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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. so youre not going the blender route? ah thats too bad... was looking forward to having to watch a video tutorial just to learn how to move the camera or to do anything else that's inherently simple in any other interface...
  2. i dont think he is using a pick on a 2d image... more likely just based on mouse position vs image location. Picks, as far as LE is concerned, only work on meshes and the terrain.
  3. I think you are referring to Roland's GUI... but from what I can tell the selection didn't ignore the square shape of the texture; it just appeared that it did since the visible circular part of the texture was close to the edges... http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/25/entry-317-image-based-gui-for-cells-final/
  4. i didnt understand any of that... but i am still fascinated by it...
  5. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1838-how-to-use-billboard-shader/page__view__findpost__p__19856
  6. yes... as shown in Josh's refraction example that he had provided in the tutorial for transparency and refraction... At the bottom of the tutorial, he even added a scripted model to use inside the Editor. Tutorials are our friends!
  7. Josh does try to give support (when he isn't coding LE) and sometimes offer the possibility of specific features (see the purelight addition and shadow casting emitters to 2.4). Just expecting Josh to support every developer here with specific things to their projects is a little unrealistic considering you bought the engine as-is. Requesting a feature is one thing, but demanding it and complaining that you are not being supported is another. And you don't convince the engine developer about your project features... you pick an engine based on its current capabilities you want your project to have. Complaining after the fact that the engine doesn't support the 'feature' you want in your game to try to get the developer to support it, seems backwards to me.
  8. nope... still an issue.. bug report is going on a month with not even a confirmation come next week...
  9. sure, if it makes you happy... but unlike what you implied, it doesn't prevent you from printing it 2-sided. but why even print it out? The links allow you to navigate quicker than flipping through hardcopy... and being an owner of a smart car, I would have thought you wouldn't want to waste paper on something like that
  10. really? thats worthy of a complaint? still doesn't prevent you from printing it out 2-sided. in any case, kennar, thanks. very useful.
  11. both color and 2-sided page printing can be handled by setting your printer preferences...
  12. what about coronas? I was under the impression you used a lot of coronas on the lights for your helicopters and other objects? Corona issue
  13. Just using physics gives decent results... but I agree with Andy that faking the catapult throwing an object can give just as good of results and might actually give you more control over the object being shot. require("scripts/constants/keycodes") require("scripts/math/math") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw = CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPosition(Vec3(-3,6,-6)) light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,-45,-40) ,1) groundphy = CreateBodyBox(100,1,100) ground = CreateCube(groundphy) ground:SetScale(Vec3(100,1,100)) groundphy:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-6,0)) groundphy:SetCollisionType(1) slingphy = CreateBodyBox(12,.5,.5) sling = CreateCube(slingphy) sling:SetScale(Vec3(12,.5,.5)) sling:SetColor(Vec4(1,1,0,1)) slingphy:SetCollisionType(1) slingphy:SetMass(100) stopphy = CreateBodyBox(.2,1,1,slingphy) stop = CreateCube(stopphy) stop:SetScale(Vec3(.1,1,1)) stop:SetColor(Vec4(0,0,1,1)) stopphy:SetPosition(Vec3(6.2,0,0),1) stopphy:SetCollisionType(1) fulcrumphy = CreateBodyBox(.5,2,.5) fulcrum = CreateCube(fulcrumphy) fulcrum:SetScale(Vec3(.5,2,.5)) fulcrum:SetColor(Vec4(0,1,0,1)) fulcrumphy:SetPosition(Vec3(-3,-1.5,0),1) joint = CreateJointHinge(fulcrumphy,slingphy,Vec3(-3,0,0),Vec3(0,0,1)) SetHingeJointLimits(joint,-75,45) camerapitch=fw.main.camera.rotation.x camerayaw=fw.main.camera.rotation.y SetPhysicsQuality(0) trigger = 0 while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do dx=Curve((MouseX()-Round(GraphicsWidth()/2))/4.0,dx,3.0/AppSpeed()) dy=Curve((MouseY()-Round(GraphicsHeight()/2))/4.0,dy,3.0/AppSpeed()) MoveMouse(Round(GraphicsWidth()/2),Round(GraphicsHeight()/2)) camerapitch=camerapitch+dy camerayaw=camerayaw-dx fw.main.camera:SetRotationf(camerapitch,camerayaw,0,1) if KeyHit(KEY_SPACE)==1 then if trigger == 0 then trigger = 1 slingphy:SetMassCenter(Vec3(-6,0,0)) slingphy:AddForce(Vec3(0,.1,0)) else trigger = 0 slingphy:SetMassCenter(Vec3(6,0,0)) slingphy:AddForce(Vec3(0,.1,0)) end end if KeyHit(KEY_F)==1 then ammophy = CreateBodyBox(.25,.25,.25) ammo = CreateCube(ammophy) ammo:SetScale(Vec3(.25,.25,.25)) ammo:SetColor(Vec4(1,0,1,1)) ammophy:SetCollisionType(1) ammophy:SetMass(1) ammophy:SetFriction(1,.25) ammophy:SetPosition(Vec3(4.5,-4,0),1) end fw:Update() fw:Render() SetBlend(1) DrawText("Press SPACE to Fire or Reset Catapult",0,20) DrawText("Press F to Load Ammo in Catapult",0,40) if ammo~= nil then DrawText("Ammo Position: "..ammo:GetPosition(1).x,0,60) end SetBlend(0) Flip(0) end
  14. i'm using firefox and its not doing that... its just this site? or maybe some updates are needed from mozilla?
  15. macklebee


    Groups were removed several months ago when Josh rewrote the vegetation layering i believe... http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1354-project-werkflow/page__view__findpost__p__12728 if you try the script I posted in that link, it no longer works... it doesn't cause an error, but instead doesn't do anything... So unless Josh has some other method that would enable you to group entities, I don't think its possible anymore with LE commands... i guess you could always just add the entities to a table/array, then perform whatever against that table/array
  16. not bad... some suggestions to fix or clarify in the pdf version: This line is not doing anything since camera is not a Vec3 value controller:SetPosition(camera) This line is not needed because the relationship is already being set by the standard collisions.lua file that is ran at the start of the program since its in the scripts/start folder Collisions(COLLISION_CHARACTER,COLLISION_SCENE,1) These lines are not doing anything... I assume they were supposed to be the initial settings for 'gx' & 'gy' dx=0.0 dy=0.0 The 5th parameter for the controller update is maxacceleration, not smoothing. It determines how quickly the controller will accelerate in movement. When starting to move, it controls how quickly it will get to maximum speed. When you stop, it controls how fast you slow down. So a higher maxacceleration value will make you slow down quicker and remove the 'ice-skating' effect. still all in all, a decent guide to help beginners use controllers in lua. good job.
  17. this way seems to work fine... don't know why GetEntityMaterial() fails... RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPositionf(0,0,-2) ball=LoadModel("abstract::ball.gmf") ballmaterial = GetSurfaceMaterial(GetSurface(GetChild(ball,1),1)) balltexture = GetMaterialTexture(ballmaterial,0) boxtexture = LoadTexture("abstract::box1.dds") ground=CreateCube() ground:SetScalef(10.0,1.0,10.0) ground:SetPositionf(0.0,-2.0,0.0) ground:Paint(ballmaterial) light=CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotationf(45,45,45) while AppTerminate()==0 do ball:Turnf(AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5) if MouseHit(1)==1 then SetMaterialTexture(ballmaterial,boxtexture,0) end if MouseHit(2)==1 then SetMaterialTexture(ballmaterial,balltexture,0) end fw:Update() fw:Render() DrawText("Left click to change to box texture",0,50) DrawText("Right click to change to ball texture",0,70) Flip() end
  18. just to ask the obvious question, but does the ball have a material file listed in its GMF? if there is no material file, i suspect this is why its failing... why not attach the ball.gmf to the post so someone can try to troubleshoot.
  19. is this really a feature request for Josh or more of just wishing to have this script? this seems to be something anyone could already script themselves... granted it appears somethings are not exposed fully to lua yet... and it seems to be overwritten by the editor's settings when you first open a map, but it seems to work decent enough for loading a scene in bmax or lua...
  20. macklebee


    odd... where did you get the dae2fbx.exe converter then?
  21. macklebee


    Are you using the Evaluation Demo or are you a SDK owner now? just wondering cuz last week you said you were using the demo... so its great that you are a SDK owner now!
  22. macklebee


    You should send Josh your information and registration key so he can make you a SDK owner and give you access to the private forums. See this post for details: If you need access to the forums
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