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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. you can use the same idea that is applied to Making a Spectator
  2. 1) this is the syntax for CreateController(): CreateController:TController( height:Float, radius:Float, stepheight:Float=0.5, maxslope:Float=45.0, crouchheight:Float=0 ) the first parameter sets the height... which you have set to 8.8 meters... which should be way higher than your grass... if not, its no longer grass but rather a dense tropical forest... the fpscontroller script sets the controller as 1.8 meters tall. Offhand i would guess that you are not setting the camera to the correct height but instead setting it to the position of the controller that puts it at the ground... 2) the evaluation kit comes with converters now located in the Tools folder. just drag your model file onto the appropriate converter executable 3) yes
  3. seems odd that it crashes for you guys and not me even with fresh installs... makes me wonder if there is something else causing an issue...
  4. but is anyone ever on it? your best bet is to post in the forum or just use the inherent forum chat... like what we are doing now...
  5. sure... Framework leadwerks.engine Import "c:\program files\leadwerks engine sdk\bmx\framework\framework.bmx" RegisterAbstractPath(AppDir) GCSetMode(2) Graphics(800, 600) fw:TFramework = CreateFramework() If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine." PositionEntity(fw.Main.Camera, Vec3(0, 1, - 4)) light:TLight = CreateDirectionalLight() RotateEntity(light, Vec3(45, 45, 0)) drum:TModel = LoadModel("abstract::oildrum.gmf") SetBodyMass(drum, 1) EntityType(drum, 1) PositionEntity(drum, Vec3(0, 5, 0)) groundbody:TBody = CreateBodyBox(10, .1, 10) EntityType(groundbody, 1) groundmesh:TMesh = CreateCube(groundbody) ScaleEntity(groundmesh, Vec3(10, .1, 10)) EntityColor(groundmesh, Vec4(.5, 0, .5, 1)) Collisions(1, 1, 1) SetEntityCallback(drum, MyCallBack, ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION) Repeat If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Exit If AppTerminate() Exit If KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) PositionEntity(drum, Vec3(Rand(0, 3), Rand(1, 8), Rand(0, 3))) RotateEntity(drum, Vec3(Rand(0, 90), Rand(0, 90), Rand(0, 90))) End If fw.Update() fw.Render() Flip(1) Forever GCCollect() End Function MyCallBack(entity0:TEntity, entity1:TEntity, position:Tvec3, normal:Tvec3, force:Tvec3, speed:Float) AppLog("Position: " + position.x + ", " + position.y + ", " + position.z) AppLog("Normal: " + normal.x + ", " + normal.y + ", " + normal.z) AppLog("Force: " + force.x + ", " + force.y + ", " + force.z) AppLog("Speed: " + speed) End Function
  6. it looks like you are not setting/rendering particles in the correct world... have you looked at this tutorial: Introduction to Particles?
  7. did you set the collision call back with SetEntityCallback()?
  8. thats odd... i cannot get mine to crash at all... i get the typical warnings but no crash even with a fresh install. have any of you guys tried to create a small road scene yourselves to see if it will crash for you? here is just small road test i slapped together and i am curious if it crashes for you:
  9. The Project Wizard is replaced by LEBuilder in the evaluation kit and it will create examples in c++/c#/bmax/lua/vb. The evaluation kit downloaded just fine for me... unless you are referring to the Leadwerks Engine Updater which is for SDK owners only...
  10. hmmm... weird... there was a problem at one time with the terrain members, resolution and meterspertile that screwed up the roads, but that seems to be resolved now... i don't get any crash with the original 2.5 or the latest fresh download of it either...
  11. you guys have this issue in the Editor? with the deserthighway? just loading it or making a change to the road then saving it and reloading? just curious because i cant get mine to crash... even made a small road scene as well and couldnt get it to crash...
  12. you can rotate a pointlight... but why would you? it radiates in all directions inherently. if you wish to simulate a flashlight then try using a spotlight instead... hmmm... cool to know... i didnt realize the trial version of bmax accepted 3rd party modules...
  13. dont worry its on the LE3 roadmap... we should have it any day now...
  14. you can try this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/4129-animation-with-lods/page__view__findpost__p__36450 but i suspect you might still see some weird results tho... just changing the names doesn't take into account the relative positions/rotations of each bone to its children and parent bones... you might get lucky and there will not be much difference...
  15. no reason for it to be open to non-paying members that only have a 30 day trial, especially when it wasn't a bug like in your case... if there is a bug, then just post it here in this forum because typically you will get a quicker response than putting it in the bug tracker.
  16. yep read it... saw it the first time... but something on your pc didn't like running it and ****e the bed... a buffer didn't get set which usually means something with opengl got corrupted... so try installing a new graphics driver and reboot the PC... maybe even run the openal installer that comes with the evaluation version...
  17. this appears to be suited for the 7 series: http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvista-32bit-285.62-whql-driver.html Typically thats the fix for issue whenever someone comes here and posts an issue the first time they have used LE. And its not necessarily a bug in LE if its an issue with your PC, as was the case with the bug report you referenced.
  18. 1) you have a low end card so do not expect great performance with it 2) have you tried updating your drivers yet?
  19. you won't be able to combine animations unless they have the exact same bone hierarchy... your best best is to contact dexsoft and request the "strafe" animation...
  20. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3897-add-terrain-shadow-shader-to-framework/page__view__findpost__p__34892
  21. well at least a power of 2... like a 512x1024... 500 bucks? thats insane... uu3d can do poly reduction and i tried it on that model he posted but the model had such screwed up jagged polies that it just got worse as i tried to reduce it to something useable...
  22. that is really what you want... its giving the true rotations and positions of the submeshes... now you could find those submeshes using FindChild() and perform operations on them like rotate and they should rotate around their own axis.
  23. nada... that won't work either... and after trying the autodesk fbx converter it appears to do the same thing by setting all meshes' origins to 0,0,0
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