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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. odd... I dont remember any animations in the cars I have tried...
  2. The only thing I would suggest is to comment out lines one at a time until you get the program not to crash on startup. It basically just looks like a command is trying to be used on a variable that is null.
  3. You are trying to use a mat file from Dave Lee's The Zone, or at least the abstract path is grabbing it. Either remove the Zone folder from your SDK or change the name of your mat file to something else.
  4. no didnt forget it... just didnt take the time to fix your code as listed from above just to show that the CreateJointSlider() command was not a method of object.model...
  5. no you are correct... just performed an update and the editor's play doesn't work as before... you have to actually hit the Reset button before physics occur...
  6. what version of LE are you updating from? have you tried to just recreate the dynamic PHY file for the model?
  7. Let me know how it ends up working for you... I am curious what you end up using as a workaround.
  8. as far as LoadModel() is concerned it doesn't make a difference since lua just adds the two strings together...
  9. This will effect you if you are using framework's render when you are using a camera to render to that custom buffer to be set as a model's material texture. You can get around it by setting the buffer to the same size as the graphics window or you can use a non-framework render() but then you lose out on any framework effects you were hoping to get on the display. This played havoc on mine and MG's cctv screen that was working just fine before this change.
  10. Its because CreateJointSlider is not a method of object.model. It should be something like this (assuming the rest of your parameters are filled out correctly): object.joint = CreateJointSlider(myWheelFL, Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2), Vec3(-1.6, 0, 0))
  11. I assume that you are using a separate render and not the main loop's render()... does the buffer get created each time you create a new component? curious if you are seeing any pausing when doing this...
  12. yeah that will work as long as you dont need those buffers any more...
  13. ah ok... you would still have to use the same ratio as the texture itself to prevent it from stretching... it doesn't appear to be too bad of a hit resource wise for the extra buffer... but its hard to say how many it will take until it affects you: require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() fw.main.camera:SetPositionf(0,0,-2) SetBackgroundColor(Vec4(1,1,1,1)) material=LoadMaterial("abstract::cobblestones.mat") mesh=CreateCube() mesh:Paint(material) ground=CreateCube() ground:SetScalef(10.0,1.0,10.0) ground:SetPositionf(0.0,-2.0,0.0) ground:Paint(material) light=CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotationf(45,45,45) parenttexture = LoadTexture("abstract::oildrum.dds") childtexture = LoadTexture("abstract::locker.dds") parentbuffer = CreateBuffer(TextureWidth(parenttexture),TextureHeight(parenttexture),1+2+4) currentbuffer = CurrentBuffer() function FlipHook() SetBuffer(parentbuffer) DrawImage(parenttexture,0, 0, TextureWidth(parenttexture),TextureHeight(parenttexture)) DrawImage(childtexture,400, 100, TextureWidth(childtexture)/3,TextureHeight(childtexture)/3) parentimage = GetColorBuffer(parentbuffer, 0) SetBuffer(currentbuffer) DrawImage(parentimage,200, 200, TextureWidth(parentimage)/1.5,TextureHeight(parentimage)/1.5) end while AppTerminate()==0 do mesh:Turnf(AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5,AppSpeed()*0.5) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end EDIT-- changed to allow for the textures to not be stretched...
  14. yeah just draw the image at the same fraction of the buffer dimensions for both width and height but it means that what you want your image to look like must have the same relative scale as the width and height of the buffer... EDIT--- I mean the image must have the same width to height ratio as the buffer's width to height ratio...
  15. yeah i wasnt too happy about it either when it happened... especially since it was done just so someone could take a farking screenshot... you can get around it if you use a non-framework render(), which might not effect what you are doing at all...
  16. well since like 2.32 or so, it was changed to where the buffer has to match at least the same size as the framework buffers or you get weird results and sometimes significant slowdowns when rendering those buffers... but if you are not using framework then you should be ok...
  17. Actually PointEntity() is all messed up... doesn't work correctly for models, meshes, primitive meshes, primitive phybodies... there is definitely something wrong with the command...
  18. I am seeing PointEntity work just like described in the wiki for models and meshes... but for mesh primitives, like CreateCube(), and phy bodies, it doesn't seem to matter which axis you use in the PointEntity command; it always gives the same final rotation.
  19. You would either need to set them in your program or create an object script that holds the values so they can be saved to the sbx and then used by the script once the game is running. and just a side note, this would be better posted in the general programming section that is private rather than in the public forum.
  20. Just a standalone script editor? Does that mean no game scripts ran inside the editor?
  21. I personally have never had the tab crash that you always claimed to happen either... but its strange that you are suggesting that Josh just use some standard IDE now when it wasn't that long ago you had started a post stating that he should create a LE IDE for all languages... or at least just the languages that only you use.
  22. viperscout is a protected asset. notice that it is in the Private folder. if you want to use the viperscout outside of the editor, you will need to buy it from dexsoft... or just use your own vehicle...
  23. good point... once its hardcoded, dont need to do it again... actually like that idea lumooja... damn... you get me used to the abstract path and make me wonder why i ever had to hardcode a path and convince me it works great, and now you got me thinking that hardcoded paths are nice again... stop playing with my emotions!
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