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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. yes, Gandi's decal in the script asset was what i was referring to... unfortunately, the link is dead at the moment. Hopefully Gandi can upload it again. It works nicely. Unfortunately, it will not work without modifying it slightly due to this bug:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-187-terrain-resolution-not-working/page__gopid__859#entry859. You would just have to hardcode the terrain resolution into the script to get it to work.
  2. I havent tried the scaling issue but will see if i can reproduce it. Are you scaling the parent or the child meshes? Or is this just something odd that happens? The origin was in the middle of the blade, instead of at the middle of the handle. I changed the origin and orientation of the sword, parented it to the hand, positioned and rotated as needed, and ran the animations and it worked just fine. **Edit - If i set the parent of a model or a mesh, it will automatically take the scale of the parent. So if the parent is being scaled by .5, then the child model/mesh would have to scaled by 2 to keep it the original size. Scaling a child model/mesh has no effect of the parent.
  3. you could use a decal that follows the shape of the terrain.
  4. I guess I am missing the issue here. I can parent a sword to the crawler's hand, then set the rotation and position as needed in the un-animated state. Then when I turn on the animation, the sword follows the hand automatically.
  5. i believe someone has tested AMD Catalyst 10.1 and it worked fine.
  6. I assume you have an ATI graphics card. There are bug reports for it: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-165-terrain-textures-bug-radeon-hd-5850/ http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-180-ati-bug-ground-still-there/ Install an older ATI driver until ATI fixes their latest drivers.
  7. Well CTRL+leftclick on the mouse actually removes the vegetation layer. If you want to add a vegetation layer you just left click on the terrain. Also, if I set the Collision response to 1, it works just fine for me.
  8. works fine for me... did you do a clean install?
  9. vegetation has collision now with the latest SDK
  10. you would have to set the position/rotation/matrix of the sphere to that of the cube instead of parenting... this apparently got changed in LE2.32, as pixel found out recently in this bug report:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-174-alpha-blending-issues-when-planes-are-parented/ i suspect the same problem is occurring with what you are attempting...
  11. oh.. gotcha... guess i should read the whole post first... well, just do as Flexman stated and set the tires as GlobalObjects in lua then use GetGlobalObject() in bmax to access the tires, then you should be able to add torque... assuming that you cannot access the tires from the chassis in bmax if you make it a global object.
  12. in bmax i believe the command is CreateTire() CreateTire:TTire( body:TBody, pos:TVec3, pin:TVec3, radius:Float suspensionLength:Float = 0.0, springConstant:Float = 0.0, springDamping:Float = 0.0 )
  13. 7) Renamed Content.rar to Content.pak did you try using .ZIP compression instead of .RAR? If i .ZIP and rename it to .PAK, the engine finds my files just fine.
  14. It has to do with your specific setup because i can change the oildrum's name and it doesn't fall through the terrain. Without seeing exactly what you are doing all we could possibly do is guess.
  15. Actually he said they would be phased out eventually (which I guess at this point is when LE3 comes out ). INI files still work at the moment. The reason why LOD doesnt work is because there is no setting for it inside the class script. You could place it in there but if you are going to do that then you might as well go ahead and just set the LOD in the script.
  16. I would just use the SetModelLODDistance() in the script itself.
  17. well i would just rewrite the vehicle script to include the placement and settings of the two spotlights. just use the code from the spotlight lua script to set all of your settings for them and that way you don't have to worry about the models... because now it makes me wonder if the spotlight models are getting a collision response set to them accidently from being parented to the truck... maybe not... but in any case the models are not needed as everything can be coded directly.
  18. er... are you actually loading pointlight models and attaching them to the car? you know you can just use the CreatePointLight() command without actually having to use the editor model, right? in this case though, i think i would use spotlights for headlights...
  19. then take a look at the phy body of the railing model and see if you can make its body simpler...
  20. You might want to also set the phy body to have swept collision as well. There used to be a bug with newton with fast moving objects passing through each other but has been fixed.
  21. This reminds me of the issue we had at one time with the controller getting bounced back erratically in the tunnels.sbx. It had to do with the complex mesh at some of the corners of the tunnel walls. I think Josh has already suggested to you that the headlights seem to have way too much detail. I would try to create a simpler mesh of the truck, use phygen to create the phy body, then use that as the physics body of the truck model.
  22. Anything that is in the Private folder inside the SDK can only be used in the editor for testing/show. To use in your own standalone program, you will have to buy the models from dexsoft. There is a readme file called dexsoft-games.txt in the Private folder. Currently there is only the viperscout model and the spruce tree in the Private folder.
  23. I cannot take credit for the billboard shader - it was originally in the one of the old mesh.vert files from LE 2.2x. I had originally stated that in my first post but forgot to mention it in the copied version after the previous data loss. But I am glad the post had helped out in any case. BTW, we can't see the images of the results here.
  24. well the only tree that came with 2.43 is the spruce_2... and that works ok as long as you only use it in the editor. if you are trying to use it with a standalone program, you will be unable to do so. what one are you having problems with?
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