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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. it already does this... when there is a new post added to a blog that you have already read before, a orange box with an arrow is shown... also you can add a notification in your profile for almost anything...
  2. I thought you did a tut for L3DT and terrains? http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Making_a_terrain_using_L3DT and with terragen you did a tut for skyboxes? http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Making_a_skybox_using_Terragen
  3. CHOICEEDIT returns the string... you may need to update though... 2.4 at one point had a bug with CHOICEEDIT...http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-132-script-issue-with-latest-editor/
  4. do you mean like this? http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/857-object-properties/page__view__findpost__p__7499
  5. yes, sorry I meant something like an aura instead of a glow or maybe a highlight is a better description... referring to this:http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/41-highlightglow-outline-effect/page__p__262__hl__highlight__fromsearch__1#entry262
  6. nice Aily... this is very similar to the one you did on the old forum... any suggestion on how to apply it to only a specific model instead of as a post process effect? Something like that would be extremely useful for creating a highlight/glow around a model.
  7. The Spot light script that comes with LE does not inherently paint the light with the material selected. The material selected is applied to the default gmf model. So just add a new property to allow you to do this, like in this example:
  8. Without even looking at the pictures or anything else, your problem is your mat file. You are using a bumpmap shader but yet have no texture assigned to the bumpmap texture slot in the mat file which is typically texture1.
  9. well new version or not, if you are just using meshes for your planets that I assume you are creating with CreateSphere(), then it won't inherently have the ability to store keys... but you could create a class for your planets to do so...
  10. if you are just using meshes, then no keys... and all that you can pull for data is its matrix for the most part... not counting color and other odds and ends...
  11. He suggested that because I suggested that you get the name key of the entity you picked. Models contain keys, meshes, scripts,etc... so to get the name key from the pick.entity (which returns the mesh because picks only work on meshes and terrain), you would have to use the parent of the pick.entity to be able to get its model which holds the key for its name.
  12. fair enough... but thats not what was implied in your previous post... RVL just wanted to do a pick and you commented that they were fixed in the latest version but you didn't have time to upload it. But if your reasoning is that its an unstable version and you are awaiting feedback then thats understandable. People should be made aware of these facts so they do not waste time trying to develop with something that is unstable. Anybody seriously trying to do a project with LE needs to know these things so they can make a decision on using a language that is officially supported or one that is community supported like C#.
  13. ?? how long could that possibly take? true. RVL, my example code was just that... an example for getting the name key... you should be able to get the model like lazlo suggested
  14. do not know about how to do it in C#, but you should be able to get the name of the entity by the GetEntityKey(entity,"name")
  15. you should be able to get the entity from the pick... at least you can in other languages. General Info For Picks
  16. have you removed the non-working radius parameter in the C# version? as well as the collisiontype, since I am assuming that the 'Entity.Class=="Mesh"' is your pickfilter? seems to be missing some parameters...
  17. have you tried rearranging the parameters? file before scale? it shouldnt make any difference but thats the order i use in my gui for the converter and it works fine... other than that all i can think is its an issue with your MAT file
  18. yeah it does seem odd but then again the modelviewer was created back in 2.2X? maybe the issue is there... dunno... never took the time to try to figure it out...
  19. yeah... i actually forgot about that... its almost like the bone from 3dws doesn't play well with the gmf version... which is another reason why i would suggest just do everything in 3dws and convert directly to gmf instead of adding more work for yourself...
  20. still making it harder than needed i believe... the LOD can be whatever model you want... all of that is handled by the LE naming scheme for LODs. So just create your models at the location you want them at... save as 3dw, convert with 3dw2gmf, give the base file a script that loads the individual parts, then have the LOD for the base file be the entire building... set the LOD distance setting to be the same as the entity view range as the models you imported with the base file.
  21. Also, one of the reasons you dont see anything is because the scale of your model is wayyy large... typically the scale from 3dws to LE is 0.0078125 to get normal size objects in LE units. you can try it, but hiding children in every other aspect of LE only results in hiding the child and not the parent. in any case, you are making this harder than it needs to be... just hide the model... no reason to add a step to the conversion process, find the bone name, then attempt to hide the model based on its bone name... just hide the model.... easy-peasy...
  22. if you export a model with a bone and you use the skin shader, you have to export to gmf with the animation option checked even if there is no animation.
  23. No, i don't believe hiding a bone of a model will hide the model. A bone is just a child of a model. Hiding a parent hides the parent and children, but hiding children does not hide the parent. You will probably have issues with setting the location though... you will probably need to do this via the Move option in UU3D after you scale the model. If all you are trying to do is hide models, then just build them in 3dws at the location you want, then export them individually as 3dw files. Use the 3dw2gmf converter to get the scale correct, then just hide based on the gmf model name inside LE as needed.
  24. You can do this via uu3d... it has a merge option. Also, when you export from 3dws to X format, there will be a world bone assigned. In uu3d, you can rename it to whatever you wish. But keep in mind this will require you to use the skin shader.
  25. yes this appears to be the case... the quick and dirty conversion i just did of that c++ tut to bmax somewhat worked and wouldn't crash as long as i commented out all of the push/pop matrix commands in the user defined functions... and AndyGFX's hud example from the old forum uses opengl commands and I believe MG has posted a small snippet here in this forum... not to mention that the blitz forum has a whole board dedicated to opengl programming. i would suggest breaking down masterxilo's example into sections and work on getting small parts of it to work to see what is causing the issue...
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