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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. wait... you had to use the password recovery for your second login as well? er.. maybe write down your password somewhere? and i just recovered my password with my account... so the link appears to work...
  2. odd... i just tried it and it seems to work for me... got an email with a link to change my password...
  3. there is a 'i've forgotten my password' link on the sign-in page... have you tried getting your password emailed to you from that?
  4. The dust particles coming from viperscout vehicle have not worked inherently since LE2.3 was intitially released. Its due to the scripts/start/globals.lua script being completely commented out as it served no true purpose. So to get the particles to work in the viperscout script, I would just replace the variables, 'world_transparency' and 'world_main', with the appropriate variables, 'fw.transparency.world' and 'fw.main.world', respectively. As for the rest of the particles missing, I would just suggest making sure you have the latest graphics driver and perhaps do a clean install.
  5. you know Josh does a blog that shows details of LE3, right? as for what it automatically converts, so far only FBX and GMF files have been mentioned for the auto conversion... which I guess is ok if you have a modelling app that exports to FBX...
  6. ConvertMesh.exe located in the Tools folder will convert directX meshes to GMF. Granted you would have to scale it as needed in a modelng app before converting. EDIT - sorry... convertmesh.exe apparently only does static not models with animations... and it appears the converter 3dsx2gmf.exe converter in the tools folder only does this as well... so it looks like you will have to convert from a modeling app to something else...
  7. then why are you here again? it was just a couple of weeks ago you were asking for 3D Vision support... but now you have some mysterious bug that prevents LE from being used to make any game? if this was truly the case then why are you wasting your time here? sounds like someone is just trolling...
  8. yes i suggested clearing the buffer and/or drawing a transparent texture to the buffer before drawing his image already in the posts above.
  9. No. Thats wrong. If he is using a separate buffer to draw into then using getcolorbuffer to draw that onto his main screen, the only render/flip needed is for the main world drawing. He doesnt need a separate render/flip for the image to appear in the other buffer.
  10. well i just tried an image that had a transparent border all the way around it and it seemed to take care of the fact that clearing the buffer makes the buffer white... so maybe add a small transparent border completely around the image? Or you can do a lil cheat like I just tried and create a completely transparent image and then draw that fullsize covering the buffer completely before drawing your other image... and it looks like you dont have to use ClearBuffer() anymore when you do that... why use render or flip at all? he is just drawing an image to a separate buffer not rendering another world... unless i am reading wrong what he is doing... EDIT: you might also want to check that texture... it really does look like the artifacts you get from using compression on an alpha texture...
  11. are you sometimes changing what is drawn in the other buffer? i have seen it leave artifacts like that... i got around it by clearing the buffer before each time the image was drawn in it if i remember correctly... that or its an issue with the texture itself... looks almost like a compression issue causing artifacts with the alpha transparency...
  12. i assume you mean genmat.exe... and it only looks at the texture not the model to create the mat file... and yes it will automatically create a bumpmap MAT file if the normal map name ends with "dot3"
  13. your zip file didnt contain a normal/bump map and it did not have the bumpmap shader assigned in the mat file - like was shown in the link i posted above. as for making normal/bump maps, any image software will do that for you... gimp, paint.net, photoshop...
  14. look at the inherent models that come with the SDK... the oildrum uses a bumpmap...
  15. as has been said before in this post, read the User's Guide. in LE2, you can only use DDS textures.
  16. this shows how to use a bumpmap... just assign the bumpmap as texture1 and then use the appropriate shader http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/user-guide/materials2/diffuse-and-bumpmap-material-r490
  17. uh... save/remember your password when you log in?
  18. post your gmf, texture, and mat file here... so we dont have to guess what you are doing wrong...
  19. no. there are a couple of things you need to see a textured model in LE... the converted GMF mesh, the DDS texture(s), and the MAT file that tells LE what textures and shaders to use... Read this: http://www.leadwerks...-user-guide-r16 as it explains alot of the questions you may have... the mat file should assign the textures and shaders you want to show for that particular mesh... the example textures used in the link i gave you are just that... examples.
  20. i suck at 2d but you can have this... no charge! DARKNESS AWAITS...
  21. you have to use the skin shader for models that have bones/animations... http://www.leadwerks...n-material-r495 and the textures have to be DDS... and MG is right... obj does not support animations and here is a video tut for exporting from blender to LE http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials/_/artwork/exporting-from-blender-to-leadwerks-engine-r12
  22. the camera angle that you are using would probably prevent any problems with large amounts of entities being drawn when using the second style of snap-together parts... we did a similar thing in a small project and the cameraview culling items not seen seemed to work just fine... and your camera angle seems to be more topdown than what we had so it should work even better... the scene shown here are all parts snapped together... 2x4 floors, 2x4 walls, etc.. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/videos/_/xray-shader-kinda-r114
  23. that page doesnt exist for anyone... there have been a lot of forum changes and data loss over the years here so there are some broken links.
  24. well that would be up to either josh or tkunze as it is josh's forum and tkunze's program... but still I dont understand why just converting a handful of models using the commandline tools is out of the question? Do you really need to convert thousands of models to evaluate the engine? if it is that big of an issue just write a batch converter yourself that uses the commandline tools.
  25. Yes, prior to this forum we had a very open forum. And what was discovered was a lot of time and effort was wasted on supporting people that had illegal versions of the software. So if you buy LE and get the owners membership, what you are getting is not only the engine but the technical help shown in the members only forum boards as well as perks such as access to items in the assets store.
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