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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. macklebee

    Cover Art

    i dated a girl in college that looked like her... the dragon, i mean... not the fairy creature
  2. well i asked for this as well in LE2 and Josh said he could do it in about an hour... that was a month ago...
  3. The people that would use those tuts for the most part would be new to LE and in most cases new to programming... having them jump through hoops to find a beginner's tut in their programming language of choice seems pointless. The programming language subforums made the most sense - but for whatever reason you are removing those... so i would suggest for you to at least put the language in the title of the tut so they can find what they want easier...
  4. thats what i have pointed out since the very first page of this topic. the community programming tutorial subforums have been removed and everything was put into one list... so its a complete clusterfark of unorganized tuts just thrown together using various languages... how this is supposed to be better i have no idea...
  5. but without smoothing like cassius pointed out, it looks blockish...
  6. in lua and bmax you can get it as terrain.resolution... since that probably doesn't exist for c/c++ you probably have to use what roland is suggesting...
  7. maybe flipped normals? if you can, post the files (non-gmf and gmf)... also out of curiosity, what do you have for a material file?
  8. take a look at CameraPick()... and then you would have to evaluate the picked entity to determine what it is... just remember that raycasting only works on meshes and terrains and that the collisiontype parameter is based on what you set your collision responses to...
  9. i dont currently have access to LE but this should work as i have done similar code in the past in lua: mat1 = GetSurfaceMaterial(GetSurface(model:GetChild(1),1))) of course this assumes the material you want is on Surface1 of the mesh...
  10. Actually i never said it would do well to merge them... as someone has yet to provide a good reason to remove subforums in any case. I said if the tools / tags existed already then it wouldn't be as much of an issue. Josh asked what we thought about what he did to the forum and i responded. The tags/search tools were suggested not from Josh but rather from other users. At the same time, i do not see how having programming subforums is a bad thing. one look at the current state of the community programming tuts proves that. So far i have yet to hear one viable reason to put all of them into one forum. So far the reasons to do it are: 1) I cannot be bothered to click 'View New Posts' or multiple subforums 2) duplication data reduction (which will not happen) 3) efficiency (a list 8000+ posts long as compared to a smaller list? how is that efficient?) 4) and somehow this is going to make people actually help more? if the tools existed and you could go back and tag all 8000+ programming posts and the same with the artwork posts, then at least the same functionality would exist as what is capable now, then go for it... but to just make this change now to the LE2 posts is just silly... i said on the very first page to try that format for LE3 but suggested to leave the LE2 forums alone.
  11. well you just proved my point so thank you... that would only work if the tools existed to let you find what you wanted easily... but since that doesn't exist you'd be pissed that there wasn't some form of categories to narrow your search for your fruit loops or beer... same applies to this... if the tools already existed and you could go back and tag all 8000+ programming posts then it would not be that big of an issue.. so leave the LE2 forums alone, provide proper tools, and apply this to the LE3 forums as it would be a fresh start anyways.
  12. People that do not read the Leadwerks User Guide (which is hidden quite effectively now with the new layout) or review the wiki or refuse to perform a search will still repeatedly ask the same question over and over no matter what you do. Before the data loss of 6 months of posts, i had searched one time just to see how many times someone had asked why their animated character was red and it was around 25. Over half of those were all in the same forum... and some within a couple of posts of each other. I really do not understand how having something categorized is making it too difficult for anyone to review a post. Duplication of information is going to happen no matter what so that argument means nothing. And what does efficiency have to do with a forum board? How does placing 3000+ C++ posts, 3000 Lua posts, 1000+ BMAX, and ~1000 C# posts into one forum make it more efficient? But lets face it, if you are not going to be bothered enough to look at a new post if its not in a language you use, you likely are not going to be bothered to take the time to post some help just because now its all in one forum. Someone here made a joke about this whole situation that i found quite amusing... he said he couldn't wait until his grocery store tries to implement the no-category idea... it should make finding what you need in the store almost impossible. I agree and i wouldn't really have a problem with having one programming forum if proper search tools / tags already existed but they do not at the moment. And to make the change now serves no purpose other than to make a complete clusterfark. But this is not going to prevent people from refusing to read or search on their own and it sure isn't going to make people be bothered to help others. So far this is what has been accomplished: 1) 3dws forum now is a protected forum 2) the community programming tuts are listed in one clusterfark list 3) the community artwork tuts are listed but the page leading to them shows 0 topics so you wouldnt find them unless you clicked on the subforum anyways meanwhile... there are 18 pending/confirmed bug reports with some going on 7 months old now... so personally i think farking with the forum is a complete waste of time considering it works just fine if people could be bothered to perform a search or read or just simply click 'View New Posts'.
  13. grand waste? if people are avoiding other posts just because they are not in their language of choice subforum, its not going to make a difference if they are all in one forum or not. Majority of people that have expressed putting them all into one forum also in the same breathe requested that josh provide a way to tag it as post for a certain language. I fail to see how this is any different. If people are idiotic enough to ignore a post based on language then they are not going to pay attention to it no matter what forum its in... and please explain how would this will force them to help other people or how it would provide a larger base of knowledge just because you slapped them all into one forum? if anything it will probably make things more difficult to sift through. The community programming tuts are a perfect example of the clusterfark of placing everything into one forum board.
  14. you can basically do what you are asking for now... so if you are looking for a specific code/phrase in c++ or lua or bmax then you can filter your search just by clicking on the correct subforum then performing your SEARCH and it will only search the current selected forum.
  15. try DebugEntities(1) if you are just trying to see the bounding boxes...
  16. if you do what chris and dan suggest, then your whole argument for doing this in the first place is moot. why remove the different forums if the people making the post are going to separate their posts by language anyways?
  17. I read all posts no matter what forum just for that very fact that maybe i could help with the answer or possibly learn something even if i do not know the programming language. Only a complete idiot or ridiculous language snob would refuse to look at a post just because its in a different language... Your logic that people will not even look at it because its not in their language of choice makes no sense. Whats to make them not disregard it anyways once they see its in some other language even if it is in just one forum? And how is that the wrong forum for that topic? I purposely put it in the general programming forum because it was not a language specific issue. I was asking a question in general about a command usage where i was mistakenly not using a new undocumented command correctly with AnimationLength(). The question was not lua specific, but i posted example code just so people could see how i was trying to use the command. I just do not understand why 'View New Content' is not an option for you... but ok...
  18. whats wrong with categorization? how can dividing up posts to reasonable topics not help people searching for answers? you know i was kidding when i said put everything under one Miscellaneous forum board and its been pointed out that there is a 'View New Content' link that shows all new posts... and considering there are only maybe 5 to 10 new posts every day, is it really that hard to keep up with new topics no matter what subforum they are in? I can do it within the first 15 minutes of coming to the site so i fail to see what is so hard about it... and honestly, how can you look at all the community tuts that you placed into one section and say that's not more confusing than having them separated by programming language? its just a clusterfark right now...
  19. see... if mika thinks its a good idea then you know its got to be the wrong way to go... j/k... but it goes back to what rick was saying... there are times when people have specific language related questions and would make sense to have them separated... granted its not going to matter since SDK owners for some reason keep posting programming questions in the public Beginner's forum instead of an actual programming forum...
  20. well since you are combining them together in LE3 it makes sense to have the LE3 forum set like that... but to do it to the LE2 forums now seems strange... and unnecessary... and you have to fix the community tuts... Articles? everything under programming... if newbies are confused now, just wait until they try searching thru that cluster...
  21. into the tools section of the Asset Store? so basically guaranteeing that no one will ever get a quick reply to a 3dws question by removing it from an obvious forum location...
  22. so the 3dws topics are now in a protected forum?
  23. where is the sign-in/sign-out now?
  24. what in the world? were you referring to putting all of the community tuts under one heading, Articles, and remove the subforums for the language as well? how is anyone supposed to find anything?
  25. ehh... at this point you might as well just put them all into one gigantic post called 'Miscellaneous' since people cannot seem to grasp the idea to post their programming questions into relevant forum boards anyways... and i know what you are saying but i actually like having the ability to search for things based on the language... and clustering them altogether removes that ability... i know... i am apparently one of the few people that actually uses the forum SEARCH but it is a nice feature and the less irrelevant posts i have to sift through when searching for something the better... and another thing, every time you start messing with the layout / format of the forum, something gets lost or screwed up... like now... apparently you decided to throw all the sub forums of Artwork under one category? well its farked now... i only see two posts... i would request that you not mess with it but just ask people to post questions in the appropriate subforum...
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