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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. there are two things you have to do to get it to work due to changes in LE since that was done by masterxilo... 1) open the soldier.lua script and change the 'object:Render()' function to 'object:Draw()' 2) delete the soldier's LOD's - it appears something has been screwed up with LOD's since there was a LOD bug fix this version to fix another issue but appears to have farked the ability to animate LOD's EDIT-- it appears that it does still animate a LOD, but it only animates the last LOD loaded, and prevents the main model and the rest of the LOD's from being animated... definitely a bug
  2. are you referring to the driver.lua game script that comes with the SDK?
  3. if you are just referring to 3DWS and not LE, then just use something like gimp to create a transparency for your texture... also if you are having issues with seeing transparency in 3DWS, its because there is an issue right now with that feature... http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-199-transparency-no-longer-works/page__gopid__934#entry934 but if the texture is created correctly then it should work with whatever engine you are using for a game engine (no counting whatever procedures you have to do specifically for that engine)
  4. the framework i am referring to is what sets all the post processing affects inherently available in LE: http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Framework and good luck to you if you are going to attempt to completely rewrite your own version of that... and that wasn't scene loading code that i posted... it was simply a lua scripted object that you could drag into a LE Editor scene and then use its property dialog to set majority of the Editor's inherent settings, like HDR, Godrays, etc... so when you loaded the resulting SBX into your program then it would also load that scripted object and set those effects.
  5. i had supplied an object script at one time in the assets store that allowed you to set majority of the Editor's settings via the property dialog... then all you had to do was load the scene into your program that contained this object script and the properties would be set for you... keep in mind, that it also requires that you use framework for some of the settings to work.
  6. macklebee

    Memory Usage

    yes, it should help. this simple example shows the memory usage climbing when you do not perform garbage collection in lua: RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() SetStats(2) while AppTerminate()==0 do fw:Update() fw:Render() SetColor(Vec4(1,0,0,1)) DrawRect(250,150,300,300) --collectgarbage(collect) Flip(1) end if you uncomment the garbage collection you will see the memory usage be fairly steady. Oddly enough tho, in this example the SetColor() seems to be what is driving the memory usage....
  7. macklebee

    Memory Usage

    it sounds like you are using lua which does have garbage collection... try adding this somewhere inside a lua object script's Update or Draw function or in the main loop for standalone lua scripts: collectgarbage(collect)
  8. macklebee

    Ann2d and AnnGui2

    nice looking gui... looking forward to seeing more screenshots as you progress with it.
  9. as found in the LE2 bmax section of the forum when using GetMeshModel as the search word: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/1588-entitybody-conversion-problem/page__p__14732__hl__getmeshmodel__fromsearch__1#entry14732 Function GetMeshModel:TBody(entity:TEntity) While entity <> Null If GetEntityClass(entity) = ENTITY_BODY Or GetEntityClass(entity) = ENTITY_MODEL Return TBody(entity) EndIf entity = entity.parent Wend EndFunction
  10. the lua script 'utilities.lua' shows how to get the parent/model of the mesh... or search for GetMeshModel in the forum search and you should find examples of getting the model/body from the picked mesh...
  11. just tried this myself and I am not noticing any difference in response depending on which body I apply the force to... do you by chance not have the joint located at a spot spaced evenly between the two bodies? maybe post some example code of your problem so others can try...
  12. yep... thats exactly what i did based on code that you have freely provided in the community tutorials
  13. it is possible...sent you a PM on how to do it...
  14. the examples files given only worked as game scripts... so if you load the files into a directory called gui under the scripts folder then run the guitest script from the editor it should kind of work... it needs alot of work tho...
  15. ive spent way too much time playing with this... roland i sent you a PM with the models/scripts from above
  16. if you are talking about this wiki, then no. it was locked down awhile ago due to spam... but you can add stuff to the LE2 documentation located here and the community tutorials here
  17. a combination of a corona and pointlight should work.. or an emitter with a plight... depends on if you want the 'fireball' to rotate or not...
  18. offhand it sounds like you need to use texture0="abstract::texturename.dds" blend=alpha depthmask=0 zsort=1 overlay=1 as the material file
  19. probably because you are rotating the model around the x-axis self.model:Point(self.cameraPivot,1,1) try using the z-axis: self.model:Point(self.cameraPivot,3,1) i did not know with your code above if that was intentional or not...
  20. here is Gimpy's original version converted to lua: --original bmx code by GIMPY require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0, 45, - 45)) light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(65, 45, 0)) piv = CreatePivot() cube = CreateCube() plane = CreatePlane() plane:SetScale(Vec3(100,0.1,100)) plane:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat")) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(cube.position.x,cube.position.y+25,cube.position.z-25)) fw.main.camera:Point(cube,3,1) if MouseDown(1)==1 then local pick = CameraPick(fw.main.camera, Vec3(MouseX(), MouseY(), 1000)) if pick~=nil then piv:SetPosition(Vec3(pick.position.x,.5,pick.position.z)) cube:Point(piv,3,1) speed = 0.3 end end if EntityDistance(cube,piv)<1.2 then speed = 0 end cube:Move(Vec3(0,0,speed)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(1) end
  21. without actually being able to see what is happening in the code, try: local pick=CameraPick(fw.main.camera,Vec3(MouseX(),MouseY(),30.0),0,0) if pick~=nil then self.cameraPivot:SetPosition(Vec3(pick.position.x,0,pick.position.z)) self.model:Point(self.cameraPivot,1,1) end
  22. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/1762-pointnclick/
  23. also, just an fyi in case you do not have it yet, the latest GMF plugin for UU3D also allows for automatic creation of materials files and texture conversions to DDS... it requires that you download the latest uu3d to get it to work.
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