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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. the updater should give you the option to download 2.4 from the dropdown list... if not then you probably need to use the download link from above...
  2. nice... very handy... now please list how you coded the rest of combat helo in detail
  3. huh? purelight is a completely separate product from LE... has nothing to do with LE except josh worked with them to be able to create a GMF/SBX scene with their product that will allow you to incorporate their GI into LE.. to update LE, download the Installer/Updater from here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/107-sdk-installer-and-updater/... then I would suggest performing a clean install for 2.4 since there have been many changes since 2.3 first came out...
  4. are you meaning you cannot get to this page: http://www.unwrap3d.com/u3d/order.aspx or when you click on one of the pay links it fails? well I just tried all 4 and they worked fine for me... youre not from one of the russian states are you? i believe they are blocked... that or try a different browser...
  5. is there a particular reason you aren't using 2.4? just wondering because 2.3 had two different versions of lua implemented... first we had multi-state lua then about a month later single-state was implemented... class.lua did not exist until then...
  6. the buy button for the zombie apocalypse pack works fine for me... and there are plenty of commandline tools that come with LE to allow you to do the conversions... in the older LE SDK's there is even a X format converter. Unless you are creating all of your models in 3dsmax and are using Arbuz's converter, the best converter you can get is UU3D... it will basically convert almost any model type to GMF for you... and also allows you to edit UV's, scale/position/rotate the model itself, edit/add/remove animations, even just create simple primitive models, set vertex colors, etc... its really a great product.
  7. yes its in the scripts folder... if not then just re-sync and the updater should re-install it.
  8. well the conversion document tkunze posted was for the converter not the veiwer... and the converter is what you would use to convert a model pack's models and textures to gmf and dds...
  9. The converter is actually in this post:http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2758-gmfconv-beta-09/page__p__25717__fromsearch__1#entry25717
  10. nice info... i think i might have to try out your batch converter again... looks like I missed some features.
  11. well with the nice packs from fpscreator or arteria (which are also some of the same fpscreator packs), the items are typically relative in size to each other because each individual pack are all made by one guy...
  12. yes that should work... i was confirming that exact code myself when you replied Flexman, and it appears to work... or at least doesn't cause errors...
  13. well i use UU3D for everthing other than 3dworldstudio models... and setting the scale is simple... 1 square grid in UU3D = 1 square meter grid in LE... once you determine the scale you need to convert one model to, then just apply that same scale to all the other models... granted this assumes that the group of models you are converting have been created relative in size to each other...
  14. ? you realize hardly any content provider offers gmf format and those that do, rarely get it right. If you have UU3D you can easily convert in a matter of minutes and that includes setting the scales, confirming texture assignments... etc... and even the commandline tools that come with LE are pretty straightforward to use. I am sure tkunze will be willing to help you... actually anyone here would do the same as well. Learning how to do these conversions is better for you in the long run, but if you are wanting to just have them done then there are several people around here that can do them quickly.
  15. did you buy the pack? if you did then you could convert it yourself in an hour or perhaps if you show tkunze proof that you bought the pack he would be willing to just hand over his conversions... for free or a small fee...
  16. Yes the fpscreator packs are great as well as the gamecreators store which has tons of miscellaneous models to choose from... @tkunze... its not being picky... i just didn't understand how this post would be a showcase item since you didn't create the models or textures or even a scene for them but just converted them to LE formats... but whatever... it takes less than 5 minutes to convert each model to be useable in LE including textures and mat files, so getting them in gmf format is not that big of a deal. And if its anything like the other content providers that try to make game ready models for LE, you are better off doing it yourself. If they do not have LE and are just using UU3D (like dexsoft) for the conversion, the scale will be way off.
  17. Several people have done this already... MG first explained to chiblue how he did FPSC conversions here and then chiblue created a post reiterating and expanding upon what MG explained about it here... and finally Josh created a tutorial from chiblue's post and put it in the tutorials section here... am I not understanding the issue here or do people really not know how to convert models and textures to the appropriate formats needed for LE? Along with several posts here in this forum on ways to do the conversions, people can always ask questions if they get stuck. and not knocking tkunze here, but is this really a post for the ShowCase forum? shouldn't this be in the Modeling or General Discussion forum? or at the very least the Off-Topic forum?
  18. for the size of that light I would probably use at least two pointlights and also set the gloss of the ceiling's texture low to achieve better surface scattering of the light...
  19. er... do you not read the posts here? using a simple glow shader plus the change described here should work for what chiblue is attempting
  20. where did you get that code for just using the default class script? this is the code you should use: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...)
  21. an extreme version that is a fps hog, but still shows the concept...
  22. but thats just it... even with animation you will only be firing the gun when its aiming which also means for all intents and purposes the gun barrel is in one spot consistently... but in any case, finding the vertex is not that hard... there are several useful commands in the wiki that let you pull information about a mesh's vertex... require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800, 600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(1, 2, 1)) dlight= CreateDirectionalLight() dlight:SetRotation(Vec3(45, 60, 30)) mesh = LoadMesh("abstract::oildrum.gmf") surface = GetSurface(mesh,1) vertcount = CountVertices(surface) vertnumber=0 marker = CreateCube() marker:SetScale(Vec3(.02,.02,.02)) marker:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,0,1)) fw.main.camera:Point(mesh,3,1,0) fw.renderer:SetWireFrame(1) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do if KeyHit(KEY_UP)==1 and vertnumber <= vertcount-1 then vertnumber = vertnumber + 1 end if KeyHit(KEY_DOWN)==1 and vertnumber >= 1 then vertnumber = vertnumber - 1 end vertpos = GetVertexPosition(surface,vertnumber) marker:SetPosition(vertpos) campos=CameraUnproject(fw.main.camera,vertpos) fw:Update() fw:Render() SetBlend(1) DrawText(vertnumber,campos.x,campos.y) DrawText("Press UP/DOWN to increase/decrease vertex number",0,20) DrawText("Number of Vertices: "..vertcount,0,40) DrawText("Current Vertex Number: "..vertnumber,0,60) DrawText("Current Vertex Position: "..vertpos.x..","..vertpos.y..","..vertpos.z,0,80) SetBlend(0) Flip() end
  23. Having a bone for the firespot obviously would be the easiest solution, but you could always just create the emitter in front of the gun using the TForm commands or even just create a Pivot that is parented to the front of the gun at the right spot. Using a vertex position for this can be done, but seems like an overkill for what you are trying to accomplish.
  24. just out of curiosity, do lua scripted emitters work for you?
  25. Why should it? SetBlend is for the drawing commands. Set the world to the transparency world using SetWorld, and then back again to the main world after creating the emitter. The Wiki is your friend.
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