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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. very interesting flexman... I was reminded of your blog post when I saw in the news today an example of ground resonance... are you planning on incorporating destruction aspects of the helicopter into combat helo as well?
  2. your mousepad is a little skewed... its messing up the whole obsessive compulsion of aligning everything on your desk that you have going on there...
  3. did you make a material file for the resulting GMF file? and there is a converter for 3ds in the Tools folder.
  4. alot better than my mushroom radio that i made for you... good work!
  5. why are you creating a terrain and also loading a terrain from the SBX file? just load the SBX and it will load the terrain for you... also, you do not have to set the collisiontype for the loaded scene... it will be done automatically for the terrain
  6. er... that would be Marleys Ghost's AI grid and Flocking system... as much as I would like to take credit for his work, I cannot... but i like to think i am his muse for such endeavors... lol Haha lol, sorry Marley. I'll change it right away. Somehow I changed your comment?!
  7. cool i would love to see mika's serious game in bmax... link please...
  8. you have the origin of the model set in the center and below the road loop... if you zoom way out you will see the road.
  9. yes MG says that all the time to me... but its usually followed by terms like 'bollocks' or 'arse****' lol
  10. like clackdor mentioned, use the framework render as well... fw:Render() SetBlend(1) img = LoadTexture("abstract::tbh.dds") DrawImage(img,0,0,800,600) SetBlend(0) Flip(0)
  11. have you bought it? if so then enter the registration key and then restart... should work then...
  12. i suspect that is a reference to being able to automatically frame the entire scene into the viewport with a key press... with the ability to ignore the terrain.
  13. macklebee


    fyi, the collision_const file is automatically loaded because its already referenced in the collisions.lua file that is in the start folder... try this example and see if it works for you:
  14. well i was assuming based on the code he provided that was what he was wanting... but yes if he wanted to keep at least some sort of rectangle shown then that would be the way to go
  15. the DrawRect() doesnt appear to like width and height values less than 2 for whatever reason... granted a width or height value of 1 is essentially a line. so to get around it just do a simple check to determine that the value of the roll is greater than 0.02 and it should work fine... if roll>0.02 or roll<-0.02 then DrawRect(gx-50,gy-100,10,roll*100) DrawRect(gx-90,gy-100,10,0-(roll*100)) end
  16. loads fine for me... using your posted program. if the scene model loads in the modelviewer then i suspect its just an issue of where it is located.
  17. Copy the engine.exe file from the SDK to the root of your project folder. Then open the ScriptEditor and select the Tools>Options dialog and set the location of the engine.exe that is located in your project folder. Edit- Also do not forget to copy the Scripts folder over to your project folder. Or you could do all of this inside your SDK folder.
  18. works fine in lua as well... perhaps you are not loading the file you think is being loaded? by chance do you have multiple files with the same name or perhaps you have changed the file since you uploaded? because the one you provided works fine...
  19. yes rebuild the lua glue functions file... its because of this issue stated here: http://www.leadwerks...lor-bug-in-lua/ where the original glue code was incorrectly making the second argument a vec3 instead of a vec4. you could also just edit the existing glue file to make the second argument a vec4...
  20. macklebee


    Loading a scene in lua: http://www.leadwerks...ne-with-lua-r47
  21. no need to declare... just do like you do with any other LE command in lua... a simple search for line picks in this forum board returns several examples with code... like this one for example: http://www.leadwerks...__fromsearch__1 the search option is your friend...
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