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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. thanks, but that doesn't resolve the problem
  2. yeah, i have asked about it before and gotten no feedback... guess maybe i should have made a bug report... Get Vertex Index
  3. I believe camera FOV is just CameraZoom... not sure, would have to play around with it... and Fog is SetDistanceFog
  4. well thats also my point... if it only happens to you on the tunnels map, is it really an issue? try creating your own map with similar lighting effects and see if it happens to you... if it does, then i would be concerned... but if you cannot reproduce it, why worry?
  5. i thought you said it only happens on the tunnels map? like i said it works fine here
  6. ok how about this? --Play the animation if playAnimation == 1 then frame = frame + AppSpeed() path:Animate(frame, 1, 0, 1 ) if frame >= 1029 then playAnimation = 0 frame = 0 end end
  7. It appears the GMF Processor only works on static meshes? It would be ideal if it worked on animated meshes as well since they are usually very high polycount and cause significant delays/pauses when hit with a raycast for the first time... Not to mention, it collapses the gmf file size down significantly which is always a bonus.
  8. is "path" the animated mesh or is it a bone of the mesh? Setting the camera to a bone of the mesh should work.
  9. it looks fine on my end...
  10. looks fantastic... will also try it when i get back from work... (you should have released this yesterday!)
  11. fantastic stuff, Aily/void... cant wait to see more
  12. try it in an older version of LE... like 2.31, cause it worked fine there...
  13. so you were going to help with the other kind?
  14. do you have all of the dll's in the SDK's root directory? i think there are three of them...
  15. you need to look at the parameters for UpdateController. One of them is for setting the max acceleration... set it between 200-500 and you should see the sliding and slow build up go away...
  16. glad i could help, diedir...
  17. Is the box (projectile) just a create cube you are making and the phyproj is its body? if you parent those you shouldn't have to set the position for both... Also, try AddForce instead of AddForceAtPoint. Try this and see if it helps: require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/math/math") RegisterAbstractPath("") Graphics(800,600) fw=CreateFramework() light = CreateDirectionalLight() light:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,45)) camerapitch=fw.main.camera.rotation.x camerayaw=fw.main.camera.rotation.y HideMouse() MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) DebugPhysics(1) while KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do gx=Round(GraphicsWidth()/2) gy=Round(GraphicsHeight()/2) dx=Curve((MouseX()-gx)/4.0,dx,3.0/AppSpeed()) dy=Curve((MouseY()-gy)/4.0,dy,3.0/AppSpeed()) MoveMouse(gx,gy) camerapitch=camerapitch+dy camerayaw=camerayaw-dx camerapitch=math.min(camerapitch,90) camerapitch=math.max(camerapitch,-89.99) fw.main.camera:SetRotationf(camerapitch,camerayaw,0,1) if MouseHit(1)==1 then phyproj = CreateBodyBox(1,1,1) projectile = CreateCube(phyproj) projectile:SetColor(Vec4(math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,1)) phyproj:SetMass(1) local V = TFormVector(Vec3(0, 0, 2), fw.main.camera, nil) V = Vec3(fw.main.camera.position.x + V.x, fw.main.camera.position.y + V.y, fw.main.camera.position.z + V.z) PositionEntity(phyproj, V, 0) RotateEntity(phyproj, EntityRotation(fw.main.camera, 0), 0) phyproj:AddForcef(0, 100, 1500, 0) end fw:Update() fw:Render() DrawText("Press left mouse button to fire a cube",0,40) Flip(0) end ShowMouse()
  18. dont feed the trolls
  19. nice MG... not bad for an old codger...
  20. +1 for Benny! Thanks MG... some good stuff!
  21. a quad is a polygon... and assuming that the model was made with quads, it means when done in LE which converts the quads to triangles, it will be over 100K...
  22. well, if you close out the editor and then open up the INI file again, you will see that it truncated the numbers to 1 decimal place even though it shows 5 or 6... So maybe it is letting you use the .3048 on start up and it doesn't overwrite to .30000 until shutdown... dunno... I didnt know exactly what it was doing, so thats why i suggested .3 and 3.0... but in any case, glad that it works for you!
  23. Sometimes, but typically I just type in the number... would be easier if you could tab from control to control though to allow for quicker changes by keyboard without having to use the mouse
  24. Jordan, you could try rewriting the class.lua script to do position as three PROPERTY_FLOATs instead of a PROPERTY_VEC3. PROPERTY_FLOATs have the ability to add a "min,max,resolution" as an extra parameter. The resolution parameter will allow you to increase the number of decimal places. Also, if you open Editor.INI in notepad, you can change the GridSize to 0.3 and Major Gridlines to 3.0... while this might not be exact, it should get you closer than what you are now. Josh would need to give us the option of changing the resolution of these settings as well, since they appear to be using only 1 decimal place.
  25. there is the dofile("filename.lua") in lua, but nothing like that has been set yet that I know of in leadwerks engine for c++...
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