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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. if you are running that script with the scripteditor.exe, then it probably still has the default engine.exe location set for the LE SDK folder instead of the engine.exe that should be located in your separate project folder. Or just keep everything for test purposes in the LE SDK folder.
  2. macklebee

    Snow Day

    needs SSAO...
  3. I am running version 5.6 (which has the gmf exporter) on win 7 64bit. Runs fine except for the 'wrong thread' error whenever you close out the program. I assume the 3dws demo is the latest version which should just require you to register it.
  4. what version are you using? the base.lua file has not been used in about 2 years since we switched from multi-state to single state lua, and even then it only existed for a couple of months. download a fresh install of the latest and greatest LE version and use the script that daimour shows as everyone is more familiar with that setup.
  5. i dont understand... what else are you expecting to paint other than the mesh? if you are trying to paint a model, then you have to use the recursive parameter in the PaintEntity() to paint the child mesh... require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(.5,1,-3)) drum1 = LoadModel("abstract::oildrum.gmf") drum1:SetMass(0) drum1:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,0,1),1) drum2 = LoadModel("abstract::oildrum.gmf") drum2:SetMass(0) drum2:SetColor(Vec4(0,1,0,1),1) drum2:SetPosition(Vec3(1,0,0)) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(1) end
  6. do you mean the MakeDDS.exe in the tools folder? the dialog has an Options button that allows you to save mipmaps, the dds format, etc...
  7. post the sbx and/or the script for the "start" entity also, you do not need the gbuffer... framework handles all of this for you...: require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") require("Scripts/math/vector") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1024,768) fw = CreateFramework() scene = LoadScene("abstract::deserthighway.sbx") fw.main.camera:SetPosition(StringToVec3(scene:GetKey("cameraposition"))) start = scene:FindChild("start") if start==nil then Notify("not found") else fw.main.camera:SetPosition(start:GetPosition(1)) end while AppTerminate()==0 and KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(1) end
  8. the error tells you it didn't find the entity named "start"... are you sure that is the name? check the sbx file to be sure... also, if you are using framework there is no reason to create a world or a camera as framework does this for you... and in the main loop, just use fw:Update() and fw:Render()... you can remove the rest...
  9. well it hasnt even been a day since you first posted... patience... remember that the community is spread out across many different time zones and most of us have jobs... so if you do not get an immediate response, give it time... as for your issue, you could just import the glmax2d module into your bmax code, then just use the needed commands from it... im sure there are some commands that you would have to use namespace to prevent conflicts between LE and max2d... just a thought... or you could use raw opengl commands... <edit> the import seems to work... but i have no idea if this will cause any issues elsewhere... using raw opengl might be better... madjack_opengl.bmx
  10. can we stop beating a dead horse and finally kill this post? better yet just delete the damn thing... nakof chose another engine... fine... good luck... leave it be for farks sake...
  11. any clues to what is in it? for it to go viral you will need cats, a dumb blonde trying to do math in her head, and maybe someone getting kicked in the privates... if you fit in all 3, its an automatic...
  12. macklebee


  13. i have never played around with this command but I would think the equivalent would be SetVertexTexCoords()... but probably the easiest is to do it by shader...
  14. Its not really the gmf plugin for UU3D that is causing the problem with the GMF export - it's UU3D. You can try exporting from UU3D as b3d then use the b3d2gmf converter and it will keep at least the separate meshes but the hierarchy will be all be placed at one level. Also since UU3D does not maintain any of the relative position/rotation values of the meshes it will reference all as 0,0,0 for location/rotation. The UU3D developer said he would have to rewrite UU3D for it to be able to do the mesh hierarchy correctly which was something he did not seem to be interested in doing.
  15. Will not make a difference. Its been a complaint towards UU3D for a long time. UU3D will not keep mesh hierarchy when converting to GMF and will combine into just one mesh.
  16. The spawn function was from the old baseclass lua script from back in the original LE2.3 came out with multi-state lua. Since it was changed over to single state in 2.31, the object scripts essentially use the class script for its setup, which is what most people here are used to... which is what the inherent object script for the viper scout uses...
  17. why not just copy over the entire script and save it for your model's script... then use the properties dialog to pick your settings... thats what its there for... but in any case, your script above isnt working because you are not calling the object:Init() function... add it after that function just like in the fixture_cagelight script...
  18. look at the inherent 'fixture_cagelight' object script... its doing exactly what you are attempting...
  19. nice... can you explain what the three options are in the Store section?
  20. Hi Aily... i am curious on how this project is coming along... its one of the few demos i have seen that truly has nice art and game mechanics and i enjoyed playing those 4 maps repeatedly... any progress on new maps? available for purchase yet?
  21. they are used inside Framework when bloom is set... look at the renderer.bmx file for details.
  22. because when you set the key, you probably set it to the model... whereas raycasting only works with meshes and terrains... the pick entity is a mesh and is a child of the model...
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