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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. "turn your head and cough, please", says Josh as he performs the LE physical on Rick
  2. does LE provide healthcare to its users? just curious as this sounds like a similar email i received from my company regarding health choices where the future plan is to start charging people more for not following a healthy lifestyle... if LE does offer healthcare, what is my deductible?
  3. well there you go, elcoo... i hope that helps...
  4. Ken, i think at this point you dont need to sing your own praises - your vids and blogs speak volumes
  5. you need the Y angle value of the camera in the angle parameter of the Update controller command. controller:Update(camRotation.y, move, strafe, jump, 250 , 1, 0) Also you might want to increase the maxacceleration parameter from 25 to something significantly higher, unless you want a sliding effect. Also the camera position has to be offset from the controller, otherwise the camera is placed at the ground level. camera:SetPosition(Vec3( controller.position.x, controller.position.y+1.8, controller.position.z )) and this line does nothing: controller:SetPosition(camera)
  6. make a youtube account and upload it there, then just use a link to that here.
  7. sounds more like an issue with the character's animation or the code to animate rather than an issue with the camera angle... i wouldn't limit your view angle as a band-aid fix to the issue but rather attempt to resolve what could be causing the problem. perhaps you should try just making a simple example program that does nothing but load the character and allows you to cycle through the animations to troubleshoot the issue.
  8. http://www.learnopengles.com/android-emulator-now-supports-native-opengl-es2-0/
  9. ah nice... a simulator is the way to go... do you have one for android as well?
  10. why cant you use the b3d format to convert to fbx via uu3d? uu3d has a b3d plugin...
  11. Then this has changed without notice because it had not in the past and was repeatedly stated as such from the developer. And from what I just checked with my older versions of LE, this did not work until LE2.42. This would have been good information to know. But this is good news, so thanks for the information, Daimour!
  12. Its available in lua and bmax... cannot say whether or not its in c/c++. But like I said, most people just set the world prior to creation then set the world back to previous after. As for a command list... there are a couple online as well as found in files in the SDK. Online can be found here and here.
  13. is there any thing mentioned in the game log file to indicate an issue when it loads the emitters or coronas? perhaps you are missing the mat files and textures for the coronas and emitters in your project. If so, it will state that in the log file.
  14. yep, its essentially what i did to extract individual animation sequences from a character model in the past.
  15. I would suggest you read the User Guide. There is an example of the alphatest material file to use with the inherent vegetation that comes with the SDK: texture0="abstract::tree_spruce_leaf_DF.dds" texture1="abstract::tree_spruce_leaf_N.dds" texture3="abstract::tree_spruce_leaf_Spec.dds" specular=0.25 cullface=0 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_sway.vert", "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular_alphatest.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_sway.vert","abstract::mesh_shadow.frag" The object scripts basically are only used for the models and not the vegetation mesh layers, but you can have a script for the vegetation if you use them as individual models - it just will not have much effect on the vegetation layer. Unless of course you use the script to change mesh colors. Well you would be creating a mesh and you can set its world after its been created by using SetEntityWorld(), but common practice is to just use SetWorld() prior to creating the mesh.
  16. i assume the terrain extends past that? if so, then do what has been suggested twice and drag & drop the enviroment_atmosphere object into the scene. it will load a skybox automatically. Then open its property dialog and increase the camera range.
  17. are you talking about the view distance of vegetation when in the terrain editing mode of the editor? Or are you not understanding that dadonik was suggesting dropping the environment_atmosphere scripted object into the editor scene and adjusting the Camera Range property located under the 'Atmosphere' tab in the properties dialog?
  18. if you have uu3d, try exporting it with the mesh just like you did with the base model. then in uu3d, remove the mesh/surfaces and its UVs before exporting to gmf.
  19. er what? as for the gray wall does your model have a MAT file with a texture and shader assigned? See the User Guide for more details.
  20. perhaps it has to do with the fact you have a boolean true in for the sequence parameter? void Animate( TEntity entity, flt frame, flt blend=1, int sequence=0, int recursive=1 ) and are you sure that 'badguy.k_framebegin' is definitely starting with a value you think its starting with? I would put some Print statements in there to verify it is actually not already greater or equal to the 'badguy.K_frameend' value to begin with... Edit- and is the function 'kill_badguy()' being constantly called until 'badguy.stopanim' is true? if not, then just calling the function once will just animate one frame of the death sequence.
  21. Abstract paths do not work with the lua 'require', hence the fact you have to have the 'Scripts' folder located within your project to access the class script. The only thing that I could suggest is to have the Scripts folder be located in your editor's executable folder and have a reference to require it in 'Start' folder. I have never gotten this error either unless my project folder was missing the 'Scripts' folder.
  22. http://www.leadwerks...-refraction-r10 look at the scripted object located at the bottom of the tutorial that can be used with the LE editor (not sandbox - hasn't been called sandbox since LE2.28).
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