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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. in LE2 it could be resolved by geometry - ie beveling walls/floors, increasing thickness of walls/floors- and in worse case, adjusting the linear offset values.
  2. cant you rotate it just by using the rotate button then save it as a prefab with the rotation you want?
  3. click the button circled in red:
  4. using the fbx2mdl converter from the trial version, i just successfully converted a fbx model that had 2500+ frames in its animation and it successfully animates through all the frames. so unless josh changed the converter since then, i would say the issue is on your end.
  5. you should probably stop selling it at TGC if the product is no longer being supported... or at least post in big letters that it will not run on windows 8 on its home/features page
  6. you can... just use the inherent lua commands instead.
  7. the variable for the material is 'self.material' but you use this to set the material to the model: self.model:SetMaterial(material)
  8. just looking at the LE3 documentation here, it appears a list is created for a world's entities... can you not access that list like how it was done in LE2? LE2: fw.main.world.entities or fw.main.world.meshes or fw.main.world.emitters...etc...
  9. In LE2, the model was the physics body with a child mesh. So when you hid the model you effectively just told the engine not to render that mesh but it had no effect on the physics body. Like cassius stated, the response set up for that body's collision type is what determined whether or not a collision occurred.
  10. er... except unity has had that price for at least a year... again stop it with the silly fanboy bollocks... you were already called out for that in this post a couple of days ago: http://www.leadwerks...rts/#entry53010 if anything I would say LE is affected by the unity pricing not the other way around, as this pricing was brought up when LE3 cost $1500 to $3000
  11. ahhhh nice... missed the menu on the left. excellent.
  12. i thought you said that LE2 users would have the lowered price until April 30th? and now its been raised $200 more for the total package...
  13. http://www.leadwerks...er_page=5&st=35 granted this is for LE2, so much of what you see here will not translate directly to Leadwerks 3
  14. The physics body that the engine will auto create is for static bodies only. If you use phygen on the OBJ version of your model, then you can create a body to be used for dynamic interaction. And you might be able to use a more primitive shape to substitute.
  15. yeah i can confirm a bug with copy in the script editor
  16. ? we have godrays and DOF in LE2 in the framework commands... the DOF isnt dynamic but no reason that you - well maybe someone else - could not program it to be.
  17. if its not there just create it yourself: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/5188-distance-to-picked-point/#entry45581
  18. i'd be curious on what this poll would look like now that people know the pricing...
  19. ah... ok i think what was confusing for people was that you said: In actuality, UU3D just makes it one mesh with two separate surfaces and the lightmap surface material uses 'zsort' to place it on top. Still looks nice and in this case it might be better to only be 1 mesh.
  20. the mesh and its child meshes all had strange values for scale and rotation so they need to have their transforms reset
  21. as said before, without seeing the model and the script, its almost impossible for people to give you any advice on what you are doing wrong
  22. are you still using 'object.barrels' in the game script? if so, stop it and do what i showed you to do. if you are getting the error because 'barrels' is actually nil then you need to perform a logic check to see if it actually found the child mesh called 'barrels'. If this is happening then I can assume your model doesnt actually have mesh hierarchy. and you should try to make a simpler standalone version that just focuses on loading the minigun and finding the child mesh if it exists.
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