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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. well just like with any engine there are bugs... which is why there are updates... just was curious, why you were picking a much earlier version to start out with... there are bugs in 2.5 as well, but at least you wont be haunted by ghostbugs of versions past...
  2. Well there have been several bug fixes and improvements since 2.32... just curious why you are not using the latest version of 2.5 especially since it appears you are just starting to use LE. You could very well end up fighting a bug that has already been fixed.
  3. Out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you are using LE2.32? Scene Loading Example
  4. oh yes... i know... and josh has been requested to look at this many times before...
  5. Aily... i believe klepto did it and posted it in his blog... but he did it without using the LE inherent commands but rather raw opengl... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/16/entry-654-cubemaps-realtime-here-we-go/ which to me indicates there is something wrong with LE's implementation...
  6. the difference to getting 3 or 4 boxes is one of the parameters.. PROPERTY_COLOR
  7. probably a driver issue since that always seems to be the case with ATI... looks like maybe similar to this:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-165-terrain-textures-bug-radeon-hd-5850/
  8. i dont have that problem with my scripts because I use the correct syntax for the PROPERTY_BOOL. In the Info_camera_node script, this line is wrong: group:AddProperty("starthere","",PROPERTY_BOOL,"Start here") it should be: group:AddProperty("starthere",PROPERTY_BOOL,"","Start here") which is why you get a weird string text box instead of a checkbox for a boolean selection
  9. if it had the Get/Set key functions that would not happen... and it works just fine if you set it to anything other than 0
  10. i would assume so since its already possible to do the same in LE2
  11. it seems to work the same way it always has... without a better explanation or a pic, its a little hard to give advice or help you...
  12. just an fyi... to get the 3dsx2gmf.exe to work you have to have the gmfsdk.dll in the same folder as it... easiest method i have found is to open two window explorers side by side and just drag the model file onto the converter located in the SDK\Tools folder... it will then create a GMF model located in the same directory as the original model file...
  13. well it won't matter how you setup your material... the model doesn't have a texture/material associated with it - as was shown in the ModelViewer. You need to either assign the texture correctly within your modelling app or inside something like uu3d. What are you using for conversion to GMF? Also, a 2048x2048 texture is a little overkill for this simple pole... you could get the same look with a much smaller texture or even by just using vertex coloring...
  14. i assume the 3dsx2gmf converter gives the same results?
  15. what do you have for the object:GetKey() function? and something is wrong because PROPERTY_COLOR gives four boxes plus a color button to open up the colorpicker dialog...
  16. assuming this is what you are talking about, look at the driver.lua example that comes with the SDK. create a terrain inside the editor then run the driver.lua script with the Editor's inherent ScriptEditor...
  17. 1) do you have this in your c++ program: TFramework fw=CreateFramework(); //Set Lua variable BP L=GetLuaState(); lua_pushobject(L,fw); lua_setglobal(L,"fw"); lua_pop(L,1); see this post that covers the basics of scene loading using c++, framework, and lua together. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/381-scene-loading-example/page__view__findpost__p__5665 2) can be done in the lua object script: object.model:SetLODDistance (distance, index) 3) if you use the basic lua script for your model then you can open the properties dialog and set it. require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) or you can hard code it into the script so you do not have to set the collision type manually: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetCollisionType(1) end 4) if you follow the correct naming convention then it will work correctly... if you have doubts then you could always replace one of the LODs with an obvious different model and watch when it shows. It looks like you need to read the Leadwerks User Guide... majority of the answers to these questions can be found in there...
  18. macklebee


    perspective view was definitely the way to go... looks good.
  19. macklebee

    No SOPA

    so your solution is for new businesses and established websites to use torrent sites or constantly changing IPs... yeah... something is definitely mental about that solution...
  20. any future plans for character shop? any plans to create a more generic character editor built into LE3 to allow people to rig a character or add a new animation to some random character? just curious since you have already added a model editor that allows them to change materials/textures... and have talked about inserting the next 3dws into LE... and what about the animations that come with character shop... i remember there being some limitations on usage... can you create a character then use those animations and then sell it here in the asset store?
  21. you might check with zaphos if taking his animations and applying them to other models is kosher... i havent bought the skeleton so i do not know if he has placed any usage limitations on his product. and it can be done but not easily... using something like fragmotion or the like, you can put multiple separate animations together... but it still requires basically the same number of bones, the same names for the bones, and roughly the same relative rotations/positions of the bones to its parent/child bones between the animations... or else you will probably end up with a twisted or stretched character. this is not a limitation of LE but rather just how key-framed animations work in general. your best bet is to find all the possible animations you would want by searching for free bvh's or buying from places that provide a multitude of mocaps, then just rig what you need... or just ask (or pay) one of the creators (like zaphos) to provide whatever animations you need...
  22. i would scale down the size of the textures on the meshes... they appear to be way too large... maybe take them to 1/4 or 1/8 scale of what you currently have... as for your two smokestacks (or are they cooling towers?), maybe try increasing the number of sides to get a more rounded look... and for just starting, its better than my first attempts... all my models for some reason looked like weird mushrooms <inside joke>
  23. what kind of power plant? coal-fired steam turbine, nuclear steam turbine, natural gas/distillate combustion turbine, or hydro-electric? is it a model of just the outside buildings or is it an interior model? perhaps a picture of what you have currently would help others give suggestions...
  24. look at this tut: Blitzmax, framework, and lua
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