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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. i think this needs to be added as a feature for LE3... i want to use the editor like this... just stand in front of the wallscreen and place objects into the scene with a wave of my hand...
  2. works fine for me... must be something else happening... perhaps try re-installing 3dws?
  3. yeah that shouldnt be an issue... i have a similar size scene and my fps is the hundreds... have you tried seeing what the fps does when you are not using the Render Mode -> textured view? what does the fps look like in Solid view when you select View>Render Mode>Solid?
  4. that is sweet... looks great!
  5. you can run lua code inside 3DWS? honestly i never realized you could set it to show FPS... so I guess the question is - does it actually affect your ability to create the scene? are you still able to navigate in the perspective view? just for reference, if you select all the objects in that scene - how many does 3dws say are selected?
  6. its available in the latest SDK which would be 2.5
  7. this works for me when i link to another object... require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:UnlockKeys() for n=0,7 do chemin = model:GetTarget(n) if chemin == nil then else Notify(";-)") end end end end
  8. because there was no answer... and you can't rebuild the engine unless you buy the source... but Josh has finally provided a Engine_noconsole.EXE that will run without the command prompt in the latest SDK
  9. seems to work fine for me in this little example: require("scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(-2,5,-2)) light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,0)) function Reset() if landerphy~=nil then landerphy:Free() boosterphy:Free() end landerphy = CreateBodyBox(.5,.5,.5) landerphy:SetPosition(Vec3(0,3,0)) lander = CreateCube(landerphy) lander:SetScale(Vec3(.5,.5,.5)) lander:SetColor(Vec4(.2,0,1,1)) boosterphy = CreateBodyCylinder(.1,1) boosterphy:SetPosition(Vec3(-.3,3,0)) booster = CreateCylinder(16,1,boosterphy) booster:SetScale(Vec3(.1,1,.1)) booster:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,.2,1)) joint = CreateJointFixed(landerphy,boosterphy,Vec3(0,3,0)) end function AddMass() landerphy:SetCollisionType(1) boosterphy:SetCollisionType(1) landerphy:SetMass(1) boosterphy:SetMass(1) end Reset() groundphy = CreateBodyBox(20,1,20) ground=CreateCube(groundphy) ground:SetScale(Vec3(20,1,20)) groundphy:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-2,0)) groundphy:SetCollisionType(2) ground:SetColor(Vec4(1,.7,0,1)) fw.main.camera:Point(landerphy,3,1) HideMouse() while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)==1 then Reset() end if MouseHit(1)==1 then AddMass() end fw:Update() fw:Render() SetBlend(1) DrawText("Press SPACE to reset scene", 0, 20) DrawText("Left-click to add mass", 0, 40) SetBlend(0) collectgarbage(collect) Flip(1) end ShowMouse() just thinking out loud here, but couldn't you get the same effect if you just parent the booster to the lander in your example instead of using a fixed joint? Or is there a particular reason behind needing a joint? Edit-- forgot the require at the top when i copied over...
  10. the target is not set immediately after creation of the class... if you create the local object and then place the code inside an object function like 'object:UnlockKeys()' that would normally get called automatically, it would work... but thats just a guess on what is happening because you are apparently removing code from the script, so it is hard to guess... also your explanation is confusing... if it finds the link in any of the possible 8 available targets, it should return ;-) and you said this is what it returns: which is correct... the '0' link returns ;-) and the other 7 that have no targets return 'Not Linked'
  11. well you can either do it via framework commands in your program or if you are using lua in your project, you can just drop the environment_waterplane scripted object into your Editor scene and set the properties via the dialog.
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/1192-eax-commands/page__p__10953__hl__eax__fromsearch__1#entry10953 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/2100-eax-sound/page__view__findpost__p__19218
  13. look at some of the inherent lua functions: os.difftime()
  14. macklebee


    yes for C its wrong... but for the other 3 languages, LUA being one of them, it shows the correct syntax. unfortunately everyone has been locked out of the wiki so it cannot be fixed by anyone other than josh... but the forum documentation should be fixed as well since it appears it was just copied and pasted without actually reviewing... then use 200 for the second parameter...
  15. macklebee


    you need to look at the parameters for CreateEmitter()... specifically the 3rd parameter... thats velocity, not position. Use PositionEntity() for setting the location of the emitter. AND the second parameter is time in milliseconds... which you have set to 1... i assume you want 1 second which would be 1000... are you sure you looked at the firepit example?
  16. yeah i had that happen once on the final level... i fell from a pretty good height onto one of the blocks and actually was embedded in it and unable to free myself... i couldn't jump but i could move side to side... but that was the only time i had any issues...
  17. true but as always it depends on what it is required in the game and the circumstances... personally i like the postprocess effect that wchris is showing as its been something i have tried in the past but could never figure out how to merge the post process toon shader of one world with another world together without issues... another thing that is done alot is to put particles or a corona flash on the object to bring attention to it... but it depends on the game and the intentions... for pixel's game it would make sense to not make it too easy for them to find the items they need to inspect, but for a game where you just want to highlight money dropped or weapons, a common effect across all instances would work fine.
  18. using the fullbright shader would probably give the same results as that and wouldnt require an additional world and doubling of the objects. and nice one wchris... nice idea with alpha in the shader... works nice.
  19. I think you are mistaking modular components that fall off a character based on a hit point as true slicing of a mesh. Also, Paul was discussing the merits of doing this with CSG models only.
  20. it depends on what you need... check the bones and animation boxes if exporting a animated model check the export default matfiles if you want it to create a material file for each texture check the export multiple uvsets if you have multiple UVs check all the DDS options if you need to create new DDS versions of your textures just play around with the different options until you understand what each does, but the descriptions are pretty self-explanatory as for playing animations, would have to see the model and script to tell you why its not working... as a quick check, open it in the model viewer and turn on the animations... does it work there?
  21. put the texture back when exporting to gmf and then use the proper shader for the animated model in the material file: texture0="abstract::mytexture.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_skin_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse.frag" EDIT-- Also if you are using uu3d, then make sure you have the latest uu3d version and the latest GMF plugin. The latest GMF plugin comes with the options when saving to create the default material files for your models, including creating the proper skin shader material for animated models.
  22. cool Aily... like the look of it...
  23. assuming that the picked cube is aligned with the global axis, then yes the pick.normal will return 1/-1 for the x, y, or z... but yes, pick.normal is the field needed.
  24. if its just a simple 1x1x1 cube then just find the normal of the pick and use that to offset from the origin of the picked cube... simple and straightforward.
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