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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. If the default isn't getting created until the App:Loop() I would say something is wrong since I can create my own buffer and immediately access it in the App:Start() as shown above. In any case, checking for those components in the Start or Loop still returns nil as well as checking for those components via the context. I suspect this is a question that Josh will need to chime in on as he is the only one that knows for sure what is going on in the background since the documentation does not exist.
  2. Reviewing the inherent character controller and I do not see the ability to set certain properties. I do not see commands to adjust: - the stepheight - the max slope - the crouch height All of these seem to be fixed values? Can we get the values that these are set to? Are these hardcoded just due to the recast/detour implementation? And then there are some properties I can adjust via the inherent fps script that don't seem to make any difference: - the player height - the two extra parameters in the SetInput command From the inherent fps player script, the command is shown as: self.entity:SetInput(self.camRotation.y, playerMovement.z, playerMovement.x, jump , false, 1.0, 0.5, true) but the documentation for SetInput only shows 6 parameters: void SetInput(float angle, float move, float strafe=0, float jump=0, bool crouch=false, float maxaccel=1) What are the two extra parameters? Is the player height also fixed due to recast/detour?
  3. I am trying to grab the various components from the default buffer that is created but for some reason those components come back 'nil'. When I create my own buffer, the commands seem to work. What am I missing to be able to grab the default buffer's components? function App:Start() self.window = Window:Create() self.context = Context:Create(self.window) local width = self.context:GetWidth() local height = self.context:GetHeight() self.world = World:Create() self.cam = Camera:Create() self.buffer = Buffer:GetCurrent() if self.buffer==nil then System:Print("buffer is nil") end if self.buffer:GetDepthTexture()==nil then System:Print("depth is nil") end if self.buffer:GetColorTexture(0)==nil then System:Print("color0 is nil") end if self.buffer:GetColorTexture(1)==nil then System:Print("color1 is nil") end if self.buffer:GetColorTexture(2)==nil then System:Print("color2 is nil") end local buffer = Buffer:Create(width, height, 1+2,1) Buffer:SetCurrent(buffer) local mybuffer = Buffer:GetCurrent() if mybuffer==nil then System:Print("my buffer is nil") end if mybuffer:GetDepthTexture()==nil then System:Print("my depth is nil") end if mybuffer:GetColorTexture(0)==nil then System:Print("my color0 is nil") end if mybuffer:GetColorTexture(1)==nil then System:Print("my color1 is nil") end if mybuffer:GetColorTexture(2)==nil then System:Print("my color2 is nil") end Buffer:SetCurrent(self.buffer) return true end function App:Loop() if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return false end Time:Update() self.world:Update() self.world:Render() self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:DrawText("FPS: "..Time:UPS(),20,20) self.context:Sync() return true end
  4. He cant turn off the compression without having the source file, just fyi. But that appears to be the issue as i have the source dds files from LE2.5 uncompressed and they look fine close up.
  5. aww... as i was reading it and saw the picture, i thought for second that you were going to implement character shop into the LE3 editor. It would be a nice thing to add maybe down the road - quickly add the t-pose base skeleton to our imported character and then just add the animated sequences as needed all in one package without having to jump back and forth between different apps. In any case, sounds good. But i want to re-iterate, please request that the animations come with a standard t-pose (as shown in the character shop pic) as this is usually the easiest to rig and set weights.
  6. yes if the gmf has no bones the skin shader will not work on it- the opposite is true as well. a model with bones with a non-skin shader will not map correctly (all red if memory serves) and will not animate. i suspect you want the bone as it has animation applied to it - so i suggest you try another version of FBX to export to from 3dsmax.
  7. Remove the skin shaders from the material file and it should map correctly as there are no bones in the gmf model. Using uu3d, i converted to gmf to keep the bone and the skin shader works fine. Except I also had to use the autoSmoothe to recalc the normals as the box had weird shading issues. you may have to export to another fbx version from 3dsmax to get this to export correctly - i suspect an older fbx version is required to work with LE2.
  8. If directional light, just perform a raycast to the light - if clear line of sight then you are in the light. For spot / point lights, try setting up trigger shapes that match closely to the light's cone/diameter. If triggered, then you are in the light. If looking for stages of blending between light and shadow, maybe have multiple trigger shapes at various cone heights/ radii. Sounds like a perfect place to make heavy use of prefabs.
  9. me as well http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10157-renaming-animation-sequences/#entry75231
  10. Sounds good. Out of curiosity, do you have the list of the equivalent distance value for each of the entity view ranges handy? That would be good info to have in the documentation as well. --edit Also what's the difference between Max and Infinite? Is Max based on the camera's range?
  11. do you not have a normal map bound to the terrain material? just curious because i vaguely remember an issue in LE2 where objects that were using a shader that called for a normal map or any other texture slot and there was nothing assigned, the engine would grab a random one and assign it for you. Edit --- Or I think its related to this issue: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10196-dots-on-textures-re-made-with-video-solved/ Either way, i would be curious if adding a normal map to your "terrain" would fix it
  12. Interesting, it appears that LE3 removes bones with no animations associated with it? When opened in uu3d, there is an extra bone, 'HumanSword', as a child to the 'HumanPelvis' but it doesn't show up in the mdl when automatically converted using the editor. I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing, just surprised. A t-pose to accompany this animation would be nice to allow for easy rigging of a character then adding this animation sequence.
  13. adjustable by setting the camera's properties: also, you can set the individual objects' distance to be rendered (how far away from the camera): In the LE2 days I believe you also had a global way to set what those ranges would be, but I am not seeing it for the LE3 documentation. Granted, LE2 had LODs so maybe thats why its not in LE3 yet?
  14. by just adding the normal texture to that layer removed the dots you are showing in the video
  15. Your account here on leadwerks.com is not updated to show that you are a developer. I think there is a way to do this yourself by inputting a registration key somewhere but if not you can always send an email to support@leadwerks,com
  16. excellent shadmar! much appreciated. Now it just becomes the waiting game for documentation
  17. The request had been to implement user defined collision types and responses as shown in this post: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/9109-collision-response-types/#entry73689 And the documentation page says that the programmer can change the default collision responses, but whenever 'Collision:SetResponse()' is used it will error out with 'argument #1 is class Collision; Collision expected'. Example code - uncomment the line to cause the error: function App:Start() --Create a window self.window = Window:Create() self.context = Context:Create(self.window) self.world = World:Create() local camera = Camera:Create() camera:SetRotation(35,0,0) camera:Move(0,0,-8) local light = DirectionalLight:Create() light:SetRotation(35,35,0) --Create the ground local ground = Model:Box(10,1,10) ground:SetColor(0.0,1.0,0.0) --Create a shape local shape = Shape:Box(0,0,0, 0,0,0, 10,1,10) ground:SetShape(shape) shape:Release() --Create a model self.entity1 = Model:Box() self.entity1:SetColor(0.0,0.0,1.0) self.entity1:SetPosition(-2,3,0) self.entity1:SetMass(1) self.entity1:SetCollisionType(2) --Create a shape shape = Shape:Box() self.entity1:SetShape(shape) shape:Release() --Create a second model self.entity2 = self.entity1:Instance() self.entity2:SetPosition(2,3,0) self.entity2:SetCollisionType(13) --Collision:SetResponse(1,13,true)---UNCOMMENT THIS LINE TO CAUSE ERROR return true end function App:Loop() if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyHit(Key.Escape) then return false end Time:Update() self.world:Update() self.world:Render() self.context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) self.context:DrawText("Entity 1 collision type: "..self.entity1:GetCollisionType(),2,2) self.context:DrawText("Entity 2 collision type: "..self.entity2:GetCollisionType(),2,22) self.context:Sync() return true end
  18. Looking over some postprocessing code that I believe shadmar did, it appears there are some Buffer commands exposed in lua but there is no documentation on this. Would like to have access to all the available commands and documentation for each please. I assume in the very least LE3 would have the same commands or similar as what was in LE2: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php/Buffers
  19. I would like to see an example in lua where this can be done via another thread because at the moment it causes a ridiculous glitch. And can this be done to a NavMesh that was already created in the Editor or would you have to forsake the Editor version?
  20. Agree with that statement MG. Seems a waste considering that was one of the big advantage/selling point for recast/detour. I guess we can throw a raycast check continuously in front of all our NPCs like we did with Astar... but seems a waste considering recast/detour has the ability to take care of this problem.
  21. Hmm good to know as like you said there's so little information available. But I vaguely remember Josh showing a video of dynamic pathfinding during the pre-LE3.0 days - dynamic meaning that objects actively finding new paths as the something new was introduced into its current path.
  22. Just out of curiosity, are you setting the player and the NPCs 'SetNavigationMode' to true? I am curious if that will make the NPCs take the player into account when following a path. Or is this command only for static objects?
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