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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. well you can set the gamescript that you are using as the default in the Tools>Options>Paths dialog... and then when you press the gamepad icon in the scene Editor it will run that game script...
  2. nah, i never needed anything but the included Script Editor... but to open the scene Editor's script editor, just click on the script icon in the toolbar on the right side... then just open the game script that you are using from there and press the Run button...
  3. i would assume its the 'knight_walk()' making it move...
  4. doesn't happen to me... and i use loaded textures all the time in game scripts and object scripts... without seeing your code i would just assume you are doing something wrong...
  5. yes fragmotion has alot of really nice features...
  6. he meant that CreateGroup(), SetEntityGroup(), and anything related to Groups have been removed when he implemented octree hierarchy back in 2.32... the commands might still exist in the dll, but they no longer do anything...
  7. the old 2.2X SDKs had an X2GMF converter... granted i think it required you to set the scaling properly from your modeling app... x2gmf.exe
  8. again no one has argued against the point that one guy can make a phone game... i am working on one myself... but it still requires someone to do the programming... its even possible for one guy to make a PC game as well with LE as shown here on occasion but it still requires programming... this is not fpscreator and god forbid will hopefully never be...
  9. oddly enough the three games you mentioned as lonewolf games are not... the minimum was two guys doing terraria - one doing the programming the other doing the graphics... so maybe you should take heed of that and actually try to do something with someone else providing the programming side or the art side, whatever the case may be...
  10. i guess it depends on the scene and just how critical the candle look is... personally i always found it weird to see in some games the fire being the only thing that looks realistic... also seems like a lot of work for something that just might be a background item... but I would be curious to hear how you guys are creating animated textures ? a specific tool that you are using? how would you capture a real candle flame? i dunno... i guess i am doing something wrong because i thought this looked acceptable for what i needed...
  11. agree completely paramecij... some of the requests here are getting ridiculous. seems like some of these so-called 'artists' need to either find someone to do the programming for them or just go back to something like fpscreator where they just add some random model to a scene where all the gameplay is already created for them and they can call it a game they created...
  12. are you asking what material to use or what command to use? an emitter of course and then just look at the firepit code for an example of the fire emitter... granted you can always use your own textures...
  13. it exports directly from 3dsmax - so the file extension shouldn't matter should it? if it does then just save it as a 3ds file..
  14. what are your plans with terrain? will you be able to create the navmeshes with the terrain you have in mind or will this only work on models? Also, do you have a way to 'stitch' sections of navmeshes together? or is it just created at a press of a button based on certain user selected criteria? What are the parameters that we will have control over? stepheight, slope?
  15. the standalone script creates the graphics context whereas the in-game script is already using the one from the editor and the framework has already been created in the editor... and i personally do not want engine.exe to create these things for me as i do not always use framework... its just like using a c++ or bmax program where you have to create your own graphics context and framework... as for the standalone spinning cube example that uses framework: require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(1024,768) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,0,-2)) light=CreateSpotLight(10) light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,55,0)) light:SetPosition(Vec3(5,5,-5)) material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") mesh=CreateCube() mesh:Paint(material) ground=CreateCube() ground:SetScale(Vec3(10,1,10)) ground:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-2,0)) ground:Paint(material) light=CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,45)) while AppTerminate()==0 do if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==1 then break end mesh:Turn(Vec3(AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  16. Under File>Export... then select the export file type from the dialog yeah i have never used it either...
  17. are you talking about a standalone lua script like the spinning cube example that uses framework?
  18. i lied... it does work for 'object.model' and models... you just need to use the recursive parameter.. i assume its due to the fact the mesh is the child of the model so the color is applied to it... object.model:SetColor(Vec4(1,1,0,1),1)
  19. try this: local mesh = object.model:GetChild(1) mesh:SetColor(Vec4(1,1,0,1))
  20. Under File>Export... then select the export file type from the dialog
  21. you can do that or just in the unzipped version of that which i assumed you did when copied the contents of mesh.vert to custom.vert
  22. try placing the file into the shaders/mesh directory... seems to work fine then...
  23. where is the file located and what is your registered abstract path? are you using 'abstract::custom.vert' for the shader?
  24. macklebee


    are you referring to the LE networking? doesn't appear to be exposed to lua...
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