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Everything posted by macklebee

  1. As for setting up lua code without using a empty mesh, you can create a lua script and place it in the Scripts/Start folder. Then run your c++ program that has lua enabled and it will invoke the scripts inside the Start folder. It would also get invoked by lua game scripts. Or you can just call the script from another object's script. I use this to setup global properties. I guess you could use a c++ program to call a commandline "engine.exe scriptname.lua" to run it, but the c++ program wouldn't inherently be able to communicate to it. EDIT--- sorry i am thinking of standalone scripts that use engine.exe...
  2. yeah it does seem that you are limited with some of the command line converters... I assume arbuz's 3dsmax converter has a scale option?
  3. yep, i essentially use uu3d as well but when i use 3dws then i use the 3dw2gmf converter which has a scale parameter. I had thought some of the other converters had some options as well, like remove vertex color, scaling... but dont hold me to that... its been a long time... I have a small gui interface for 3dws that just runs the converter in the background in silent mode, but it only allows me to select one model and then automatically copies the resulting gmf to a folder of my choice... i was just thinking yours could easily be setup to do something like this as well.
  4. only my wife calls me by that name when she's mad at me its been mack for 30 years... yep, i really like hexagon... its great for what it does... look forward to setting up a scene with this...
  5. if the model is animated, you have to use the skin shader.
  6. ah, i see... out of curiosity, what will the format of models be in for a cell phone game? or is it an issue with textures?
  7. nice... question: I have to pay $20 more to be able to use this model on another platform other than PC? or is the page just a work in progress?
  8. Well I fail to see how Josh is going to resolve an issue that is inherent to a modeling app's way of naming materials... not to mention its usually different in all the apps out there. This program that cocopino has done helps in that aspect to some degree. What would be ideal is a common interface for all of the existing converters, that allows you to pick the converter, set whatever options needed, convert the model to gmf, detect how many surface materials are in the gmf, and then create the material file based on the selections of different templates (like cocopino's app does). But again, this is something that could be done by the community and Josh shouldn't have to waste his time doing it. Cocopino's app seems like it would be a perfect starting point for an app like this to be produced. He just needs to add the converter interface that just uses the existing converters, set options with it, and then scan the created gmf's for number of surfaces and get each material name, then create a mat file. If Josh was using a standard file format then this probably wouldn't be an issue... but then again it might also limit people's choices for modeling apps. Using his own format and providing several different options for converters, gives people choices. In any case, cocopino's apps here do a great job... it really does help. You add the interface for a converter and you'll have a fantastic super app.
  9. how is it that you use 3 modeling apps before you turn it into a gmf something Josh has to fix? or am i missing what your complaint is?
  10. cool... thanks cocopino... very handy!
  11. yeah good point... well, the structure for a Vec16 (mat4) appears to be position, rotation, quaternion, scale... in that order
  12. yeah i reread chris' post a second after i posted it... i guess you could set the quat by using SetEntityMatrix()
  13. kind of pointless for you, isn't it Kevin? its not like you are going to buy it anyways This was done for people that constantly complained about not having GI... so Josh works with purelight to give you a pipeline, and the same people that complained nonstop about getting GI, are now complaining because its going to cost them some money or that it has some limitations on usage. Josh is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't...
  14. unless you make the terrain a FBX/DAE model, I do not see how the existing pipeline could allow terrains at the moment...
  15. cool stuff, MG... thanks for sharing!
  16. Leadwerks User Guide try that out...
  17. whoa! dl'ing now... looks very impressive!
  18. glad to help and those type of primitive shapes are about my limit in modeling
  19. Look here for some basic tutorials on learning 3DWS: Getting Started with 3D World Studio
  20. wish i could download it, but the server its on is very slow... any chance someone could put it on a normal file sharing site like mediafire?
  21. Cool... sounds straight forward enough. So basically you would create the scene in pureLight instead of the Editor... and the Editor will automatically load the lightmap, I assume, from something being called out in the SBX? When do you expect the posting for pureLight for Leadwerks for purchase to be available?
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