responses even mean. I simply pointed out that you have the option to manually clean up your project folder that resolves the issue. I am sure Josh will do something in the near future that will accommodate this. As for your attitude and response to just a simple suggestion, it is completely uncalled for, but thanks for once again sharing with everyone the type of person you are.
  4. Not without changing code as the monsterAI script uses a raycast to determine line of sight to the player. Another option is to do what the 'AI and Events' map shows and create an object as a waypoint target that would bring the monster within line of sight of the player. So basically just as you did before, place an object into the 'Target' of the property dialog. If you use a CSG object make sure that it either has mass or a script attached or it will not work due to being collapsed into the scene.
  5. Another way to do this is to just clean up your project folder manually and only put models, textures, materials, sounds, etc... that you actually use into the project folder prior to publishing.
  6. I assume you are putting the player in as the target in the properties dialog. The target is intended for something like a waypoint pivot that the monster can actually reach. If you put the player as the target then move the player, the monster will do as you have described. So either put a static waypoint in as the target or just leave it blank and the monster will follow the player around the map.
  7. need more information - computer specs, graphic card info, OS platform, any particular error message, post the log, etc...
  8. Post a height map so people can try it. One thing you have to remember when you import a heightmap, the dimensions have to match the leadwerks terrain dimensions.. e.g. a 1024x1024 heightmap will work for a 1024x1024 LE terrain but not for a 512x512 LE terrain.
  9. havent looked at sprites yet so i don't know if Sprite:SetAngle() will work for you, but if you are just parenting it to the camera why wouldn't you just use the normal 2D commands like DrawText() or DrawImage()?
  10. put your mouse cursor over on the inner wall of the right side of the application and you should see a resize arrow - when you do, left-click/hold and drag to the left and you should see the Objects/Assets/Scene/Terrain panel.
  11. Read this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/1/entry-1192-refocusing-on-the-pc/
  12. here is an example from LE2 - the concept would be the same but syntax would be slightly different for LE3 Transform commands: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2542-bullet-help-wanted/#entry23432
  13. If I understand what you are asking, then you should be able to achieve that by selecting the brush face(s) and then using the 'Offset' in the Objects tab under the 'Texture Mapping' options. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/objects-panel-r680
  14. In LE2, I had made a scripted object for personal use that also used the old 'nvdxt.exe' to make the cubemap and I believe shadmar posted his version of a scripted object in the old download section at one point. The new LE3 editor no longer has a realtime scripting aspect to it like the old editor, so you would probably just have to run your program to create the images but it can be done fairly easily. Depending on my schedule this weekend or unless shadmar beats me to it, i will post a scripted object for use.
  15. Save the palm texture in a format that supports alpha - like DXT5. The default for when LE converts a texture to a *.tex file is DXT1 which doesn't support alpha. Also, you will need to use the 'diffuse+normal+alphamask.shader' in the material for the palm leaves so it will discard the unwanted white edges. Make sure you create a normalmap of the texture as well and add it to the material.
  16. my guess is that you would have to install the indie version first since the c++ version is just a DLC add-on.
  17. yeah i dont use that... it feels dirty.. like cheating... well without seeing all of your code or character setup i can only guess, but if you notice i am using a 'negative' value when calculating ATan2
  18. I thought you hated point-n-clicks? In any case, what about it doesn't work? Is it not returning the right angle? And wouldn't you still have to use SetInput() to move your character to the 'GoToPoint'? In LE2, I used essentially the same setup: function PerfectAngle(pos1,pos2) local dx, dz dx = pos1.x - pos2.x dz = pos1.z - pos2.z return math.deg(math.atan2(-dx,dz)) end ... perfectangle = PerfectAngle(gotohere,player.position) angle=IncAngle(perfectangle,angle,5/AppSpeed()) ... ... player:Update(angle,move,0,0,500,1,0)
  19. you are still not using SetInput...
  20. Thats because 'self' in that function does not exist. It works here because 'self' in this function refers to 'Script'.
  21. 'Script.Material1' is not a material. For 'entity:SetMaterial()' to work, you have to either load a material using 'Material:Load()' or create a material using Material:Create().
  22. or just use the built-in LE command 'context:Screenshot("filepath")', assuming you are referring to a LE game
  23. Granted this only works now with the '2014-09 - Archive' or '2014-08 - Archive'... It appears Josh has changed something in the engine that causes a c++ runtime error now whenever this library is used.
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