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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. Just quickly looking at this, the skeletons are not the same between the two GMF's. The base.gmf's highest bone is UD3Mesh with children bones called Null-Objekt and Root. The sk_anim.gmf's highest bone starts at Root. If you notice the soldier model and its animations all have the exact same skeleton. EDIT: Also, you might want to take a look at the right leg... there is an issue with some of the vertices... maybe a flipped normal as well... or just a vert whose weight is not placed correctly...
  2. The soldier has LODs so you have to use the new LOD commands to access them (GetChild() no longer gives access to LODs). Also, if the script for the soldier is still there then more than likely it already loaded all of the animations which could be causing a problem for you. And LoadAnimation does work, as I just tried the soldier script myself. If you look at the download for the soldier in the asset store, you will see that I posted a link at the bottom of the post that has a hastily updated version of the soldier script that shows the new commands. And ken is right... dividing AppTime() by 100 as your frame is probably screwing it up as well...
  3. uneasy feeling? in any case, this can be resolved by adjusting values for the light... see SetShadowmapSize and SetShadowQuality explained here.
  4. i was going to say i remember at one time for LE2 you had talked about creating a tool or a feature that did just this... do you have an estimate for the opengl4 renderer yet? xmas? granted it looks like a similar result can be gotten from playing with ambient/directional/fog colors...
  5. It is returning exactly what it is supposed to return, which is the local position in relation to the parent. If you are trying to get the global position values of the Bip01 bone then you have to set the global parameter in EntityPosition() to 1.
  6. They are there, you just cannot see them because the decals are so small. The inherent train models that come with the LE SDK have mesh hierarchy. And these individual meshes have a scale applied to them for some reason instead of 1,1,1. I assume before exporting someone didn't reset the scaling or some such. If you make the radius of the decal like 3 or so you will see the decal, but then the decals will be waaaay over-sized for any other model. My only suggestion is to not use these models, at least not if you expect to place decals on them. My guess is that these models were done very early in the development of LE and something like this was never considered.
  7. Try using the alphatest shader instead of setting the blend to alpha. Did you make sure the bullethole texture you are using is a power of 2? And what do you mean holes working on a picked entity? Thats exactly what Daimour's and my examples are doing... Alphatest instead of alpha blend shader: texture0="abstract::bullethole.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" overlay=1 zsort=1 clamp0=1,1 EDIT- from what I see either material will work (either alphatest or alpha blend) but you have to remove the bumpmap reference in the vert/frag shader assignment if you do not have a bumpmap texture assigned. Thats what is causing those lines to appear. See #2) in my post above.
  8. it works here... did you try the example I posted with the material and texture provided?
  9. agree but its been overrun by spam and countless items have wrong information in it... and since its been locked to prevent the spam, we cannot clean up the problems...
  10. Decals work in blitzmax... well, at least as well as any other language using LE decals that drag down the FPS whenever multiple ones are used... Two issues that I could see that might be causing an issue for you: 1) Make sure you use the decal texture Daimour returned in his example as it was a power of 2 and the original one you provided was not. 2) In the material file Daimour provided he is using a bumpmap shader, but yet there is no bumpmap assigned. This can cause issues as sometimes the last bumpmap will be used from another model. My suggestion is to either remove the bumpmap reference in the shader assignment or create a bumpmap and assign it in the material file. Other than that, I can only assume its your code. Rather than wasting your time just posting snippets, make a small example and post it. It removes the problem with people having to guess whether there is another problem in your code that is causing the problem and it allows people to quickly test it without having to resort to building their own example. bulletholeBMX.zip
  11. looks nice afke... i like the second one as the first seems like it was missing something... but maybe use something different to bookend the text...
  12. While the sentiment is extremely nice of you, i think you are doing yourself a disservice. I think a better point would be made by not buying an engine that lacks the features you were wanting.
  13. macklebee

    Terrain Test

    well i see nothing above that suggests any tools are coming this way anytime soon... if anything i see a suggestion to use one model for terrain which IMO is not really feasible as can be seen by the fact there is nothing else in the scene and its only getting 62fps... and thats not vsynch... why not in the meantime while waiting for this "uber super-duper" terrain system, he put in place the current heightmap terrain so we can at least have vegetation as well... you know, the whole reason given that newton was picked as the physics engine... or at least be able to create terrains like I have shown above... i just never understood why the more "upgrades" LE gets, the more features are removed from it.
  14. the only commandline option it takes appears to be the filename of the texture you want to convert... at least from what i can tell.. but if you open the dialog and hit the options button, you can select the defaults that you want be saved into the 'makedds.cfg' file. Then from that you can can just run the commandline command with the filename and it will use the settings in the config file. I would suggest you delete the cfg file first and start fresh.
  15. macklebee

    Terrain Test

    but LE2 used to have nice terrain tools like erosion... and in any case the features that are inherent right now in LE2 allows you to create terrains just like if not better than what is shown above... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/gallery/image/145-quick-5-minute-test-of-l3dt/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/gallery/image/141-dem-test/
  16. macklebee

    Icing on the Cake

    allowing users to set hotkeys would also make a huge difference in the speed and feel of the editor...
  17. depends on your browser... try downloading one of the games from the asset store and see where it saves it at... or just check your browser settings and see where the default save goes to... or check your recycle bin and see if you deleted it... at this point I dont see how anyone other than Josh restoring your dev account can resolve this... and just a suggestion - maybe write down your password this time since for some mysterious reason the 'retrieve password' link doesn't work for you... but only when it comes to your developer account...
  18. again if you had the updater once from josh or by downloading it, then figure out what you did with it and use it.... so far you have told me here and in previous chat messages that you have lost your dev account password, lost your second non-dev password, lost or didn't have the registration code from the original email - but now you mysteriously have the registration code, and now you have misplaced the updater... you have to admit that seems a little suspicious...
  19. ok... if you downloaded the updater then its on your computer... if its on your computer you do not need to even be signed into LE. The updater uses your registration code to download the latest SDK. Has nothing to do with being logged onto the website. seems strange that your story changes each time you are given new information...
  20. yes... i know about the link to the asset store. What i am telling you, the only way you could have installed the ACTUAL SDK is by downloading the updater from the asset store, using your registration code, and then running the updater to install the SDK. If you did not do any of that, then you must have only been using the evaluation version. I am seriously starting to question whether or not you are either the most dedicated troll/pirate to ever exist or there's been a serious head injury in your recent past....
  21. well if you have the updater, which you said you did not previously, then just run that program again and it will install the latest SDK. If you are talking about the installer that you grab from the product page here then that is just the 30 day evaluation.
  22. There is a difference between the evaluation version and the current SDK install for developers. The only way to get the developer SDK was through the updater and your registration code. So if you didn't have that, then you only installed the 30 day trial. There's no other way to get the dev's SDK.
  23. er... huh? you said in the previous post that you didnt have the updater because you didnt download it... and now that you don't have access to your developer account, you can't download it... now you are saying you just installed LE on august 13th? some of your posts are starting to contradict each other...
  24. and you didnt download it when you purchased LE and recieved that email? then yes more than likely you have been using the 30day evaluation.
  25. why cant you do a clean install? the install is done by a separate program that uses your registration code that you recieve when you buy LE... if you do not have that, then more than likely you were still using the 30 day evaluation and thats why its not running any more...
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