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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. So you have to convert all 2000+ models into LE's gmf format to be able to evaluate it? I am not sure I follow your logic here. Surely, you can convert a handful using the available conversion tools in the evaluation version to properly see if LE is for you. As for saying people that buy stuff legally are the only ones that suffer, again I do not see how that applies here. If you bought LE legally and have a SDK owners membership on the forum then will you have full access to the downloads section and the tools users here have made. Yes, you can get pirated versions of LE and most engines. But one of the big features that people get with a legal version of LE and its membership is the access to the rest of the forums and the items in the assets store.
  2. well there are user made tools in the asset store that appear to do this... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/285-gmfconverter/ but you have to actually be a SDK owner to have access to these... also, my understanding of LE3 - the editor will automatically convert model files and textures to the LE formats needed... though I am under the impression this will only be true of FBX models...
  3. er... huh? where did you get this from? what model format is M4F?
  4. Well it sounds more like an issue with how you are parenting than a problem with needing a global parameter for scaling. If you set the global parameter for EntityParent to a 0 (indicating local), then the child will scale to the parent's scale. If you set the parameter to a 1, then the child will maintain its scale regardless of the parent's scale. require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(.5,1,-4)) mesh1 = LoadModel("abstract::firepit.gmf") mesh1:SetScale(Vec3(.5,.5,.5)) mesh2 = CreateCube() mesh2:SetParent(mesh1, 0) mesh2:SetPosition(Vec3(-1,1,0),1) mesh3 = mesh1:Copy() mesh3:SetPosition(Vec3(1,0,0)) mesh4 = CreateCube() mesh4:SetParent(mesh3, 1) mesh4:SetPosition(Vec3(2,1,0),1) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do mesh1:Turn(Vec3(.5,0,0)) mesh3:Turn(Vec3(0,.5,0)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(1) end
  5. which one? in any case the skyboxes that chrisv posted here and the asset store all work for me... perhaps you need to update your graphics driver? or exit and restart the editor... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/category/23-nature/
  6. it worked at one time in 3dws, and a bug report was posted at the time for it... but manuel is correct, your game engine will handle the transparency anyways so it doesnt necessarily have to work in 3dws.
  7. yeah i get that too if i hit the reset button in the graphics menu... i had to completely delete the LECP folder then unzip again to make it a useable size again... Red/ I think the zipstream loader has a bug as it will try to load LODs even if there isn't any for that particular mesh. The final warning you posted is the one I posted as well which refers to an actual gmf not LOD, and I think that is what is crashing the program...
  8. crashes when pressing start: looks like some gmf's and textures are failing to load along with a lua script error:
  9. Mr. Kint, will you put the lotion in the basket?
  10. Josh K-L-I-N-T granted if you are going to misspell it, i guess thats better than some possible alternatives...
  11. i bought it for $1000, a coupon for a lifetime supply of blood pudding, and a couple liters of tea... also a stipulation that all main characters in any game I make with it are named Ian...
  12. and you wonder why people sometimes call you sheldon cooper... on a side note, did you take those pictures with a potato?
  13. base1.lua is from the old multi-state lua arrangement we had initially for a couple of months when LE2.3 first came out. You would want to edit the class.lua script to give all of your entities access to your newly defined collisiontype in the latest version of LE. So edit this line in class.lua to include your new collisiontype (add after 'Trigger'): group:AddProperty( "collisiontype", PROPERTY_CHOICE, "None,Prop,Scene,Character,Trigger,AI,Pixel", "Collision" ) Note: I had to add the 'AI' as well since it was missing in the class.lua file but defined in the following other files... then define the collisiontype in the collision_const.lua file located in the Scripts/constants folder: COLLISION_PIXEL=6 and then edit the collisions.lua file located in the Scipts/start folder as needed to define how your collisiontype reacts in the world: Collisions(COLLISION_PIXEL,COLLISION_PIXEL,1) granted you could add all of this just as hardcode into the specific script for your entity, but this above will give you the ability to add that same collisiontype automatically to any other scripted object you create...
  14. that video is from the upcoming LE3... for LE2 look here: http://www.leadwerks...o_Particles.pdf with this video: http://www.leadwerks...o_Particles.wmv and a lua version: http://www.leadwerks...es-with-lua-r76
  15. for most inherent meshes and bodies in LE, the position is the center... so if you are setting the camera at the position of the "player" then it will be at the center of the "player"... we use to have a similar issue back when the controller position was at the center instead of at the foot of the cylinder... just offset the Y value of the results of the EntityPosition(player) before setting the position of the camera just like you do with a controller...
  16. thanks for the honest reply... i look forward to actually being able to try it out.
  17. playable? is there a working release version yet?
  18. well the best i can get now is a static camera that appears to have the controller placed halfway into the ground... as for the crash at exit, it happens when i press the quit button...
  19. well it starts up now and i can navigate the game menu, but when i start the game with the default settings i get just a white screen... i changed the settings and unchecked the bloom and anti-aliasing and i can see things now but the mouse/move keys dont appear to work... just left with a static camera... and then when i exit the game it gives a warning that the executable has stopped working...
  20. can you post a release version... i really dont want to have to install MSVC++ just to try this... and it appears that the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistrutable package doesn't include the required dll either... so if you expect people other than c++ developers to run it, i'd suggest posting a release version... http://social.msdn.m...de-fcbcaa7a23bb
  21. you can try hiding the surface by painting it with the invisible.mat? dont know if that will work with an animated model though...
  22. read the edited post above... if you are referring to the 'Base Texture' when you say basemap for the terrain then it doesnt show up until you add a terrain texture into one of the 5 Layers. You use the base texture to blend in with your 5 layers using the blend slider control for that texture.
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