Well I fail to see how Josh is going to resolve an issue that is inherent to a modeling app's way of naming materials... not to mention its usually different in all the apps out there. This program that cocopino has done helps in that aspect to some degree. What would be ideal is a common interface for all of the existing converters, that allows you to pick the converter, set whatever options needed, convert the model to gmf, detect how many surface materials are in the gmf, and then create the material file based on the selections of different templates (like cocopino's app does). But again, this is something that could be done by the community and Josh shouldn't have to waste his time doing it. Cocopino's app seems like it would be a perfect starting point for an app like this to be produced. He just needs to add the converter interface that just uses the existing converters, set options with it, and then scan the created gmf's for number of surfaces and get each material name, then create a mat file.
If Josh was using a standard file format then this probably wouldn't be an issue... but then again it might also limit people's choices for modeling apps. Using his own format and providing several different options for converters, gives people choices.
In any case, cocopino's apps here do a great job... it really does help. You add the interface for a converter and you'll have a fantastic super app.