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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. english is obviously not his first language so this can be difficult... and thats what this forum is for anyways. and from someone that suggested that he use the 'MakeFBX' program, i would suggest that you READ. THE. DOCS.
  2. yes you can use it as a commandline but you do not have to... you can just select your fbx file and copy it... then go to the tools folder and paste it onto the fbx2gmf.exe converter... it will then create a gmf version of that in the folder where your fbx file is located...
  3. there is nothing to download... if you still have a working evaluation version or you have bought LE (can't tell if you are a developer or not since someone started screwing around with the forum layout once again), then the 'fbx2gmf.exe' converter is located in the LE SDK's Tools folder... just drag your exported blender fbx file onto it and it should convert it to gmf...
  4. MakeFBX? i think you mean use the fbx2gmf.exe converter
  5. if the point entity is not selected, does the 3d widget show? Is there an placeholder/icon for the entity like what you have in 3dws and the current editor to allow for selection in the 3d perspective view? Or is the entity just invisible and selection is only possible via the side panel?
  6. increase the value of the maxacceleration parameter from 5 to something like 100 to 500... increase/decrease until you get something you like...
  7. macklebee

    LE3 Lua

    please explain what that logic is doing... it looks like if box1 is enabled and the other two have values (of what?), then box4 will move?
  8. It never has (as is shown from the multiple returns from searching for the term 'roadoffset'). Bmax and standalone lua scripts (and i assume c++) have always required an adjustments to the 'class.roadoffset' value. To get it to work, you have to do certain steps. 1) Open the road_node script, change the 'class.roadoffset' value to 0.055, and save the script 2) Open up the scene (SBX) in the editor, click on the 'Rebuild Roads' icon in the editor toolbar, and then save the scene (SBX) in the editor Now load that saved scene into your program and it should work as this works for me now and for the past two years - keep in mind that you might have to update files in your project folder, like the map, the road node script, etc, if they are separate from your SDK files
  9. its missing the 'MakeGame' button that it seems most people are thinking its going to have...
  10. cool... so $5 it is for the upgrade... the check is in the mail... you heard it here first folks... $5.
  11. bmax with maxgui for crossplatform
  12. jeebus fanboy... calm down... as actual users and owners of LE2 we have the right to voice our opinions on LE3 development... and i would venture to say more than you who is still relatively new here due to the fact we have invested alot more time, effort, money, etc into LE as a product and as a community.
  13. hold on to it if i was you... sounds like LE3 graphic wise will be ****e mobile graphics for any foreseeable future, and no terrains which means no vegetation, which seems strange since newton was forced upon everyone because of the vegetation requirement...
  14. the problem is a model's billboard is affecting the color of another model, not that the billboard doesn't match the color of its model... without actually having the models to test, i can only assume there is a material issue here... like using a bumpmap shader with no actual bumpmap texture assigned or something like that...
  15. there are no mat files in that zip... but even then, when i just place the stairs into a scene i get shadows... so it would seem its an issue with your material file...
  16. easiest fix that should work in C4D since it works in other 3d modeling apps is to just add a small chamfered/beveled edge... but if you have uu3d then you can just select the object and use 3D Tools>AutoSmooth Faces...>Face normal
  17. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/articles/_/artwork/transparent-shadows-r48
  18. are your 2d drawing commands after the render and before the flip?
  19. are you using: require("scripts/linkedlist") that is needed for the iterate() function... and its the reason why it doesn't occur when you place a road node, as it uses the linkedlist.lua script
  20. yes you can access the waterpatch... just as long as fw:Render() occurs at least once before you try to access it.
  21. macklebee

    Totally Tubular

    wasn't the tube what you labeled as the torus object in 3dws?
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