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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. So basically with abstract path gone, we are going to have hardcode the paths for everything... even for shaders... hmmm... it will work, I guess... still liked the abstract path, personally... What will take the place of RegisterAbstractPath for setting the working directory? Are you keeping that command where it just sets the base folder? RegisterBaseFolder?
  2. No... just someone making an obvious mistake... perhaps the name he was looking for was Wild Cat?
  3. no he must have or it would have never gotten to those lines in the script since it checks for fw~=nil... that was what i thought as first as well, but I couldn't get the same errors to occur when I tried it. It only happened when I changed those commands to something that wasn't in my lua glue functions...
  4. Its telling you exactly where the problem is... line 34 of the waterplane script and line 69 of the atmosphere script. It doesn't recognize the "fw.renderer.SetWater(1)" and "fw.renderer.BackgroundMode(1)". Do you have those commands available in C# or have you changed these to some derivation so it doesn't recognize them?
  5. Cheers, tkunze... appreciate it. Will be interested in the scaling feature... will take a look at it this weekend.
  6. thats a pointless argument considering Josh has always stated for any upgrade/update that it will be done when it is done...
  7. well considering he is still going to support bmax for LE3, much to some people's chagrin I suspect, any of these issues would have to be worked out any ways... because there will be people that will use the c++ lib in bmax as well as the bmax modules.
  8. thats a lot of "could"s with no actual proof of any benefit at all... much less increase Josh's ability to easily create and modify apps as he can right now with maxgui and its capabilities...
  9. macklebee


    I didn't say that a front end gui wasn't useable... just mentioning the fact that this is all that the program is currently, when there was no hint of it being just a front end for the existing commandline tools. I would hope that Josh would have gotten some cut for any money made on this if you kept it as a sellable item, since its his tools actually making the conversions. I actually think a front end GUI is an extremely nice idea, but having to DL 40MB of .NET seems to be a bit much. Also, a simple cfg text file would suffice for saving the LE SDK path; there's no reason to write stuff to the registry if all you are saving is the SDK path.
  10. well i assume you would have to use the new entity draw callback that was added here recently... though i am not too sure of the syntax... and especially for c++... i would assume there are alot of semicolons and possibly a 'void' in there...
  11. so this would be a gmf? how would this differ from the current creation of mesh primitives?
  12. thats fantastic news... i guess i misunderstood something at one point and thought that the modules were being taken away... great news!
  13. and actually, that does kind of do what you are wanting for the second part as well... that script only shows the shadows that are created from a directional light and not from point or spot lights... i dont know why though...
  14. that would be a nice option to have... would the editor have 4 viewports? or would this be a separate small app that allows you to create the solid then the auto file detection would load it into the assets list?
  15. look at the line right above it that actually has code... sometimes the debugger is off a line when syntax errors occur.
  16. well i dont know about the second one, but this is how I would do the first one: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:DrawEach(camera) if camera==fw.main.camera then GetChild(object.model,1):Hide() else GetChild(object.model,1):Show() end end end
  17. your camera is inside the cube... either move the cube forward a couple of meters or move the camera back a couple of meters... and CreateSpotLight() needs the range parameter filled out... and also moved because its also currently inside the cube
  18. well it shows FPS because thats the default in LE when using framework. You would have to set the SetStats() to a zero to remove it... and all 2D elements like text and images should be done right before the Flip and after the update and render... so it should look like this: Repeat LEUpdateFramework() LERenderFramework() LEDrawText("Hello World!",32,32) LEFlip() Until Quit = 1 Or LEAppTerminate()
  19. but will all the modules be available to us? All of them like what we currently have now?
  20. i believe it will cause a problem... I think 2.30 was one of the updates that required new phy files... along with version 2.32... but its the oildrum.PHY file so its not like its not readily available... you could just put a note in there about them having to use a PHY file from their current SDK... along with the newton.dll...
  21. In one of the old SDK's there's a tool that Josh made called TextureTool.exe, and it works just fine for making mipmaps. Also the current Tools folder has MakeDDS.exe which also has an option button that will allow you to save mipmaps.
  22. Its just one those things to be aware of if you are using the LE lua scripts in your game. I believe its due to the fact that abstract paths do not work in the lua command 'require()'. This is one of the things first mentioned when LE2.3 first came out and there have been other posts asking this as well in the past. I do not know if it is or not, but I would think that Aggror probably mentioned this in the user's guide as well.
  23. macklebee


    So basically you made a front end GUI for existing commandline tools? that works... i guess i was under the impression that there was something else being done with this... but thats probably my fault making that assumption since you were going to charge for it... but in any case, it works decent enough once i downloaded 40 MB of .NET...
  24. oh really? wow thanks ... if it was just one command I wouldn't have said anything... but he is talking about changing the syntax for almost every LE command, meaning that if you want to use any previously working code you would have to do this for every single command... which would mean troubleshooting the same code all over again. No, I didn't expect it to compile verbatim since official bmax modules were being dropped, but the change of the standard syntax that we are all used to is kind of a shocker. And I am going to have to agree with lumooja, but not based on the "global standard". SetEntityPosition() has a lot more of a natural feeling than EntitySetPosition().
  25. the one i bought was broken on arrival... can you refund me?
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