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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. i think the confusion is coming from the Articles>Programming board... in fact two people this week have asked where the tuts are for various languages. Before they were at least neatly divided up into language subforums which made it a little easier to find what you were looking for... now they are all in just one forum board with the different language tuts clumped together.
  2. fair enough... but its not like LE2 doesn't get a new feature almost every update anyways... but i am resigned to the fact that only LE3 will get attention from here on out. So in any case, +1 for a way to visually see joints/pins between two objects even if its only in LE3. an actual joint editor would be interesting to see, but at the very least DebugJoints() would allow people to be able to troubleshoot issues.
  3. this looks related to the same problem you are having:
  4. those are errors from the pub.mod - an inherent module to bmax not LE. offhand not sure what would be causing that... what version of bmax are you using? is it the demo version or full version?
  5. Getting Started in BMAX you can just import the framework from its location in the SDK, assuming you are going to use the framework...
  6. yep... exact same command i asked for as well for LE2... a month and a half ago: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3135-physics-library/page__view__findpost__p__36584 and the reply was: so maybe something will be done in LE3...
  7. try using the updated bmx tut for Introduction to Meshes
  8. ooo... very nice little tut there lupin! i will be using this... your english is just fine from what i see...
  9. ah yes, hnphan's shader version of this might work... i forgot that existed along with his chromatic dispersion in the shader pak... very nice stuff.
  10. out of curiosity, why are you asking to do this in LE3? Josh just implemented recast into the engine and i would suspect its been worked somehow into the editor... but in any case, you can always just make it when the path is being created and while actually going to the space to make sure it is not occupied... that way the pathfinding is responding to its surroundings...
  11. until Josh makes the framework buffers exposed or makes the rendering a multi-part command call, i do not think you will be able to do the motion blur with framework... granted i havent tried it... but i ran into similar problems with an effect when i couldn't access the buffers in lua...
  12. macklebee

    Cover Art

    really? someone is upset about nudity on a artwork/gaming forum... this site is extremely sparse of such images for a place where people post artwork. but it could be we have very few actual character artists here... eagle and wailingmonkey (and now zaphos!) might be the only ones around here... but in any case, kudos to eagle. the character looks good... maybe yougroove would not be offended if you put socks on her?
  13. well i cant take credit for coming up with it... i just figured out the LoadAnimation is looking for a mesh and not the model... i had seen similar at one time when i was making my animation script for loading separate gmfs... but my final script took into account LODs whether they existed or not so the problem solved itself and i never took the time to track down what was causing it until i saw your issue and it reminded me.
  14. hmmm... i wonder what it could be? terrain.resolution gave the resolution... i wonder if terrain.meterspertile gives the meters per tile? and yes, meterspertile does effect the size of the terrain... essentially the meterspertile is nothing more than the X & Z value that is used to scale the terrain. so terrain.scale.x would return the same thing as meterspertile and terrain.scale.y can be used to get the altitude.
  15. for lua: entity:SetColor( color:TVec4, recursive ) granted EntityColor() should still work but it doesn't for whatever reason... and while it does say that it doesn't work on meshes in the command description in the wiki... the very same page also says "This will only have an effect on meshes, lights, emitters and coronas.", which of course it does... as can be seen in a multitude of examples here in this forum. The best bet is to use the Entities page that was created after lua was introduced into LE.
  16. thats understandable viewpoint concerning subforums... the first valid point i have seen posted... but no matter what you do people are still going to request to see code in a particular language... people are posting questions like that now even with language subforums... but as far as people starting holy wars about languages, there is only one specific group (not all of them though) that does that and usually its a specific person that starts it everytime...
  17. its a moot issue. Josh will do what Josh wants with the forum no matter what people here suggest.
  18. why would they have to modify their shader pak? just create a separate shader file instead of modifying the mesh.frag
  19. huh? a reason to dump subforums is because you are unaware of the general programming forum? makes about as much sense as someone complaining that having to click on multiple forums or 'View New Content' is too much hassle... but whatever... still waiting to hear one viable reason why everything should be in one forum... just one. but why stop there? alot of people have screwed up and posted into the LE3 forum boards to ask questions about LE2... so why not just put everything into one forum board? why not put posts about artwork, 3dws, LE2, LE3, etc... all into one forum board called Miscellaneous? Then there would be only one board on this whole forum and people wouldn't be hassled to have to search multiple forums and no one would be unaware of a forum board or confused which one to post in!
  20. what version are you using? sounds like you need to update since this was a reported bug for 2.43... and was fixed at that time...
  21. from the version.txt file: can't speak for what was done for c/c++ though...
  22. The difference between ipairs and pairs
  23. working on an example for you... will post in a PM so I do not have to put assets into a public forum... EDIT: Found possible bug but was able to get it to work... sent a PM to Josh with an example to comment on..
  24. macklebee

    Cover Art

    well we were in college at the time - which implies she had beer goggles on
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