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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. The fix for your map was as easy as just selecting the wall with the issue and under the Physics tab creating a shape-->Box and selecting the 'Fit Shape' button. It appears the default is to automatically create a physics shape for CSG. But even if it does, the Physics tab's shape selection shows 'None'. It probably needs to fill out that selection based on the CSG primitive created to avoid confusion. --Edit - I am able to reproduce this - seems like adding a script to a CSG item that is a child object will lose its physics shape even though its visible when viewing Physics. But not exactly a showstopper as it can easily be resolved by creating a new Physics shape and fitting it to the CSG mesh.
  2. Sent a PM to you with screenshots showing exactly what I did in my test example.
  3. ah i see - i was misunderstanding - someone had mentioned the viewport camera and from my testing it showed that the editor's built-in cameras were not saved into the mapfile - but i see now that you are referring to a camera created in the editor. yes, i think we are all in the same boat as far as the learning curve on LE3. i personally have to "unlearn" all the ways we did this in LE2 as alot does not apply anymore. For example, the previous SBX file (LE2's version of a map) used to save the actual Editor's perspective/3D camera's position and rotation values so you could easily set a camera to that if you desired. --edit actually from just a quick test i believe the built-in cameras' positions/rotations are being saved in the mapfile, but offhand I don't know how to retrieve that information. Josh could maybe chime in and explain as the map file is ascii gibberish when opened in a text editor like we did with the old sbx files.
  4. thats odd - unless i am misunderstanding what you are saying, if i do not create an actual camera entity via the editor or via lua code, then there is no camera when I run the program (ie nothing is rendered). Also when iterating through the loaded entities when loading the map file, i am also checking the entity class/name and it does not show a editor viewport camera listed.
  5. A camera as far as I know is extended from the base entity class. So you can iterate through the entity list and grab the camera based on the name - which is what I am doing in lua. As for the actual editor's viewport camera - from what i can see its not being saved in your map, so you have to add your own camera and position/rotate it as needed.
  6. Looks like a bug as my attempts on the default crawler sequences shows the same problem.
  7. You would be better off using raycasts for bullets then setting a force based on the pickinfo's position and normal. Small and fast usually doesn't play well in most physics engines. Previous tests back in LE2 using an older version of newton showed there was a limit to how small before the physics got weird.
  8. Your code works fine by just setting the ball's collisiontype to "character". No need to change the actual physics shape.. If Josh would fix the apparent bug with the 'Collision:SetResponse' command, then you could just set the type/response that you want via code.
  9. Has anyone been able to get this to work in lua? It appears that you can set the collision type to any integer but it appears the SetResponse() is looking for a pre-defined collision class...
  10. add the texture lock and the ability to move vertices like in 3dws and i will be a happy man
  11. ah yes thanks... i thought i saw this feature at one point... i was trying to do it with mdl's in my workshop tab and right-clicking is not working on those - assume i have to move them to my local model folders
  12. I see in the Physics tab that you have the option to pick a shape file - *.PHY. But it only appears that you can save a shape file when the object is CSG-created. In LE2, you used to be able to create PHY from OBJ's so you could have more custom shapes. Is there a feature that I am missing that would allow me to make a PHY from something other than primitive CSG shapes?
  13. this used to be a common thing in LE2 with certain convex shapes at certain angles or with really small items, but working with julio at the time with test programs he was able to resolve this issue... granted this was using newton version 2-something or other... unfortunately it looks like its resurfaced again... example vid of after it was resolved in the earlier newton dll
  14. its showing because the bordertrail.tex has a third dot at the bottom. if you open the tex file in the texture editor, clamp the Y, and save, it will remove that third line.
  15. Camera 2 needs the 'Use Post-Effects' checked located in its Camera tab.
  16. i think you need to perform an update on the surface... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/surface/surfaceupdate-r638 EDIT - actually that works just fine for me in lua... all except for the SetMaterial command. The second argument is bool not integer and will cause an error.
  17. No problem. Yep it did the same in LE2.
  18. I assume it was done as an easy way to cycle through the frames as time is constantly increasing. This method was also used in LE2 documentation. If you want to control where the frame starts and ends then you have to program for that by simply setting the start frame then increment the frame count yourself. In LE2, I always used AppSpeed() to increment the frame count while checking for the end frame to know when it was finished. psuedocode: frame = 0 endframe = 150 ... ... if playAnimation == 1 then entity:Animate(frame, 1, 0, 1 ) frame = frame + AppSpeed() if frame >= endframe then playAnimation = 0 frame = 0 end end
  19. macklebee


    the delay was due to for some reason that LE2 had a separate setup for so-called "raycast structures" than from the PHY bodies... which was odd, because talking to Julio Jerez they should have been one and the same object/entity. I am not sure how josh resolved that in his implementation - either by fixing the disparity or actually performing a raycast internally on every entity loaded into a scene...
  20. macklebee


    hmmm thats odd since raycasting in any engine I have ever tried is physics based, and still it appears to be this way in LE3 which makes sense since its derived from newton. if you look at Josh's video again, you will see that its a rigidbody that he was attaching to the bones as a hitbox. Unless LE3 also gives physic entities coloring as well, then i suspect the hitbox mesh you see is just to make it obvious what he was doing.
  21. No animations in 3dws since its intent was for scene design not character, but you can load X models into it by just placing the file into the Models directory and the textures in the Materials folder within their own respective folders.
  22. yes, you should have listened to the majority of users here that could actually use LE2 that wanted the focus of LE3 to still be the advanced graphics...
  23. being able to select and manipulate vertices like in 3DWS would be more helpful imo... it definitely is a feature that really needs to be included if LE3 editor's CSG is to be taken as a serious replacement for 3DWS.
  24. does the 'Character' rotation parameter still exist under the Physics tab in your version of L E3? if so, you could try that. If not, then maybe there is something weird with the MoveToPoint command?
  25. strange... i can change the goblin model's rotation in the demo and save it as another prefab, place it in the scene, and the goblin is moving in the direction of its local +z axis. Also i can change the rotation of the character by adjusting the poorly named 'Character' parameter under the Physics tab - located right below the 'Collision Type' parameter (which might not exist anymore as its not listed in the documentation).
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