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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Make sure you have lua sandboxing disabled
  2. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/features?showbanner=0 Graphics OpenGL 4.0 deferred renderer with uniform lighting model supports any number of lights, all casting soft dynamic shadows.
  3. I have not really looked at it but isn't there a video tutorial associated with the AI and Events map that goes over this?
  4. What I have been doing is referring back to the older LE2 docs concerning terrain. Terrain:GetElevation() - the command name has changed but the parameters are very much like the previous version.
  5. i dont know... little weird that the dancer was an older heavy-set man in a bikini...
  6. weird... now i have a crash when ran from the editor in the beta - this just worked earlier this week without issues. edit- i can confirm that the crash does occur whenever done from a published project.
  7. Velocity is a Vec3...
  8. the GetLength() method is just for sounds... for Vec3's, its Length() so it would be: local Speed = Velocity:Length()
  9. yes i can confirm, triangle is always zero unless there is some caveat that i am missing
  10. And since my Screenshots folder already exists, it creates the screenshots with no issues. weird.
  11. Well then Haydenmango's issue is resolved! yay!
  12. It does. I've been using it that way for a while when not using external lua libraries. It's how I have been taking screenshots when just messing around with shaders.
  13. huh? why do you think that? In any case, context:Screenshot() works whether sandboxing is disabled or not.
  14. try dragging the child entity to the scene's root to make it indpendent
  15. What about the response you posted here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10830-entityemitsound-loop-stop-and-restart/#entry79363 Is this forthcoming?
  16. Looks easy to me... its already inherent to LE's current lua implementation as long as sandboxing is disabled. This appears to be the list of available bitwise operations: bit.tobit(x) -- normalize number to the numeric range of bit.tohex(x[,n]) -- convert x to hex with n digits (default 8) bit.bnot(x) -- bitwise not of x bit.band(x1[,x2...]) -- bitwise and of x1, x2, ... bit.bor(x1[,x2...]) -- bitwise or of x1, x2, ... bit.bxor(x1[,x2...]) -- bitwise xor of x1, x2, ... bit.lshift(x, n) -- left-shift of x by n bits bit.rshift(x, n) -- logical right-shift of x by n bits bit.arshift(x, n) -- arithmetic right-shift of x by n bits bit.rol(x, n) -- left-rotate of x by n bits bit.ror(x, n) -- right-rotate of x by n bits bit.bswap(x) -- byte-swap of x (little-endian <-> big-endian)
  17. Hmmm... that's a little unexpected. But the engine does "collapse/optimize" all brushes that have no mass or a script so maybe it is intended? Sounds like you can just add an empty script to the brushes as a workaround for the time being until maybe Josh can chime in with a response.
  18. Agree - after having ogg supported in LE2 and to go to wav for LE3 has required me to have to convert almost all sounds from ogg to a filesize twice the original size...
  19. The way the collision types and responses were set up a couple of months ago when I last checked: List of inherent types: Collision.Prop = 1 Collision.Scene = 2 Collision.Character = 3 Collision.Trigger = 4 Collision.Debris = 5 Collision.Projectile = 6 Collision.LineOfSight = 7 List of possible responses: Collision.None = 0 Collision.Collide = 1 Collision.Trigger = 4 With the following warning from Josh concerning using the constants and not the numerical values: "You really should stick to using the named constants. Technically, the values of these are allowed to change at any time, without breaking the spec." So in your case, try: Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Scene, Collision.Trigger) Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Prop, Collision.Trigger) Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Character, Collision.Trigger) self.entity:SetCollisionType(10)
  20. well, we just met... you seem nice and all but let's just be friends first and see where it goes from there
  21. That is a little outdated. Now skyboxes can be added to the scene's root via the properties tab.
  22. I can see all three no matter what I do - dont move, strafe left and right, walk forward and backward...makes no difference
  23. Yes, I can confirm the bug where it opens the file select dialog twice. But if i just select the shader again in the second file select dialog, it will allow you to save the material correctly. This might get you through until Josh can resolve the second opening of the dialog. Edit -- ChrisV beat me to it... I would definitely call that a bug unless Josh just wants us to be extra extra sure thats the shader we want to use..
  24. agreed - terrain editing only when terrain tab is active seems to make the most sense.
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